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Born to Race

Born to Race

Danny Krueger est une véritable tête brûlée. Son obsession : la course automobile, version extrême. Il enchaîne rodéos et défis illégaux... jusqu'à l'accident. Interdit de volant, il est contraint de s'exiler dans un coin perdu de la Sierra Nevada pour se faire oublier. Humilié, mal intégré dans sa nouvelle ville d'adoption, il décide de prendre sa revanche à sa façon : remporter la NHRA, une course sans limites organisée chaque année dans la Vallée de la Mort....

Born to Race : Fast Track

Born to Race : Fast Track

Chaque année aux États-Unis, la plus prestigieuse école de conduite du Monde rassemble les meilleurs talents de la planète pour une compétition acharnée. Sur 3 000 candidats, seulement une poignée pourra intégrer l’élite. Parmi eux, Danny Krueger, jeune surdoué ascendant tête brûlée. A bord de son bolide, il enchaîne les performances de haut vol. Mais lors des phases finales, son équipier se tue dans un spectaculaire accident. Pour continuer la compétition, il est contraint de faire équipe avec son pire ennemi. Seul et désorienté, Danny va devoir sortir le grand jeu pour remporter la victoire….

Born to Race

Born to Race

A race-car driver falls in love with a beautiful Italian automobile engineer who is traveling the NASCAR circuit to sell her controversial engine technology..

Mark Cavendish: Born to Race

Mark Cavendish: Born to Race

Racing is life. Anything before or after is just waiting. Follow Mark through all the highs and lows in his journey from the early years on a bike on the Isle of Man through to 2012, his career defining year; with all the build up to plus reflective interviews looking back at the Tour De France, and the biggest event in world sport, the London 2012 Olympic Games. Discover what he is really like when the glasses come off, what motivates him, how he relaxes and the meticulous preparation needed to become the fastest man on a bicycle with unique and exclusive access to Mark's training, media days and his rest and relaxation at home, plus interviews with Dave Brailsford, Rod Ellingworth, Bradley Wiggins, Peta Todd and many more. Mark Cavendish: Passionate, Winner, Loyal..

Colin McRae: Born to Race

Colin McRae: Born to Race

The story of Colin McRae, the first British driver to win the World Rally Championship, is told by those who knew him best - his co-drivers Derek Ringer and Nicky Grist, the team bosses at Subaru, Ford and Citroën and his father Jimmy, himself a five-time British rally champion..