

voir film Blue Hour streaming vf

The Blue Hour

The Blue Hour

Tam est un jeune garçon harcelé et rejeté à cause de son homosexualité. Un jour, il va trouver refuge auprès d'un certain Phum, un garçon très mystérieux rencontré sur internet avec qui il va débuter une relation dans une vieille piscine abandonnée, voire même hantée d'après certaines rumeurs. En effet, de mystérieux événements s'y produisent... Tam va alors devoir lutter pour rester connecté à la réalité..

Blue Hour

Blue Hour

Lee, an anxious young man living in rural Alberta, is about to start a new job in road construction. Confounded by the news of an illness in the family and masculinity stereotypes-- Lee must decide whether to stay or go..

Blue Hour

Blue Hour

The evening sun falls on the roof of an industrial building. Two individuals meet – whether intentionally or by accident remains unclear. What follows is a scene in which dream and reality are very close. Blue hour is cruising, with a difference..

Blue Hour

Blue Hour

Maja, a waitress in a small village, aimlessly floats through life, while trying to come to terms with a much different past; until one day a strange woman, who is waiting for someone, comes into Maja's place of work..

Blue Hour

Blue Hour

Two personal journeys intersect when a struggling young photographer is hired for a cheap last minute portrait gig. The unfolding photo session, while transient, leaves an indelible mark on both women..

Blue Hour

Blue Hour

This sci-fi neo-noir thriller tracks the daunting experience of John, who comes to New York to visit his old friend Catfish. Catfish, threatened by intimidating gangsters, asks John to submit to medical experiments conducted by a mysterious Orwellian organization known as The Foundation. Put to sleep by a potion, he wakes up three days later with all memories erased. As he tries to solve the mystery of what happened to him, flashes of memory haunt him as he struggles to find out who he can and cannot trust..

Blue Hour

Blue Hour

Two personal journeys intersect when a struggling young photographer is hired for a cheap last minute portrait gig. The unfolding photo session, while transient, leaves an indelible mark on both women..

Blue Hour

Blue Hour

A fire drill brings together four first-year college students who stayed in the dormitory during the winter break - revealing and evolving their relationships as strangers, friends, lovers, and exes..

Blue Hour: The Disappearance of Nick Brandreth

Blue Hour: The Disappearance of Nick Brandreth

True crime documentarian Olivia Brandreth was nine years old when her father disappeared. The official police statement was suicide though no body was ever recovered. Twenty five years later, Olivia has returned to her childhood home to finally get closure in an unrelenting attempt to set the record straight. Blue Hour chronicles the journey of a dedicated film crew in their search to figure out what really happened that night in 1997..

The Blue Hour

The Blue Hour

The Blue Hour raconte l'histoire de Tanya, une jeune femme au passé mystérieux se retrouvant prise au piège dans l'enfer d'une Los Angeles livrée au sexe..

Blue Hour

Blue Hour

Trapped in her anemic career and love relationship, a 30-year-old TV commercial director returns to her countryside home in the company of a free-spirited friend. In a bittersweet reunion with an alienated family, her childhood memories of freedom and yearnings creep in the dreamlike blue hour, transcending into a lyricism of self-realization – at once whimsical, agonizing and yet hopeful..

The Blue Hour

The Blue Hour

Several strangers in Los Angeles weave their stories of loss and hope, not knowing that their lives have brushed up against each others in small but sometimes profound ways.

Blue hour

Blue hour

16-year-old Niklas is schizophrenic and has trouble distinguishing between reality and dreams. After he failed the 10th grade, his last summer holidays begin. Instead of using the time for parties and girls, Niklas withdraws. But then he meets Lotta and seems to be able to overcome his illness. Everything is going well at the beginning until he makes a serious mistake..