

voir film Blow-Up streaming vf



Thomas, un célèbre photographe de mode, prépare un reportage photo sur Londres. Il passe ainsi une nuit dans un asile de clochards, puis reçoit dans son atelier un groupe de cover-girls. Pour compléter son éventail de clichés, il prend ensuite discrètement en photo un couple d'amoureux dans un parc. À sa grande surprise, la femme se précipite vers lui pour lui arracher son appareil. Elle le poursuit jusqu'à son domicile et s'offre même à lui dans l'espoir de récupérer les négatifs. Intrigué, Thomas lui remet une autre pellicule. Une fois le précieux film développé, il découvre sur les agrandissements un corps inerte, caché derrière un buisson, et une main tenant un revolver….

Blow Up

Blow Up

In a celebration of skill, precision, creativity and joy, Blow Up transforms the humble balloon into jaw-dropping and awe-inspiring artistic creations. Prepare to suspend your disbelief, as 10 incredibly talented Australian balloon artists converge on the Blow Up studio to weave their magic, with mind-blowing results that will delight fans of all ages..



Un groupe de militants environnementaux s’organise pour commettre un acte de sabotage de grande envergure : faire exploser un pipeline..



The raw material used in Blow-up comprises two shots from an old educational film about first aid: A man demonstrates mouth-to-mouth resuscitation on a life-size dummy; the dummy´s chest rises and falls. Fruhauf introduces this scene into his own métier, turning the "blow-up" metaphor into an image with a false bottom. With the aid of a digital photocopier, the strip of film was reduced in size to a narrow ribbon, and Blow-up shows this transformation in reverse..



Girl, knife and doll come together in this controversial dramatization of the original early 1990s Tribe 8 queer punk band "Masochist Medley" stage act featuring San Francisco drag king Marya's legendary stage performance as Uncle Rod..

Blow Up

Blow Up

New Zealand’s best balloon artists battle it out to showcase their skill and creativity. Within a limited timeframe, the contestants must complete unique challenges and wow the expert judges with their mesmerising creations. These one-of-a-kind creations bring audiences into the magical world of balloon art and highlight the potential each balloon poses..

Blow Up My Life

Blow Up My Life

A disgraced pharmaceutical employee accidentally discovers a deadly opioid vape conspiracy, sending him on the run to expose the crime with a trail of chaos in his wake..

Blow Up

Blow Up

Blow Up est un web magazine et une émission de télévision créée et présentée par Luc Lagier, disponible sur la plate-forme numérique d'Arte et diffusée très ponctuellement sur la chaîne franco-allemande depuis novembre 2010. C'est une émission culturelle consacrée à l'histoire du cinéma utilisant des montages et des extraits de films pour expliciter une thématique ou une personnalité (acteur/rice ou réalisateur/rice) du septième art..

Carmina or Blow Up

Carmina or Blow Up

Carmina, 58, runs a shop selling Iberian products in Seville. After several robberies and no help from her insurance company, she comes up with a way to recover the money she needs to keep her family. While she waits in her kitchen for her plan to kick in, she thinks back over her life, her work and her miracles..

Blow Up

Blow Up

Haunted by 9/11 a young woman obsessively watches airplanes from her flat on the 25th floor of a housing estate in London's impoverished Tower Hamlets district..



Hum Breaders x Frederic, the first two-man event by a band from Kansai! A special feature on the music event "SOUND CONNECTION-BLOW UP-" to be held at Osaka Castle Concert Hall on Saturday, July 1st! "SOUND CONNECTION" is a music festival that enlivens the Kansai music scene, with MBS TV teaming up with Kansai eventers and the entertainment industry. Gachinko Tuman's live performance and backstage interview at Osaka Noon in summer!.