

voir film Black Snake streaming vf

Black Snake

Black Snake

En 1835, l'île de San Cristobal est gouvernée par une jeune comtesse sadique et totalitaire. Entourée de quelques fanatiques impitoyables, elle fait régner la terreur en flagellant à mort ses esclaves. Ceux-ci se révolteront pour combattre l'oppression et abolir le racisme..

Black Snake Moan

Black Snake Moan

Le blues a toujours fait partie de Lazarus. Jadis, dans sa bourgade du Tennessee, il en jouait en virtuose chaque week-end pour faire danser les couples. Dix ans ont passé, Lazarus s'est marié, s'est rangé, a abandonné la musique, s'est laissé piéger par la routine, s'est fait plaquer. Un puissant désir de revanche, un vif ressentiment à l'égard de celle qui l'a trahi, des élans de violence incontrôlés, des rêves de plus en plus sombres composent désormais son quotidien.Un matin, Lazarus découvre aux abords de sa ferme le corps à demi nu d'une fille couverte d'ecchymoses et laissée pour morte au milieu de la route. C'est Rae, que chacun connaît dans cette petite ville, et dont la plupart des hommes du coin ont profité. "Une traînée", dit d'elle sa mère, qui n'eut pas le courage de la protéger d'un père incestueux et assista indifférente à sa précoce descente aux enfers....

Black Snake, la légende du serpent noir

Black Snake, la légende du serpent noir

Après des années passées à Paris, Clotaire Sangala revient dans son pays natal, en Afrique. Élevé par un grand-père chinois expert en arts martiaux, persuadé d’avoir été trouvé dans une poubelle, Clotaire ignore tout du glorieux passé de ses parents. Accroc aux femmes et à la vie facile, égoïste et sans ambition, Clotaire va pourtant être rattrapé par son destin... Il va devenir “Black Snake”, le super-héros masqué et ultra-sapé, libérateur du peuple face au dictateur Ézéchias..

First Daughter and the Black Snake

First Daughter and the Black Snake

The “Prophecy of the 7th Fire” says a “black snake” will bring destruction to the earth. For Winona LaDuke, the “black snake” is oil trains and pipelines. When she learns that Canadian-owned Enbridge plans to route a new pipeline through her tribe’s 1855 Treaty land, she and her community spring into action to save the sacred wild rice lakes and preserve their traditional indigenous way of life. Launching an annual spiritual horse ride along the proposed pipeline route, speaking at community meetings and regulatory hearings. Winona testifies that the pipeline route follows one of historical and present-day trauma. The tribe participates in the pipeline permitting process, asserting their treaty rights to protect their natural resources. LaDuke joins with her tribe and others to demand that the pipelines’ impact on tribal people’s resources be considered in the permitting process..



Black Snake Killaz is a feature-length documentary film about the resistance to the Dakota Access Pipeline. This film explores actions taken by water protectors to stop the construction of the oil pipeline and highlights actions taken by law enforcement, military, and corporate mercenaries to quell the months-long protest. Black Snake Killaz timelines the historical events that unfolded in Standing Rock throughout 2016 and brings you the raw experience from many frontline actions to protect the water. Although the Dakota Access Pipeline is completed, the impact of the movement will be long-lasting. As fossil fuel extraction projects continue to impact some of the most vulnerable communities throughout the United States of America, the importance of the water protectors story grows..

Black Bull and White Snake

Black Bull and White Snake

In Chinese folklore a white snake symbolizes a woman, especially an evil type of woman, while a black bull typifies a man, robust, strong and virile. "Black Bull and White Snake", a film version of Young Nien-ts'u's best-selling novel of the same title, is exactly about a white snake-woman, having been sold into prostitution at an early age, is rescued by a black bull of a man only to fall back into the gutter again. A production from the Grand Motion Picture Company, "Black Bull and White Snake" stars Chiang Ching and newcomer Tien Yeh..

Someone Called me Black Snake

Someone Called me Black Snake

Alguén me chamou Serpe Negra explores the tortuous path that memories and dreams take in our mind. Thanks to the texture of analogue hand-painted animation, the film is an invitation to an oneiric universe made of loose connections and revised spatial dimensions. Filmmaker Borja Santomé Rodríguez takes us with him on a journey made of images that play with love and adventure, childhood curiosities and adult desires, and in which the ultimate reward is to get lost..

Black Hornet

Black Hornet

To free his girlfriend from her contract with a greedy madam, Shang Li (Don Wong) teams up with a cold-blooded thief called the Sparrow (Chiang-lung Wen) to hijack a large shipment of silver. But when the heist suddenly goes bad, Shang Li finds himself with blood on his hands and a price on his head. Martial arts superstars Angela Mao and Lieh Lo also star in this kung fu classic from writer-director Pao-Shu Kao..