

voir film Arena streaming vf



Arena was a G4/G4techTV TV show about competitive gaming which aired from 2002 to 2004. The program's format featured teams taking on each other in the multiplayer video games of the time in the form of a LAN party. Many episodes of the series revolved around a continuing tournament format. Some video games overlap episodes, such as Unreal Tournament 2004 and Call of Duty. Teams are also given a chance to talk about themselves and explain the origin of their team name. Team ZoMBiE won the Tournament of Champions in 2004 to become the Ultimate Arena Champions. Team Kaizen won the Tournament of Champions in 2005 to become the Ultimate Arena Champions. The show was originally hosted by Wil Wheaton and Travis Oates, but both hosts left due to conflicts with the program's producer, Jim Downs, of which many were made public by Wheaton in a Slashdot posting. They were replaced by Lee Reherman and Michael Louden. The final hosts were Reherman and Kevin Pereira. The first two seasons were filmed in studio 2. In 2004, for the shows' third and final season, filming moved into studio 3, which was the largest studio in G4's old headquarters. When word of the TechTV buyout became public, and the show was going to be cancelled as a result, the series banked several episodes, and then scrapped the set in July 2004 to make way for X-Play, The Screen Savers, and Unscrewed with Martin Sargent, three former TechTV properties..



Arena is a British television documentary series, made and broadcast by the BBC. Voted by leading TV executives in Broadcast as one of the top 50 most influential programmes of all time, it has run since 1 October 1975 with over five hundred episodes made, directed by the likes of Martin Scorsese, Alan Yentob, Roly Keating, Frederick Baker, Volker Schlondorff and Vikram Jayanti. Arena's subjects are a roll-call of the world's best known cultural figures from the 20th and 21st centuries, from singers Bob Dylan and Amy Winehouse to academics Edward Said and Eric Hobsbawm, from writers Jean Genet and V S Naipaul to artists Francis Bacon and Louise Bourgeois. The current series editor is Anthony Wall..



Les habitants d'une énorme station spatiale se divertissent en assistant aux combats de lutteurs qu'organisent pour eux les autorités locales. Les champions extraterrestres ont depuis belle lurette damé le pion aux humains, trop tendres pour leur résister. Steve Armstrong, un jeune colosse amoureux fermement décidé à devenir un valeureux gladiateur, accepte, pour les beaux yeux d'une organisatrice, de se mesurer à toutes sortes de monstres. Il entend ainsi mettre un terme à sa paisible existence, passée en compagnie de Shorty, un humanoïde doté de quatre bras qui s'ennuie ferme, loin de sa femme et de ses trente-huit enfants..



A young man under house arrest spends his time in the best way he can by making some tattoos. His relative peace is strangely disturbed when he's attacked and robbed by three kids from the neighborhood. From then on, he'll try to find the kids who took his money and maybe give them a lesson. But with those actions, comes the reflection of how things were and are in this place filled with violence and hostility. Is change possible?.



Aréna is nothing less than an attempt at spatial-temporal filming. It is an associative, avant-garde universe, the entire universe of the world, culture, edited into images of the masses participating in a match and then dispersing, in one- to four-frame flashes with music by Péter Eötvös..



An experimental short film that explores the theme of female rivalry within the patriarchal arena. Trapped in a vicious circle fulled by envy and jealousy, a theatre understudy transcends and finally confronts the real source of her dark emotions..



What are the reasons underlying the human drive toward self-destruction? What is the wellhead of motivation for a person who chooses a life involving perpetual struggle, self-harm and risking their health? Is the road of physical pain an escape route from other kinds of pain? And finally, what lies at the roots of the contemporary fascination with risk and aggression? "Arena" is a film project about contemporary games, arenas and gladiators..



Film réalisé dans le jardin de l'Aréna à côté de Nice. Film sur la cascade. Jeux sur les formes, les reflets, jeux d'eau à l'aide de mouvements de caméra..



Shot in a single take on 70mm, Arena is the latest film by the ever-inventive Austrian artist Björn Kämmerer and a tribute to the unexpected aesthetic pleasures we risk overlooking..



A hitchhiker is taken in by a remote Polish mountain community. Tested by the hardened locals and the unforgiving harshness of his new environment he constitutes his presence in the mountains. But to whom do we have to prove of what we're made?.



Arena is a story about Bochog who competes for a famous, neighborhood thumb wrestling tournament against Paeng whom he can't defeat. But he continues to practice so that he can reach success and seize his throne with the help of his coach, Mik-Mik..



A story of forbidden love. An LGBTQ drama set in Ancient Rome. Arena tells the incredible true story of adopted son of one of Rome's cruelest emperors who must choose between his life as the future ruler of the Ancient world or a love and friendship once forcefully forgotten..