

voir film Anomaly streaming vf



La terrifiante histoire d'une famille en prise avec une entité démoniaque après avoir emménagé dans une maison emplie d'esprits malfaisants..



Set in the late 60's, broken relationships and an astronomical event intertwine the various narrative threads - an abstract interpretation of the historical Christmas narrative..



Gordon "Gordy" Lethbridge-Stewart thought he had left the world of his grandfather behind him. As a research scientist, all he was interested in was developing new technologies. Unfortunately, what he doesn’t know is that retired UNIT operative Captain Douglas Cavendish has given him alien technology to develop his ideas with … and that leads to a great deal of trouble indeed! Trouble that forces Kate Lethbridge-Stewart to make a life or death choice!.



From leading action sports producer Teton Gravity Research comes a film that departs from the common order of skiing and snowboarding..



An armed military team, led by a tough elite solder, is closing on a group of "anomalies," closing in on them through an abandoned wasted landscape. The anomalies are evidence of some strange paranormal activity and it's a perilous situation, and some of the commander's team want to be cautious. But the commander -- whose last mission failed -- is ruthlessly determined to prove herself by succeeding in hunting down the anomalies..



In the Alabama summer heat, two posers find themselves hanging with a duo of mischievous girls. Their day takes a turn for the worse, when the group discovers an app that leads them on an adventure with unforseen, malevolent consequences..

The Anomaly

The Anomaly

Un ex-soldat traumatisé par la guerre se réveil à l'arrière d'un van à côté d'un jeune garçon qui a été kidnappé. Il a 9 minutes et 37 secondes pour comprendre ce qui s'est passé....

Star Trek : Temporal Anomaly

Star Trek : Temporal Anomaly

Star Trek: Temporal Anomaly is the story of an average day aboard the Enterprise 1701-E which takes place just after the incident with the Ba'ku featured in Star Trek: Insurrection. An anomaly suddenly forms and within the blink of an eye somehow leaves only 1 Ensign aboard the Federation flagship. He soon discovers other ships from other times have also been brought to that region of space and each with only 1 crew member left aboard..

The Anomalyst

The Anomalyst

Un enquêteur paranormal doit découvrir quel genre de phénomène surnaturel une jeune vagabonde protège à l'intérieur d'une maison condamnée..

Anomaly: A Paranormal Investigation

Anomaly: A Paranormal Investigation

Investigator Jack Kassewitz applies breakthrough research on interspecies communication to paranormal phenomena. If there is a spirit world connected to ours, Kassewitz believes that bridge can be documented, measured, and explained..

The Last Anomaly

The Last Anomaly

Daniel is stuck in limbo. He's not good enough for heaven, nor is he bad enough for hell. When he meets with the Entity known as St. Peter, Daniel must become involved in a battle of wits in order to be reunited with his lover..

An Anomaly of the Theory

An Anomaly of the Theory

Hugh and Erwin were strangers when a chance encounter changed both of their lives over the course of 10 minutes. Hugh's skeptical sarcasm toward Erwin's peculiar fascination with quantum theory turns dead serious when Erwin provides answers to Hugh's inexplicable life..

Baltic Anomaly: Mystery Continues

Baltic Anomaly: Mystery Continues

Baltic Anomaly: Mystery Continues is a second expedition to the famous baltic circle, found by Ocean X in 2011, news spread around the world reporting it as a crashed UFO. Ocean X team are ocean explorers, searching for shipwrecks to excavate treasures..



Récemment séparée, la neurochirurgienne Valérie Rossier revient s'installer dans sa région natale en Gruyère avec son fils Lucas. Alors qu'elle prend ses nouvelles fonctions auprès du célèbre Professeur Wassermann surviennent d'étranges événements qui lui font peu à peu découvrir ses pouvoirs de guérisseuse, à son grand désarroi. Réparer une erreur du passé peut-il influencer le présent? Des personnages tourmentés, des univers contrastés, envoûtants et parfois angoissants… Une série fantastique à la croisée des sciences et des croyances..