

voir film Angels of Death streaming vf

Angels of Death

Angels of Death

Lorsque Rachel se réveille dans le sous-sol d'un immeuble abandonné, elle ne comprend pas comment elle est arrivée là. Tandis qu'elle cherche une sortie, elle tombe sur Zack, un tueur en série portant une faux et bandé de la tête aux pieds. Elle lui demande de la tuer, ce qu'il accepte si la jeune fille l'aide d'abord à s'échapper. Cette étrange promesse les entraîne à devenir partenaires. Où sont-ils ? Pourquoi sont-ils piégés ? Quel destin les attend ? Un voyage entre la vie et la mort commence….

Angel of death

Angel of death

Eve, un assassin impitoyable, reçoit un violent coup de couteau au cours d'une de ses missions. Elle survit à sa terrible blessure, mais elle est désormais hantée par les visions de toutes ses victimes. Pour s'en sortir, elle sait qu'elle doit retrouver ses anciens commanditaires et les éliminer. D'autant qu'un autre tueur à gages a été lancé à ses trousses... .

City of Angels | City of Death

City of Angels | City of Death

Documents the chilling 1970s-80s era of rampant serial killers in Los Angeles with first-hand accounts from the detectives who tracked down the Freeway Killer, Hillside Strangler and Sunset Strip Killer, bringing justice for the victims and survivors.

Angel of Death

Angel of Death

Une jeune fille est assassinée près d'Opole. Des mutilations corporelles terrifiantes et des marques laissées sur place indiquent un meurtre rituel. La question est traitée par la commissaire Agnieszka Polkowska. En raison de l'extraordinaire cruauté du crime et de la suspicion que l'auteur pourrait être un tueur en série, l'affaire s'intéresse au siège provincial. Polkowska, à son grand mécontentement, est affectée à l'enquête sur le commissaire Tomasz Mrówiec. A cette époque, Piotr Wolnicki, enseigne les études religieuses à l'université d'Opole. Il travaille et vit en permanence avec sa famille dans une belle maison. Déjà à la rentrée, l'homme choisit son humble et intelligente élève Ewa Banach comme favorite. La jeune fille ne sait pas que son conférencier cache un sombre secret..

Royal Angels - On Duty of Death

Royal Angels - On Duty of Death

A computer disk that prints counterfeit money has been stolen and is up for sale to the highest bidder. A crack team of detectives led by Ben, Carrie, and Kurt sets out to intercept the disk and use it as bait to force shady businessman and under-world godfather Gilman to show his hand..

Angel of Death

Angel of Death

Manila is a high-demand model. One day, her car breaks down on the way home and she meets Angelo and Mike, two nasty women traffickers. They are looking for new women for their brothels and harass Manila. She puts up a desperate fight, but the two pimps are stronger: they rape Manila. From now on, Manila's life no longer runs as usual. She is plagued by nightmares in which the two pimps haunt her. What's more, she can no longer have relationships with men. In the middle of sex with her boyfriend, visions of rape haunt her again and she kills her boyfriend with great satisfaction. She realizes that only women can give her pleasure. She hires a call girl, but this meeting also ends in death as she discovers the remains of her boyfriend. Manila knows that only revenge on her tormentors can turn her life around. In the red light district of the two pimps, a thrilling final battle ensues, which turns out differently than either side had hoped....

Angels of Death - Final Cut

Angels of Death - Final Cut

With an amazing cast of Blood Angels Space Marines, blistering ship-to-ship combat, an awesome soundtrack, and the best Techmarine ever invented, Angels of Death has been a fan favorite from the moment it first dropped on Warhammer TV. Today, for the first time, we’re proud to present the10 episodes in a special feature-length format – so you can sit down and watch all 164 uninterrupted minutes in movie-form..

Angels of Death

Angels of Death

The Soviet General Vlasov remains one of the most intriguing, yet least known figures of World War II. In 1942, the German war machine had come to a halt near the Russian city of Leningrad. The Russian Second Assault Army, led by General Vlasov, fights itself to death in an effort to break the German siege. Their general is captured and later defects to the Germans. In ANGELS OF DEATH we experience the fate of General Vlasov’s army as we hear the personal accounts of those who died in the massacre through their poems, letters and photographs..

Angels of Death

Angels of Death

When they were younger, a pair of beautiful sisters were forced to watch a bunch of thugs brutally kill their parents. Not bad enough? Well, OK then, they were also savagely raped. Now someone's going around slashing people up. Has one or both of the sisters lost it? A couple of police detectives try to find out..

Paths of Death and Angels

Paths of Death and Angels

Reviewers found this somewhat surreal film so visually stunning as to be worth watching even when it was not clear to them what was going on. In the story, Jozef Schrevek is a man with unusual powers which he wishes to pass on to his son before his death, which is coming soon. Unfortunately, his son is much more interested in boozing and womanizing and being a well-known habitué of nightclubs, than in taking his father seriously and receiving his powers and the responsibilities which come along with them. The tension between the two escalates when a young woman enters their lives..

Ballad of the Angel of Death

Ballad of the Angel of Death

Shinigami are the gods of death who come to take the souls from the ones who are no longer living and Daniel, was assigned to the most unusual from them, since Momo doesn't look anything like other death gods. She wears all white and instead of being cold and dispassionate towards her charges, she cries for their plight. These are stories about the ones who carry the mission of reaping..

Le fossoyeur

Le fossoyeur

Un hors-la-loi déguisé en Sartana commet un audacieux hold-up : celui de la banque la plus sûre de l’ouest. Une fois en lieu sûr, il descend ses associés pour garder le butin à son seul profit. La tête de Sartana est évidemment mise à prix et les chasseurs de prime se lancent à sa poursuite. Le véritable héros décide donc de retrouver le coupable pour se blanchir et en même temps, compte bien tenter de garder les 300 000 $ pour lui..

Angel of Death

Angel of Death

Un commando à la recherche du célèbre Dr Mengele tue un autre médecin nazi par erreur. Mengele se cache sous un faux-nom et prépare le quatrième Reich....

Semana Santa

Semana Santa

A Séville, Maria Delgado, inspecteur de police fraîchement promue, prend ses fonctions dans un milieu peu enclin à accueillir une femme, si jolie soit-elle. C'est la Semaine Sainte et elle se retrouve confrontée à d'étranges meurtres. Des crimes marqués au sang d'un pénitent, un homme cagoulé arborant le rouge de l'ordre religieux de la Fraternité du Christ. Epaulée par Torillo et Quemada, un jeune flic borné et quelque peu misogyne, Maria est chargée de l'enquête.Cependant, les recherches piétinent et le tueur sévit selon un même rituel qui rappelle celui de la tauromachie. Au sein de l'équipe, des liens se tissent. Entre Maria et Quemada, peu à peu, les barrières tombent. Mais le tueur prend bientôt la belle pour cible..

The Angel of Death

The Angel of Death

During an air raid the girl accidentally loses the daily bread ration. A strange old woman picks it up. the woman is death herself carrying scissors which she uses to cut the thread of life of people dying in the besieged city. but at the last moment death saves the girl..