

voir film Angel Eyes streaming vf

Angel Eyes

Angel Eyes

L'officier de police Sharon Pogue sert dans un des quartiers les plus chauds de Chicago. Appréciée de ses collègues pour son courage et son intégrité, la jeune femme s'investit totalement dans sa carrière pour mieux oublier le ravage de sa vie privée. En conflit avec son père, qu'elle arrêta dix ans auparavant pour violence conjugales, elle a été bannie de sa famille - une blessure qu'elle garde en elle et qui ne s'est toujours pas cicatrisée. Pourtant, une nuit, sa vie bascule lorsqu'un inconnu la tire d'une embuscade mortelle..

Angel Eyes

Angel Eyes

Angel is a disturbed teen who becomes obsessed with her nice stepfather Steven. After her mother dies under unusual circumstances, Angel is sent to an institution. Years later, she is let out and tracks down her dear step-dad who now lives with his new girlfriend Michelle. He is technically her only kin so he takes her in, but his girlfriend doesn't like Angel one bit. Angel's obsession with her "dad" is as strong as ever and she fantasizes about seducing him. After spying on him and his girlfriend having passionate sex, she begins playing a deadly game and even tries to seduce his hostile girlfriend. However, Steven has a more immediate and obvious problem - a drug dealer called Johnny Ventura..

Angel Eyes

Angel Eyes

Yoon Soo-wan and Park Dong-joo were each other's first loves, but were forced to separate due to painful family circumstances. Soo-wan, who had been blind, eventually undergoes an eye transplant surgery that restores her sight..

Angel Eyes

Angel Eyes

Made with a borrowed 16mm Bolex camera, color filters, and a graph paper score, it's one of the earliest examples of flicker-based stroboscopic cinema..

The Resurrection of Angel Eyes

The Resurrection of Angel Eyes

Si Mata Malaikat (Angel Eyes) was killed by Si Buta dari Goa Hantu (The Blind from The Haunted Cave) aka Badra Mandrawata. His head was decapitated. But when lightning strikes his grave, Si Mata Malaikat rises up again without his head. His head had been taken by Sapu Jagad. After defeating Sapu Jagad, Si Mata Malaikat takes his child hostage and sends the wife, Marni, to find his nemesis, Badra. Marni then learns martial arts from the powerful master, Guntur Saketi. She is given a powerful skill called Jarum Seribu Halilintar (Thousand Thunders Needle), which has to be used with the help of the master’s student, Darus. Together, they defeat Mata Malaikat..

Angelic Eyes

Angelic Eyes

Charming, witty and smart men represent a fictitious insurance company who soon fall for an innocent-looking young woman smarter than she seems..