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American Dreamer

American Dreamer

Un professeur d'économie en vue poursuit une tactique visant à acheter pour rien le manoir d'une veuve malade, mais il se rend vite compte que sa stratégie apparemment infaillible ne sera pas aussi facile qu'il le pensait..

American Dreamer

American Dreamer

American Dreamer is a situation comedy which aired in the U.S. on NBC as part of its 1990-91 lineup. American Dreamer stars Robert Urich as fictional character Tom Nash, formerly a high-powered network correspondent who was forced to reassess his priorities following the death of his wife. He decided to give up his career in order to spend more time with his children. To do this, he moved to Kenosha, Wisconsin, where he supported his family by contributing a column about "real people" to a Chicago newspaper. His editor, Joe Baines, felt Tom was completely wasting his talents and drove out from Chicago weekly to attempt to convince Tom to return the world of "hard news". Other characters included Tom's zany secretary, Lillian Abernathy, and a friendly waitress at Tom's favorite local diner, Holly Baker. This program was extremely low-key. Tom sometimes "broke the fourth wall" to address the viewers directly about his thoughts regarding the situations he encountered. This philosophizing gained only a small audience and the program was cancelled at midseason, although selected episodes were rerun the following summer..

Double jeu

Double jeu

Cathy Palmer, auteure américaine de romans, mène une vie ennuyante de femme au foyer. Sa vie ne la comble pas alors qu'elle écrit elle-même les aventures de Rebecca Ryan, une espionne internationale. Sa participation à un concours de nouvelles lui fait gagner un voyage à Paris où elle sera malheureusement renversée par une voiture. Hospitalisée, elle se réveille dans la peau de son héroïne..

American Dreamer

American Dreamer

A down on his luck driver making extra cash chauffeuring a low level drug dealer around town, finds himself in a serious financial bind and decides to kidnap the dealer's child..

American Dreamer

American Dreamer

American Dreamer is the portrait of one young man searching for his way and his identity in a country that also seems to be suffering from the confusion of an identity crisis due in large part to the trauma of 9/11. Against the background of the tenth anniversary of 9/11 and Julian’s north Florida home, we observe the aftermath of this tragic moment in contemporary American history and the tensions that are tearing at the fabric of American society..

Joe Polowsky - An American Dreamer

Joe Polowsky - An American Dreamer

Documentary about Joe Polowsky, who was a Chicago taxi driver who had been present at the Elbe River when the American and Russian allies joined forces on April 25th 1945. This meeting came to represent a plea for peace for Joe..

Telling Lies in America

Telling Lies in America

Karchy a émigré de la Hongrie vers les Etats-Unis dans les années 60. Il essaie de s'intégrer à l'école et entend parler d'un DJ à la radio, Billy Magic, qui organise un concours pour les étudiants chaque semaine. Quand il le gagne après plusieurs essais, il passe plus de temps avec Billy Magic, un homme riche, adulé par les femmes et classe.