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We're All Going to the World's Fair

We're All Going to the World's Fair

Par une nuit froide quelque part aux États-Unis, l'adolescente Casey est assise seule dans sa chambre mansardée, faisant défiler Internet sous les étoiles qui brillent dans le noir et les affiches à lumière noire qui recouvrent le plafond. Elle a finalement décidé de relever le World's Fair Challenge, un jeu d'horreur en ligne, et d'embrasser l'incertitude qu'il promet. Après l'initiation, elle documente les changements qui peuvent ou non lui arriver, ajoutant ses expériences au mélange de clips en ligne disponibles pour le monde entier. Alors qu'elle commence à se perdre entre le rêve et la réalité, une figure mystérieuse tend la main, prétendant voir quelque chose de spécial dans ses téléchargements..

All's Fair...

All's Fair...

A young man, heartbroken when his girlfriend dumps him, hires a prostitute to recreate the mundane intimacies he used to take for granted..

All's fair in love

All's fair in love

They are living the dream – their fashion business is booming, and their friendship bond is unbreakable. That is until they both fall in love with the beautiful Mbali, a woman who enters their lives like a whirlwind. Initially unaware of their feelings, becomes the object of their affection, setting the stage for an intense love triangle..

Le parc d’attractions

Le parc d’attractions

Brutus, l’audacieux pilote de montgolfière, attire l’attention d’Olive lors d’un carnaval, au grand dam de Popeye. Brutus parvient à faire paraître Popeye mauvais plusieurs fois, remportant finalement un anneau au lancer de balle et la prenant dans son ballon. Bien sûr, il essaie de se rafraîchir avec elle, et Popeye vient à la rescousse avec l’aide de quelques feux d’artifice. La montgolfière devient un peu trop chaude, mettant Olive encore plus en danger..

All's Fair in Love

All's Fair in Love

While golfing, Natalie Marshall meets and falls in love with Bobby Cameron, and after a brief courtship they are married. Just as they are about to embark on their honeymoon, Vera, a young vamp with designs on Bobby, presents Natalie with a bracelet and an accompanying note and inscription that arouse the wife's jealousy and cause an immediate break between the couple..

All's Well and Fair

All's Well and Fair

'All's Well and Fair' juxtaposes the lives and ideals of three single punk rock mothers on welfare during the 1990s with their realities and opinions ten years later - giving a unique perspective on alternative culture, growth and identity..

All's Fair in Love & War

All's Fair in Love & War

Julian, a young and ambitious mob boss, demands control of the rulership that the rival gangster leader Vinnie Mastrantonio possesses. Unwillingly, Mastantonio accepts Julians claims and they enter into a temporary agreement. Shortly after, Julian is visited by Haggerty and Murtaugh, two unscrupulous businessmen who offer him a huge amount of money to "take care of" their biggest competitor Conrad. But far too late, Julian discovers it's all a game to clear him out of the way and suddenly he's in the middle of a reckless gang war without any rules ....

All's Fair in Love & Friendship Games

All's Fair in Love & Friendship Games

Lyra Heartstrings and Sweetie Drops, high school girls, are best friends and think alike in many ways. For an upcoming competition between schools, they both apply for positions in their school's team. Trying to win the position, they start competing against each other and show-off their skills..

Tom, Dick et Harriet

Tom, Dick et Harriet

Brillant publicitaire, Tom Burns attend avec impatience sa nomination à la tête de l'agence, mais une terrible déconvenue l'attend lorsque l'entreprise est vendue et qu'il se retrouve dirigé par une équipe de jeunes cadres peu enclins à écouter les conseils d'un homme de cinquante ans..