

voir film A Woman's Revenge streaming vf

La Vengeance d'une femme

La Vengeance d'une femme

Après le suicide de son mari, André, Cécile fait la connaissance de la maîtresse de celui-ci, Suzy. La tenant pour responsable de la mort d'André, elle est décidée à se venger..

On se retrouvera

On se retrouvera

Au décès de sa mère, Margot découvre un terrible secret, enfoui depuis trente ans : une nuit, alors qu’elle rentrait chez elle, sa mère a été violée par deux hommes et laissée pour morte dans la garrigue. Puis, elle a donné la vie à un enfant. Cette enfant est Margot. Hantée par le deuil de sa mère et cette révélation, Margot n’a plus qu’une chose en tête : retrouver les agresseurs et venger sa mère. Elle se lance alors dans une quête de ses origines. Un chemin douloureux et dangereux qui fait surgir le doute, le mensonge et la mort..

Angel's Revenge

Angel's Revenge

Lee Seon-yoo is training to become a nun. Right before she finally gets her wish, she learns that her beloved older sister Jin-yoo has died. Jin-yoo was betrayed and killed by her lover, Jang Tae-jung. Tae-jung, a smart, good-looking man from a humble background, had committed himself to luring and marrying a tycoon's daughter "against all odds," as part of an effort to get him into the upper class of society. Seon-yoo then meets Seo Ji-seok, an immature man from a rich family whose sister Ji-hee is married to Tae-jung. Ji-seok is at risk of losing the inherited family business to Tae-jung and Ji-hee, since Ji-seok's mother is the family patriarch's second wife. To take revenge on the man responsible for her sister's death, Seon-yoo gives up her dream of becoming a nun. She marries Ji-seok, and becomes Tae-jung's sister-in-law. Thus, Seon-yoo begins leading a double life: she pretends to be the ideal wife and daughter-in-law in front of the Seo family, and only takes off her mask in front of Tae-jung, proving she can be just as ruthless and vicious as Tae-jung. Seon-yoo wears her angel wings while hiding the dagger of revenge..

A Woman's Revenge

A Woman's Revenge

Aysel is your typical farmer’s daughter; she keeps to herself, does her chores, and helps take care of her aging father. All of that is about to change though when a group of men staying at Aysel and her father's home after their car breaks down, rape Aysel and kill her father. The men return to their normal lives in the city but Aysel has followed them back and has plans for revenge..

La Vengeance d'une femme

La Vengeance d'une femme

Roberto is one of those men to whom simulation has become the greatest art. He is an unmoved, inscrutable, mysterious man. But the truth is that Robert feels an intimate, deep tedium. The boredom of those who have already exhausted all the pleasures of life. The only thing still surprising him is the fact that nothing surprises him anymore. One evening he has an overwhelming encounter with a woman. For his own bewilderment, he discovers the sublime horrors in which the woman has sank..

Blind woman's curse

Blind woman's curse

En prison, Akemi Tachibana, raconte à ses codétenues son histoire. Celle d'une chef yakuza d'une bande exclusivement féminine, ayant chacune une partie d'un même tatouage représentant un dragon. Un soir, lors d'un combat, une femme est accidentellement rendue aveugle. Quelque temps plus tard, les meurtres s'enchaînent dans le groupe, et les victimes se font scalper leur tatouage..

Revenge of a Woman

Revenge of a Woman

Sir Choi and his son Wan, are in an exile. Wan gets engaged with Seol there, but as Sir Choi has been granted an amnesty, he goes to Seoul, deserting his daughter-in-law despite Wan's sincere request to bring her to Seoul. Wan wins the first place of the state examination and gets married with Beo-Deul, a daughter of the prime minster. Seol who got killed by Sir Choi when she came to Seoul to meet Wan, scares Wan out of wits every night with her mother's ghost. Beo-Deul succeeds in recovering Wan's health with the help of some old monk, but in the end, Wan and his father Choi get killed, being seduced by Seol's ghost..