

voir film A Shot in the Dark streaming vf

Quand l'inspecteur s'emmêle

Quand l'inspecteur s'emmêle

Un crime est commis dans l'hôtel particulier d'un milliardaire. L'affaire semble claire. Maria, la soubrette, est retrouvée près du cadavre, son amant, l'arme à la main. Mais pour l'inspecteur Clouseau, chargé de l'enquête au grand dam de son supérieur hiérarchique, tout cela paraît trop simple. Il est persuadé que Maria est innocente....

A Shot in the Dark

A Shot in the Dark

The relatives of a millionaire - the victim of a mysterious murder - get together at his house to search for his will, which he recorded on a record. However, one of them is actually the person who killed him, and will let nothing - or no one - stand in the way of finding that record..

A Shot in the Dark

A Shot in the Dark

Candace Owens hosts a new show called A Shot In The Dark that pulls no punches when it comes to breaking narratives. Whether it's Big Pharma's vaccines, corruption in the food industry, or exploitation of kids for money on social media, there's an accepted narrative. But existing data can sometimes come into conflict with the narrative..

A Shot in the Dark

A Shot in the Dark

A baby is kidnapped in a Brazilian airport. Years later, the mother lives in Lisbon and works in a strip-tease bar so she can survive. When she is fired, she joins a gang of bank robbers....