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A Dog of Flanders

A Dog of Flanders

Nello Tarth is a poor but happy orphan who lives with his grandfather Jehan in a little village nearby Antwerp. Nello has a talent for drawing pictures and has been fascinated by it since he saw one of Rubens (a famous artist) pictures as a little boy. Helping Jehan with the daily milk delivery to Antwerp, Nello one day discovers Patrash, a working dog who has been mistreated and abandoned by his former owner. He treats the exhausted animal and after a little while a close and dependable friendship develops. Alois Cojez, the daughter of the richest and hence most influential man in Blacken Village, is Nellos best friend. When Nello decides to become an artist he has to experience firsthand the ignorance and cruelty of the villagers. Especially Alois father thinks of him as a slacker who cannot earn his living by drawing pictures. Nontheless Nello perseveres and never gives up to achieve his dream and to win their appreciation and respect while strenuously struggling with his poverty..

Nello et le chien des Flandres

Nello et le chien des Flandres

Dans une violente tempête de neige, une jeune femme égarée parvient avant de mourir a atteindre la maison de son père, sauvant ainsi la vie de son bébé. Le jeune Nello est alors recueilli et élevé par son grand-père, Jehan, humble vieillard. Bien que pauvre, Nello vit une enfance heureuse, partagée entre son amitié pour la jeune Eloise et sa passion précoce pour le dessin et Rubens. Un jour, Jehan et son petit-fils découvrent sur la route un chien mortellement blesse. L'amour et l'attention de Nello pour son nouvel ami le ramèneront a la vie..

A Dog of Flanders

A Dog of Flanders

The emotional story of a boy, his grandfather, and his dog. The boy's dream of becoming a great classical painter appears shattered when his loving grandfather dies..

A Dog of Flanders

A Dog of Flanders

Nello was a little boy who lived with his aged grandfather near Antwerp. They were very poor, but because they loved each other so much were happier than many persons who enjoyed luxury. The child's only friend, outside of her grandfather, was an animal, who has gone down in history as "A Dog of Flanders.".

Patrasche: A Dog of Flanders, Made in Japan

Patrasche: A Dog of Flanders, Made in Japan

Today this book, A Dog of Flanders is taught in Japanese high schools, it is a classic in the UK and the States and has inspired numerous films and TV series in Japan and the States. The most important of them being the Japanese animated series of 1975 that counted 52 episodes and influenced the Japanese culture intensely. Many of them can still sing the series opening song, … in Dutch! Patrasche, a Dog of Flanders – Made in Japan is a laboratory of the image. It is a prism, through which the viewer can experience how reality is and how a small book leads to a stereotyped perception..

The Dog of Flanders

The Dog of Flanders

Poor but happy, young Nello and his grandfather live alone, delivering milk as a livelihood, in the outskirts of Antwerp, a city in Flanders (the Flemish or Dutch-speaking part of modern-day Belgium). They discover a beaten dog (a Bouvier, a large sturdy dog native to Flanders) and adopt it and nurse it back to health, naming it Patrasche, the middle name of Nello's mother Mary, who died when Nello was very young. Nello's mother was a talented artist, and like his mother, he delights in drawing, and his friend Aloise is his model and greatest fan and supporter..

Barking Dog

Barking Dog

Yun-ju, professeur à l'université, vit une existence sans encombre avec sa compagne, qui attend un enfant. Mais les aboiements répétés d'un chien du voisinage commencent à le rendre fou....