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Pour Parker, professeur de musique à l'université, l'arrivée dans la famille du chien Hatchi est un heureux événement. L'animal prend sa place auprès de chacun, mais c'est avec Parker qu'il passe le plus de temps. Chaque matin, le chien accompagne son maître à la gare où celui-ci prend son train, et revient l'attendre chaque soir. Cet attendrissant rituel rythme la vie de tous ceux qui en sont témoins… jusqu'au jour où Parker ne revient pas… Hatchi va continuer à attendre le retour de son maître chaque jour, jusqu'à la fin. Cette fidélité et cette patience vont bouleverser tous ceux qui connaissent Hatchi et faire de lui une légende..

A Dog's Tale

A Dog's Tale

Anything is possible when the Professor tells Tim about a supernova that grants wishes. Unfortunately, when Tim's wish doesn't go as planned, he finds himself in a dog's body!.

A Dog's Tale

A Dog's Tale

There’s something primal about the feeling of the forest floor under your paws and smelling a thousand different smells all at once. The freedom of the trail is what we long for..

A Sea Dog's Tale

A Sea Dog's Tale

An island princess falls in love with a young man whose picture she sees in the newspaper. Her father, the king, sends his agents to the U.S. to kidnap the man and bring him back to the islands to marry his daughter. Complications ensue..

A Dog's Tale

A Dog's Tale

This film is adapted from the real background of the search and rescue dog "Ding-Dang". It tells the story of Yang Qi, a fire fighter who retired early due to injury during an earthquake rescue, and was forced to reluctantly part with his search-and-rescue dog "Ding-Dang" who had been trained for many years. Years later, the search-and-rescue dog "Ding Dang" sneaked out of the recuperation base and became a stray dog. It spent his whole life looking for his original trainer, Yang Qi.