

voir film ¿Dónde está? streaming vf

Portée disparue

Portée disparue

Elisa disparaît à l'issue d'une virée avec ses cousins Santiago, Eduardo et Flor, le soir du 43e anniversaire de son père Mariano. Avec sa femme Dana, celui-ci mettra tout en œuvre pour la retrouver. Les évènements sont rythmés de rebondissements au cours desquels se révélera la vraie personnalité de chacun des membres de la famille et des proches. Apparaîtront ou resurgiront, tour à tour, secrets de famille, petits travers personnels, rancœurs et frustrations diverses, en même temps que naîtront des conflits au sein du cercle familial et au delà. Bref, quand le doute et la suspicion s’installent, la désintégration commence… Car, on s’en doute un peu, il faut toujours se méfier de l’eau qui dort !.

Où est Marta ?

Où est Marta ?

La disparition de l'adolescente Marta del Castillo a fait la une des journaux en Espagne. La famille, les amis, la police et plus encore pèsent sur une affaire qui n'est toujours pas résolue..



The night Elisa’s cousins-Santiago, Flor, and Eduardo, invited her to a nightclub and after a great deal of begging her parents allowed her go. When Danna and he sister-in-law Cecilia went to pick them up, all of them started showing up except for Elisa. As the hours passed, her parent grew more and more desperate and it was then when they decided to call the police and file a missing report..

¿Dónde está?

¿Dónde está?

Peter Nueda murdered his pregnant wife, descuartizándola below. A few hours later decide to report the disappearance of his wife, agreeing with cold blood perplexing to be helped by their neighbors to find..

Where is Kim Basinger?

Where is Kim Basinger?

Marcus et son frère Antoine atterrissent en Argentine. Ils viennent y passer quelques jours pour le mariage de leur cousin et comptent bien en profiter pour découvrir les joies de la capitale Buenos Aires. Marcus est joyeux comme un pinson alors qu'Antoine vient de se faire quitter. Marcus va se battre comme un beau diable pour remonter le moral de son petit frère....

Where is Sara Gómez?

Where is Sara Gómez?

Born in 1943, Sara Gómez studied literature, piano, and Afro-Cuban ethnography before becoming the first female Cuban filmmaker. A woman of great intelligence, independence and generosity, she was a revolutionary filmmaker with intersecting concerns about the Afro-Cuban community and the value of its cultural traditions, women's issues, and the treatment of the marginalized sectors of society..

¿Dónde está el espíritu?

¿Dónde está el espíritu?

"'Where is the spirit?' it is a reflection on cinema made from another medium, video, which allows us to easily appropriate these two films and operate from their grammar, to dismantle them and directly point out the relationships that potentially existed between them. Imagine what would happen if a spectator were to enter inside that dark device? This is exactly what is staged in this video. Unexpected things happen, a "miraculous" meeting between Ana and Ahmad. The girl from 'Where is the spirit?' She is a spectator who is not only in front of the Kiarostami film, but materially within it, she is an intruder who bursts into the action. and somehow the death of a traditional type of spectator is enunciated, one who seeks empathy with the protagonists. It seems that empathy with fictional characters is no longer possible, this new viewer is situated in a different place, demands new projection spaces and, of course, other types of forms. " - Celeste Araújo..

¿Donde está Memo?

¿Donde está Memo?

Memo Morales, an old man with Alzheimer wanders away from home on the day of his birthday, so the rest of his family have to work together for once and try to figure out how to find him..