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Huit spéléologues se rendent dans un réseau de cavernes en Russie. Alors qu'ils s'enfoncent dans les profondeurs, ils sont soudain pris en chasse par une mystérieuse présence....



Rachel is a sweet girl with a troubled soul, caused by a unique gift - she can see evil spirits within others. After witnessing the brutal killing of her mother, Rachel and her father look for a fresh start by moving to a new town. After befriending classmate Michelle Lowe, Rachel soon realizes that her new 'best friend' may not be the girl she first appeared to be. Rachel's visions could be the key to stopping a series of violent attacks against the town's children and unlocking the puzzle behind a grim murder.



Brad, Christina, T.K. and Kelly are on a post-graduation trip to Europe. Unfortunately, what starts out as a dream quickly spirals into a nightmare. Upon entering a 14th century castle, the friends find themselves trapped in a horrifying alternate realm where violent hallucinations overtake them. A stranger emerges, shocking them with the reality of their terrifying fate; one must stay behind - alone forever within the torturous stone walls, in order for the rest of the group to escape. As time runs out, hope and reason disappear, anarchy takes over and extreme violence erupts. Will it be male strength or female guile that will ultimately determine who will bear the terrible fate?.



Robert Barren grew up in a desolate house, and escaped any chance he'd get into his imaginary world. It's no coincidence that Robert tries to escape for a living by becoming a writer, but his career has stalled, he's about to lose the house he inherited from his father, and his fiancee left him. Just like his father, Robert decides to put an end to it all and sets out to the same spot his father chose for the same mission. An unexpected visitor intervenes to lead Robert on an emotional journey and mysteriously transports him to his past, forcing him to confront the harsh reality of his childhood that has been clouded by his flawed memories..



Within is a dark short film about a young family on the verge of collapse. A simmering, slow downward spiral of insecurity with devastating consequences for all involved..



"Within" is a drama about Jacob, a hopeless Detroit romantic looking for love in the digital era. After miserable dates, he looks for life's meaning through a series of philosophical readings on synchronicity. But Jacob can't seem to get anything right. His life goes on a downward spiral that includes being disconnected from society and even family, being trapped at his dead end job at a coney island, and failing to find the right woman. Eventually Jacob has a brief encounter with a stranger visiting Detroit who can ultimately allow Jacob to discover a renewed purpose to his life..



A non-narrative animation film. An attempt to phrase a visual language which will express my own personal dance sensation and feelings. Exploring the boundaries of the animation medium in order to bring the essence of the dance..

The Ones Within

The Ones Within

100 Millions de vues ou la mort ! Bienvenue dans le jeu mortel pour Streamers ! Iride Akatsuki et 7 autres streamers de jeux vidéo ont été kidnappés après avoir installé un mystérieux jeu gratuit. Pour sortir, ils devront relever des défis dans différents jeux mortels et atteindre le nombre de 100 millions de vues. Now streaming !.

The Enemy Within

The Enemy Within

L'ancien agent de la CIA Erica Shepherd, désormais considérée comme la femme la plus détestée des États-Unis à cause des actes de trahison qu'elle a commis, est libérée de prison afin d'aider le FBI à contrer les plus dangereuses menaces d'espionnage qui visent le pays..

The Lies Within

The Lies Within

Afin d'avoir une vie plus paisible, l'inspecteur Jo Tae-Sik demande sa mutation dans un village. Là, il enquête sur le décès d'une figure politique, qu'il pense ne pas être accidentel. Quelques jours plus tard, le gendre du défunt disparaît. Kim Seo-Hee, la femme de ce dernier, se tourne vers Tae-Sik pour le retrouver.

The Road Within

The Road Within

Vincent est atteint du syndrome de la Tourette. Il vient de perdre sa mère et se retrouve ainsi face à son père avec qui il est en froid depuis quelques temps. Ce dernier craignant que son fils vienne compromettre sa carrière politique, il envoie Vincent dans une clinique spécialisée. Sur place, le jeune homme fait la connaissance de Marie, une jeune anorexique dont il tombe amoureux. Ensemble, ils décident de s'enfuir, entraînant malgré eux Alex, le colocataire de Vincent, qui souffre de TOC. Le trio s'embarque alors dans un voyage inoubliable, dont le but est de répandre les cendres de la mère de Vincent dans l'océan..

Affaires d'états

Affaires d'états

Cette mini-série traite d'un vaste complot politique destiné à impliquer les gouvernements des États-Unis et de la Grande-Bretagne dans le déclenchement d'une guerre en Asie centrale..

Within These Walls

Within These Walls

Within These Walls is a British television drama programme made by London Weekend Television for ITV and shown between 1974 and 1978. It portrayed life in HMP Stone Park, a fictional women's prison. Unlike the later women-in-prison TV series Prisoner and Bad Girls, Within These Walls tended to centre its storylines around the prison staff rather than the inmates. The lead character was the well-groomed, genteel governor Faye Boswell, and episodes revolved around her attempts to liberalise the prison regime while managing her personal life at home. Another prominent character was her Chief Officer, Mrs. Armitage. Googie Withers left after three series; in Series Four her character was replaced as governor by Helen Forrester, who in turn left to be replaced in the final Series Five by Susan Marshall. The creator and writer of the programme, David Butler, played the prison chaplain, the Rev Henry Prentice, in some episodes. As of November 2011 Network DVD have released all five series in the UK, with the exception of "Nowhere for the Kids", an episode from Series Two which appears to have been wiped from the archives..

Worlds Within

Worlds Within

Song Hye Gyo plays a PD Joo Joon Young who has bold and unstoppable personality. Hyun Bin also plays a promising drama PD Jung Ji Oh. This drama focuses on TV stations by portraying the love and struggle of these 2 PDs during filming their respective projects as well as unfolding male and female staffs' love stories and marriages..

Warriors Within

Warriors Within

Twenty years ago, Takeda Kunizen secretly saw his father presenting a scroll to his younger brother Kosho. Kokatsu believed that the scroll contained "martial arts secret techniques". One day, a new immigrant, Xiaoyue, was bullied. A quasi-Olympic karate player, Zhuang Hui, got involved. Zhihao, a gangster who was put on a horse by a gangster, was involved. He was just passing by to stop the fight..

Troupe d'Élite : l'Ennemi Intérieur

Troupe d'Élite : l'Ennemi Intérieur

Le colonel Nascimento est chargé de maîtriser une émeute dans l’une des prisons les plus violentes du Brésil où trois gangs sont en guerre ouverte. Les forces de la BOPE (Bataillon des opérations spéciales de police) sont contraintes d'accepter l'intervention d'un intermédiaire : un activiste politique qui est sensé calmer les tensions entre les émeutiers et la police. Cependant, la situation dégénère rapidement et tourne à la prise d'otage pour déboucher sur un véritable carnage. Démis de ses fonctions, Nascimento est nommé à un secrétariat d’État. Il va alors découvrir à quel point la corruption règne aux plus hauts niveaux de l’Etat..