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The Wendy Williams Show

The Wendy Williams Show

Radio personality Wendy Williams is the host to her own live syndicated talk show. Wendy injects her television series with the same style that characterizes her radio show, and divides on-air time between probing celebrity interviews and advice-giving to audience members..



Two cutting-edge scientists give 'birth' to a Neanderthal—the first to walk the earth for some 35,000 years—in order to attempt to answer these questions. Part 'normal' child, part science experiment, William’s 'parents' struggle with the best way to raise him. As William grows toward adulthood, he is educated in the human experiences of love and intimacy. But his primitive impulses begin to emerge the more he tries to conform to human expectations, leading to tragic consequences for him and his loved ones..



William was a BBC television series based on the Just William series of books written by Richmal Crompton. It ran for two series from 1962 to 1963. 12 episodes were made in all, each of half an hour long. It was filmed in black and white..



William Brown, the son of my dear friend, Owsley Brown, is majoring in acting at the University of Southern California. During the lock down we ventured out three times together to Golden Gate Park to enjoy playing movies, so to speak. We decided on the loose framework of depicting a day on LSD, lost in a forest of noir-ish lighting, and inspired by our mutual love of Nicholas Musuraca and John Alton, two very great directors of both low budget and more mainstream cinematography. N.D..

La Méthode Williams

La Méthode Williams

Focus sur la personnalité de l'entraîneur de tennis Richard Williams, père des joueuses mondiales Venus et Serena. Il n'avait aucune expérience dans le sport mais lorsque ses filles ont eu quatre ans, il a élaboré un plan de 78 pages décrivant l'entraînement des futures championnes. Les sœurs Williams sont devenues deux des plus grandes joueuses de l'histoire du tennis. Serena est sans conteste la meilleure tenniswoman de tous les temps, avec 23 victoires en tournois du Grand Chelem. Venus Williams a remporté sept titres en Grand Chelem..