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Wild Horses

Wild Horses

Les répercussions sur une famille, propriétaire d’un ranch au Texas, de la réouverture d’une enquête sur une personne disparue..

Wild Horses

Wild Horses

An over-the-hill rodeo champion gets fired from his assembly line job in Texas. He and a buddy then decide to head to Wyoming to get a job herding mustangs. His wife gives him her his blessing, knowing he needs to find something which satisfies his spirit. They sign up for a roundup headed by a veteran cowboy. With the job, he finds himself cross-wise of a corrupt government official, who is making big profits on the illegal sale of wild horses..

Wild horses

Wild horses

L’histoire se déroule dans les montagnes slovaques des petites Carpates, principalement au haras de la famille Zavodsky. L’avenir et la gestion de l’exploitation est toujours source de problèmes et de conflits au sein du clan. Oslvald, le patriarche, est à la tête d’une véritable fortune, et l’homme ne pense qu’à faire grossir son empire. Par ailleurs, son fils illégitime, Albert qui a voué sa vie aux chevaux, s’investit de tout son cœur pour que l’élevage soit maintenu en vie. Le quotidien de la famille est bouleversé quand la jolie Hana débarque. Elle est étudiante vétérinaire et cascadeuse équestre. Cette arrivée fera ressurgir un terrible secret familial qui date de la deuxième guerre mondiale. Adam, le fils d’Albert va tomber sous le charme de la jolie brune..

Wild Horses

Wild Horses

Wild Horses tells the story of Mills, an established LA photographer, who returns to her native Nevada following an urgent call from her grandmother informing her that a band of wild horses close to their hearts, faces government roundup. In this story, that spans just one day, cruelty, courage, love and memory collide as two generations of women bear witness to the brutality common to wild horse roundups in the American West. Mills is exposed to a complex issue and follows her heart, choosing to ignore the consequences..

Wild Horses

Wild Horses

Amid the high country of the North Island interior, wild horse roam and breed. With the trees gone, Dan Mitchell and the Sullivan brothers, turn to the wild horses as a source of income. With rope and snare - and the help of an experienced horse catching team - Sam and Sara's example, the rough ex-loggers learn to respect a delicate balance between the wild horses and their catchers. The best stallions are left to breed and their riding horses are retired back into the wild herds..

Wild Horses

Wild Horses

Shadi lives in a horse-farm with his disabled and strict father, and with his beloved aging horse, Rosa. The status-quo of their daily farm life is broken when Noa arrives at the farm with her mother for the weekend, and Shadi discovers his father's intentions to kill Rosa..

Wild Horses

Wild Horses

Joan's efforts at teenage rebellion are frustrated by her illness and her overbearing mother, until her increasingly vivd dreams and an overzealous tutor inspire her to realise her independence..

Wild Horses

Wild Horses

In a near future, technology has enabled humans to digitalize themselves and achieve immortality as part of a database. A metropolis gets ready for the opening of its first digitalization centre “Cloud Life”. A young couple argues bitterly - one for, one against the procedure - leading to their separation. On the day of the opening a large crowd of demonstrators gather outside the building. Some of them force entry to the digitalization room and sabotage the system, unleashing the technology throughout the city and plunging it into chaos. The two conflicted lovers who initially parted ways flee the riots to finally reunite..

Touching Wild Horses

Touching Wild Horses

After a car accident that claimed his father and sister's lives and left his mother in a coma, a young man is sent to live with his reclusive aunt (Jane Seymour) on Sable Island, a world-renowned wild horse preserve..

The Mustangs: America's Wild Horses

The Mustangs: America's Wild Horses

"The Mustangs: An American Story" takes audiences on an odyssey throughout America to places few people have seen or even know about. There are more than 80,000 wild horses on our federal lands and more than 50,000 in holding facilities. Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist David Philipps says, "The wild horse is so ingrained in the American imagination that even for those who have never seen one know what it stands for: fierce independence, unbridled freedom, the bedrock ideals of the nation. From car ads to high school mascots, the wild horse - popularly known as the mustang - is the enduring icon of America. But in modern times it has become entangled in controversy and bureaucracy, and now its future is in question." Whether you are a horse person or not, this film will make you fall in love with America all over again..

Chasing Wild Horses

Chasing Wild Horses

Roberto Dutesco, New York City's top fashion photographer, captures human beauty everyday. His work graces the covers of everything from Vogue to Victoria's Secret. Since his childhood in Montreal he has carried with him a singular artistic vision. Wild, long-maned dark horses running though white sand dunes. It took him nearly a lifetime to learn where his vision came from. When he discovered Sable Island he became obsessed with the natural beauty of the untouched and unclaimed wild horses. Through his art, and his Manhattan gallery, dedicated solely to the wild horses of Sable Island, Roberto wants to bring support the various organizations dedicated to preserving the beauty of an island untouched..

All the Wild Horses

All the Wild Horses

All The Wild Horses documents the Mongol Derby horse race, the longest and toughest horse race in the world, and easily the most epic and dangerous, as it leads through 650 miles of Mongolian steppe, desert and mountain ranges..

Chevaux Sauvages

Chevaux Sauvages

Unis par le destin, et un vol dans un établissement bancaire, José (Héctor Alterio), un vieil anarchiste, et un jeune employé (Leonardo Sbaraglia) vivent pendant quatre journées alternativement violentes et solidaires dans leur fuite désespérée dans la Patagonie Argentine. En chemin, ils rencontreront Ana (Cecilia Dopazo), une adolescente qui les accompagne dans ce voyage..

Wild Horses of the Marshes

Wild Horses of the Marshes

In the gorgeous natural reserve of the Camargue in France, a jewel of nature among the wildest in Europe, wild horses roam freely. Here, between two tributaries of the Rhône that run down to flow in the Mediterranean, follow the lives of these majestic creatures through the seasons..

King of the Wild Horses

King of the Wild Horses

Columbia's King of the Wild Horses is a remake of the silent Hal Roach western feature of the same name -- and with the same "star," Rex the Wonder Horse, in the lead. Most of the story involves the romantic triangle between rogue stallion Rex, the gorgeous mare Lady, and villainous black steed Marquis..

In the Valley Of Wild Horses

In the Valley Of Wild Horses

Every summer, the community of Xeni Gwet’in travels 200 km by horse and wagon from their home in Nemiah Valley to the famous Williams Lake stampede to honour a 94-year tradition of inclusion, trade and relations between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples..