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New Deal, l'audace d'un homme

New Deal, l'audace d'un homme

Élu en novembre 1932, alors que la crise économique ravage les États-Unis, Franklin Delano Roosevelt met de suite toutes ses promesses de campagne à exécution : c’est l’heure du « New Deal ». Imaginé pour redresser une nation au bord du gouffre, où le chômage surfe avec des sommets jamais atteints et où les travailleurs pauvres subissent la précarité du marché de l’emploi, ce plan audacieux doit redonner de l’espoir à un pays meurtri avant toute chose..

Israelis Who Are Changing the World

Israelis Who Are Changing the World

Come meet Dr. Kira Radinsky, Prof. Hussam Haik and Prof. Moran Seraf - three young and talented Israeli scientists, trailblazers in global science, who are starring in an anthology of films from yes docu. Israel, 2021..

The Man Who Changed Okinawa

The Man Who Changed Okinawa

A teacher leads an unlikely team to a high school baseball championship in this sports drama. Managing a team on the verge of extinction, teacher Hiroyoshi rallies the squad on an underdog journey..

The Man Who Changed Shanghai

The Man Who Changed Shanghai

Three siblings, Martin (87) from Monaco, Theo (85) from Canada and Alessa (82) from the USA narrate the fascinating true-life story of their father L.E. Hudec (1893-1958), a famous architect in Shanghai. For the first time Alessa visits Slovakia the birthplace of her father. Together with her brother Theo, they decide to visit China after 63 years - the country of their childhood and youth. This inspired documentary not only explores the many exciting details of the life of L.E. Hudec, father of Asian high-rises, but also serves as an authentic testimony of life of Europeans in Colonial Shanghai before The People's Republic of China was formed. It presents the never-before-seen 16mm home-movies that were shot between 1927-1938 by Ladislav Hudec himself..

The Man Who Didn't Change History

The Man Who Didn't Change History

The "man who didn't change history" was a university professor: Ranuccio Bianchi Bandinelli, esteemed Italian scholar of Roman art and a founding father of modern archaeology. A figure that the Fascist regime could be proud of, in the 1930s, if it weren't for the fact that the professor was firmly anti-Fascist. Things came to a head over Hitler's famous journey to Italy in 1938, when Bandinelli was courteously invited to accompany Mussolini and the Führer, serving as tour guide and interpreter at the museums and archaeological sites. Now the dilemma arose: don the uniform and salute the two detested dictators, or compromise a lifetime of study, his career and even his personal safety? When the invitation turned into a peremptory order that Bandinelli couldn't refuse, he no longer had a choice..