

White Snake streaming vf complet gratuit

White Snake

White Snake

Une jeune femme nommée Blanca a été sauvée par un chasseur de serpents, Xuan. Mais elle a perdu la mémoire et elle est loin d'être hors de danger. Ensemble, ils partent à la recherche d'indices sur son identité. Tout au long du chemin, ils font face à de dangereux obstacles et développent progressivement des sentiments l'un pour l'autre. Alors qu'ils sont tout près de découvrir qui elle est vraiment, une catastrophe se profile..

Flower and Snake 4: White Uniform Rope Slave

Flower and Snake 4: White Uniform Rope Slave

Un dentiste (et son assistante) qui aime coucher avec ses patientes, devient obsédé par une en particulier qui se trouve être une lesbienne. Il utilise tout ce qui lui passe par la tête pour abuser de cette femme et de son amante. Cordes/outils dentaires/seaux à glace/bougies et parfois il met l'ambiance avec des airs de musique classique de sa propre collection de disques..

Madam White Snake

Madam White Snake

The television serial was based on a legendary folk tale, involving a snake spirit and her male human lover, but was adapted in this version to include the presence of a black snake who is the snake spirit's mentor and the White Snake Spirit being trapped under the pagoda for 20 years, when in the original tale she was trapped under the tower for centuries. As for the green snake, the white snake imprisons her for a short time before releasing her, unlike the original where she imprisoned her for three centuries. Xu Xian is also initially a good-for-nothing who, under the white snake's guidance, becomes an official..

Madam White Snake

Madam White Snake

Un serpent magique millénaire, devenu une femme, s’éprend d’un pharmacien qu’elle épousera. Ayant omis de solliciter l’autorisation des Dieux pour accéder au monde terrestre, elle se voit donner l’ordre de retourner à celui des esprits avant le 7 juillet….

Le Sorcier et le Serpent blanc

Le Sorcier et le Serpent blanc

Ce film fantastique est inspiré d'une vieille légende chinoise et relate l'histoire d'un herboriste qui tombe amoureux d'un serpent vieux de cent ans déguisé sous les traits d'une femme. C'est alors qu'un sorcier découvre la supercherie et se bat pour sauver l'âme du vieil homme..

White Snake

White Snake

The two sisters of Lingshe Mountain - White Snake and Green Snake - devoted themselves to cultivating of immortality. The White Snake was in danger during the tribulation. Fortunately, Xu Xian, who went to the mountain to search for medicine, rescued her. In a dream White Snake learns the words of the poem "Enter the world, know the warmth and the cold" and enters the city in search of a cause. The Great Demon King of the Yin Division coveted the White Snake's pearl for nearly a thousand years. Knowing that the White Snake is alive, he sent his subordinate judges to seal the city for her search. White Snake meets Xu Xian and cures his classmate Gao Jin's critically ill father. When he finds out that the White Snake is a demon, he tells the Underworld that he will take revenge..

White Snake

White Snake

The story of the white snake has been told for a long time... Bai Suzhen has cultivated for thousands of years, only to be able to find Xuxian in the world..

Madam White Snake

Madam White Snake

This Classic Seductive tale of two snakes who assume human forms will send chills of pleasure down viewers' backs. The Lovely Linda Lin Dai (Les Belles, The Kingdom And The Beauty) and margaret Tu Chuan (The Dream of The Red Chamber) play the two sister serpents, Pak Su-cheng and Ching Ching. Su-cheng meets Hsu Hsien (Chao Lei) one day and recognizes him as her savior in another life 1,000 years ago. She marries him to reward him but the snake-human union brings about problems beyond imagination..

Le serpent blanc

Le serpent blanc

Endres, un fils de paysan, devient le serviteur personnel du roi. Après chaque dîner, il est chargé de lui apporter un mystérieux bol d'or. Personne ne sait ce qu'il contient, pas même la princesse Leonora. Un jour, Endres est accusé d'avoir volé le précieux anneau de la reine....

Black Bull and White Snake

Black Bull and White Snake

In Chinese folklore a white snake symbolizes a woman, especially an evil type of woman, while a black bull typifies a man, robust, strong and virile. "Black Bull and White Snake", a film version of Young Nien-ts'u's best-selling novel of the same title, is exactly about a white snake-woman, having been sold into prostitution at an early age, is rescued by a black bull of a man only to fall back into the gutter again. A production from the Grand Motion Picture Company, "Black Bull and White Snake" stars Chiang Ching and newcomer Tien Yeh..

Legend of the White Snake

Legend of the White Snake

Based on the reincarnation theory of Buddhism, Heo Sun rescued a little white snake. Afterwards, a thousand-year-old white snake comes out to watch the May Festival when he discovers Heo Sun living in poverty. In order to thank him, the white snake takes the form of the maiden, Baek-ryang, and marries him, making a wealthy life for them. One day, the spiritual Buddhist priest Mo-san tells Heo Sun that Baek-ryang is a ghost. He tells him how to get rid of the woman but when he finds out that Baek-ryang is pregnant, he decides to wait a year. On the baby's 100th day celebration, Baek-ryang is buried in the gourd that Mo-san has made and she is unable to do any more magic..