

White Lies sokroflix gratuit

White Lies

White Lies

Vita lögner is a Swedish soap opera that aired on TV3,. The plot focused on the social life of the hospital staff and families in the fictional town of Strömsvik. Vita lögner was TV3's first big soap opera hit after Kanal5 bought Vänner och fiender from them in 1997. Many big stars in Sweden have done roles in the show, among them Alexander Skarsgård, Petra Hultgren, Anna Järphammar and Maud Adams. Charlotte Perrelli had a bigger role as Milla Svensson during 1997-1998. It was after Kanal5 bought the rights to Vänner och fiender and TV3 saw what a huge success the show was for the channel that they decided to produce Vita lögner to compete over the same time slot..

White Lies

White Lies

Set in the wealthy neighbourhood of Bishopscourt, Cape Town, investigative journalist Edie Hansen gets caught up in the ugly underbelly that lies beneath the picturesque beauty of the city, dragging her back to a turbulent past..

White Lies

White Lies

When Seo Eun Young's fiance, Kang Jung Woo, leaves her alone and pregnant, she manages to get on with her life. Just as she has a chance to find happiness with Kang Hyung Woo, Jung Woo returns to complicate everything..

White Lies

White Lies

A museum worker pretends to be an artist in order to impress women. When an attractive assistant director of a SoHo art gallery overhears him, she offers to exhibit his work. He plays along, which leads to a series of complications following his newfound double life. He starts falling in love with the assistant director, but her art critic fiancé grows suspicious..

White Lies

White Lies

How can a smart middle class girl suddenly turn into a devoted right wing debater? That's what happens with Catherine when she meets the charismatic leaders of the neo-nazi organization NIM. Catherine, a first-year university student who feels alienated from the liberal campus, joins a hate group through the Internet and becomes their voice, only to gradually question their beliefs even as she becomes more deeply involved..

White Lies

White Lies

A powerful publisher John Mitchell whose pursuit of sensational headlines at the expense of all else takes a personal toll when his daughter Joan is implicated in a murder..

Off white lies

Off white lies

Libby débarque à Tel Aviv pour retrouver son père qu’elle n’a pas vu depuis longtemps. C’est le début de la deuxième guerre du Liban et ils se retrouvent dans un abri anti-bombardement. Afin de trouver un toit, ils se font passer pour des réfugiés du Nord et sont accueillis par une riche famille de Jérusalem..

White Lies

White Lies

Greg Hamilton, a young artist, decides to go east and try his fortune. He finds his work unappreciated, and is unable to earn a living. One day while strolling in the park with his wife, Helen, he saves a little girl's life by stopping her runaway horse, but breaks his finger in doing so. He is then unable to paint, and is forced to take a position in a factory, but tells his wife that he is writing stories for a magazine. A few days later, Helen tells him she has accepted a position as governess. Things go on nicely, but one day they discover they are both employed in the same factory but in different departments..

White Lies

White Lies

White Lies is a story about a teenager with learning difficulties who cross examines his mother after finding out that the tooth fairy isn't real. This tender story aims to show the lighter side to learning disabilities whilst retaining a raw, accurate depiction of the difficulties associated..

Le Roi Léo

Le Roi Léo

Après la mort de son père, le grand Pandja, Léo, le petit lion blanc de l'Afrique, va devoir se montrer fort et courageux pour reprendre dignement titre de Roi de la jungle. Et ce n'est pas tous les jours facile quand les humains menacent la survie de son chez-soi. Après une enfance plus que mouvementée, notre lionceau grandira, fondera une famille, et deviendra une légende....

Dirty Money, White Lies

Dirty Money, White Lies

Sverre Fjeld is a young police officer caught between the law and his own conscience. Sverre is fresh out of the police academy and about to get married to his longtime girlfriend. As he takes his first job in Olso, a chance meeting with a young single mother leads to a larger web of dirty money, white lies, drugs, corruption and clandestine liaisons..

Les Petits Mouchoirs

Les Petits Mouchoirs

À la suite d'un événement bouleversant, une bande de copains décide, malgré tout, de partir en vacances au bord de la mer comme chaque année. Leur amitié, leurs certitudes, leur culpabilité, leurs amours en seront ébranlées. Ils vont enfin devoir lever les « petits mouchoirs » qu'ils ont posés sur leurs secrets et leurs mensonges..

Nous finirons ensemble

Nous finirons ensemble

Préoccupé, Max est parti dans sa maison au bord de la mer pour se ressourcer. Sa bande de potes, qu’il n’a pas vue depuis plus de 3 ans débarque par surprise pour lui fêter son anniversaire ! La surprise est entière mais l’accueil l’est beaucoup moins… Max s’enfonce alors dans une comédie du bonheur qui sonne faux, et qui mettra le groupe dans des situations pour le moins inattendues. Les enfants ont grandi, d’autres sont nés, les parents n’ont plus les mêmes priorités... Les séparations, les accidents de la vie… Quand tous décident de ne plus mettre de petits mouchoirs sur les gros bobards, que reste-t-il de l’amitié ?.

White Lies, Black Sheep

White Lies, Black Sheep

James Spooner travels the fiction route with White Lies, Black Sheep, but also interweaves the rudimentary elements of nonfiction (location and behavioral-fueled observation and insight) into this journey -- to such a degree that the outing might well be termed a "scripted documentary." Ayinde Howell stars as Ajamu "A.J." Talib, a young indie rock promoter at ease amid the New York club scene. Though officially Afro-American, he is neither continually conscious of his racial identity, nor -- it seems -- all that affected by it. Meanwhile, his Caucasian buddy Josh (Jeremy Bobb) appears to be grappling with his own racial identity by suppressing his "whiteness" and both acting and thinking black -- dating African-American women, aggressively and vociferously touting The Autobiography of Malcolm X, etc. Initially, though A.J. insists that his African-American heritage is neither here nor there for him, he begins to observe the myriad ways in which it impacts his social relationships..

Little White Lies

Little White Lies

While detective Liz Donaldson cashes her entire life savings to go to Rome, she meets Dr. Harry MacCrey on the plane. They both lie about their jobs and they fall in love in Rome. But, when they come home they have to try to keep their little white lies to themselves and not let either of them who's who..