

We Will Rock You voirfilms

We Will Rock You

We Will Rock You

Le seul concert du groupe filmé sur pellicule 35 mm. Enregistré les 24 et 25 novembre 1981 au Forum de Montréal, dans la province canadienne de Québec, soit dix ans jour pour jour avant la mort de Freddie Mercury..

We Will Rock You: The Musical

We Will Rock You: The Musical

We Will Rock You is a musical based on the songs of British rock band Queen with a book by Ben Elton. The musical tells the story of a group of Bohemians who struggle to restore the free exchange of thought, fashion, and live music in a distant future where everyone dresses, thinks and acts the same. Musical instruments and composers are forbidden, and rock music is all but unknown..

Team of Miracle: We Will Rock You

Team of Miracle: We Will Rock You

Lantern Street represented a nickname for abandonment. Under the shadow of the neon lights, you would come face to face with those living on the streets, sleeping without any shelters. They were loners coming from all walks of lives. Here, the time clock seemed to freeze, and people were trapped here from the outside world. One day, Tung was inspired with the idea that football games could be a good opportunity to seek out the “Lost Sheep Away From Home”. Even though Tung was an amateur to football, and there was no substantial support, he determined to pioneer a football team, like a “light” to shine upon Lantern Street’s homeless souls. Tung took up the challenge and recruited the homeless folks to form the football team, which was truly an extraordinary team. Hoping that they would venture out of Hong Kong, they bravely took up the challenge to enter the tournament of the World Cup..

We Are the Sons of Your Rocks

We Are the Sons of Your Rocks

An old man lives in a small village in the north of Montenegro. He is troubled by the story of his father, which he heard when he was a boy. At the end of WWII, an Italian officer called Mazzola was captured by the partisans, and soon after shot and buried close to the old man’s house. There is no tomb or trace; no real proof that the story is true. However, he is afraid of digging to see if any bones lie underneath. He turns to the remaining villagers in order to find out the truth. There are two men older than him, but their stories don’t always match and are not easy to comprehend..