

Volunteers voir films streaming gratuit sans compte

Toujours prêts

Toujours prêts

Lawrence, un jeune fortuné se retrouve terriblement endetté. Son père refuse de l'aider et l'oblige à prendre le large. Il s'engage dans une mission de la paix en Asie du Sud-Est où on lui demande de construire un pont. Malheureusement pour lui, celui-ci est convoité par l'armée des Etats-Unis, un groupe communiste local et un grand trafiquant de drogues..

A Voluntary Year

A Voluntary Year

Encouragée par son père, qui souhaite la voir échapper à une vie provinciale, Jette est sur le point de passer un an en volontariat à l’étranger. Mais, partagée entre les attentes de son père et l’amour, elle ne sait plus ce qu’elle veut..

Volunteer's Playlist

Volunteer's Playlist

Shtapich got a family early and also lost it quickly, managed to put an end to his career and was already out of work at the age of 25. Once in the search and rescue squad, he gets the opportunity to realize himself in a new professional environment and acquire not just friends, but like-minded people ― people who are truly passionate about their business..

The Volunteers: To the War

The Volunteers: To the War

In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, New China was faced with "internal and external troubles". Since the outbreak of the Korean Civil War, the U.S. military has repeatedly provoked the border between China and North Korea, and civilians have been brutally bombed. In order to maintain the hard-won peace and long-term stability for generations, in October 1950, the Chinese People's Volunteers entered North Korea, and the "Resist US Aid Korea" war kicked off..

The Volunteers

The Volunteers

Filmmaker River Hagg travels to war-torn Syria, in hopes of documenting the war between the YPG and ISIS. He eventually finds himself in a volunteer unit, the only medics on the battlefield..

Volontaires étrangers dans l'enfer de Raqqa

Volontaires étrangers dans l'enfer de Raqqa

En 2017, des centaines de jeunes Occidentaux sont partis en Syrie combattre aux côtés des Kurdes les djihadistes de l’organisation État islamique. Que signifie un tel engagement pour de jeunes hommes ayant grandi dans le confort de l'Europe des années 2000 ? Quelles sont leurs motivations ?.

International Volunteers of the Rojava Revolution

International Volunteers of the Rojava Revolution

The Democratic Federation of Northern Syria is an autonomous enclave experimenting with a radical form of democracy called Democratic Confederalism. The multicultural pluralistic system is centered around Direct Democracy, Women’s Liberation, and ecology. In 2019, Unicorn Riot interviewed three New Yorkers who volunteered to fight alongside the Peoples’ Protection Units (YPG) and Syrian Democratic Forces against ISIS and Turkey. The documentary features their oral accounts overlaid with contributed footage from anonymous sources to bring you a first-person point of view of what happened to fighters as they held the front line in defense of Rojava, an autonomous zone in northern Syria. The three men share their perspectives of what they witnessed while playing a small role in the Syrian Civil War as international volunteers for the YPG..

Cuban Volunteers Marching for Rations

Cuban Volunteers Marching for Rations

Taken at the Cuban Volunteer Camp at West Tampa, Fla. Men are falling into line, two abreast, every man with his tin cup and dish. Command is given 'forward march' and the column approaches the audience. A fine looking body of men, worthy of a people battling for freedom. Figures are life size and life like. Prominently displayed upon their military hats is the emblem Cuba Libre, a single star in a red tri-colored field. An accurate and interesting subject..

Call for Volunteers

Call for Volunteers

This short archival film from WWII depicts how the women of Winnipeg opened a volunteer bureau and enlisted 7000 women into the war effort. Through a variety of activities, these women extended and maintained social services during the war..

Volunteers Unleashed

Volunteers Unleashed

Leading this story is 22-year-old Pippa Biddle, who after a series of voluntourism experiences over six years posted a critical blog. It went viral with over 15 million hits, and instantly launched her as the poster child against privileged young white women volunteering overseas. Volunteers Unleashed shows that going overseas with good intentions does not guarantee good will be done. Inspired by his daughter Jennica's life-changing experience as a volunteer in Tanzania in 2012, Vancouver filmmaker Brad Quenville (The Dolphin Dealer, Ice Pilots, Pyros, Highway Thru Hell) went back to Africa with his daughter and DOP Kyle Sandilands to shoot and develop the documentary..

Old Parish Preservation Volunteers

Old Parish Preservation Volunteers

Directed by Maura and Kate Smith, Old Parish Preservation Volunteers is a short form documentary film that explores the history of the Old Parish Cemetery and the work of the Old Parish Preservation Volunteers. The Old Parish Cemetery sits in the heart of downtown Norwood, MA and it serves as the final resting place of some of Norwood’s earliest and most influential residents. The film showcases both the importance of this piece of history as well as the work of the Old Parish Preservation Volunteers to restore, repair, and foster a sense of respect and appreciation for this local landmark..