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Ce n'est pas une petite secousse sismique qui va inquiéter la population de Los Angeles, depuis longtemps habituée aux caprices de la nature. Mais ce matin-là, quelques heures après qu'une brève secousse eut réveillé la ville en sursaut, sept employés municipaux qui réparent une canalisation meurent carbonisés par l'émanation d'une forte chaleur. Dépêchée sur les lieux, le docteur Amy Barnes de l'Institut géologique va constater qu'une éruption volcanique menace la ville..



Featuring a stellar cast and a breathtaking score, "VOLCANO" ignites the screen with its explosive performances and emotional depth. Will West returns to play the lead and delivers a mesmerising portrayal, capturing the essence of a conflicted artist torn between loyalty, ambition, and his ongoing romantic narrative with ‘Julia’, played by Mette Linturi. We find them disconnected and on opposing sides of an ongoing dance competition between two groups within our TV Show. The chemistry between the rival dancers crackles with intensity, revealing the complexities of human connection in the face of fierce competition..



Hannah and Jess meet up at a tiki bar, seeing each other for the first time since Hannah's romantic Mexico trip. Hannah has a lot to say about it, except what really happened..



Zabette de Chauvalons leaves a convent in Brussels to join her father on the island of Martinique, escorted by Père Bénédict. In St. Pierre she finds that her father has died; his widow, who rules the island's French society, believes Zabette to be the child of a beautiful quadroon with whom Zabette's father left for France; when Zabette is sent to the mulatto quarter, Stéphane Séquineau is present and takes an interest in her. Destitute, Zabette is forced to auction off her Paris fashions, and though Quembo, a cunning quadroon, is the highest bidder, Stéphane outbids him at the last minute and professes his love, which she accepts, believing herself to be une fille de couleur; however, his older brother, Maurice, insinuating that a mixed marriage would ruin him, persuades her to desist..



Une réunion de famille tourne mal lorsque la femme de chambre est retrouvée morte et que les menaces d'un tueur inconnu mettent tous en résidence surveillée. Ils devront se révéler de sales secrets ou l'un d'eux meurt à chaque minute..



A moving record of a natural disaster, Volcano documents the effect of a sudden volcanic eruption on the tiny island of Haimaey, off the coast of Iceland. Blasts of flame, clouds of black smoke and showers of rock erupt from the screen in a poignant portrait of a stricken town..



Volcano, half hour, silent, shot on 16mm on a volcano in Hawaii, the film attempts to deal with those questions of representation that persist as problematic, for me, for the basic questions of aesthetics, what it is to view, how to view the unknown as to view the known is not possibly a viewing. The question of recognition, the impossibility of recognition or, better said, the impossibility o f a viewer viewing at all if it is predicated up on recognition... at that moment, you the viewer I the viewer am no longer part of a process, a material however metaphysical or not process of making meaning through the conflicts of perception of something....



For more than 20 years, Maurice & Katia Krafft have traveled the world. From Iceland to Hawaii, from Africa to Indonesia, they are usually the first to reach the scene of an eruption. Join them as they risk their lives to document the birth of a volcano..

Volcano High

Volcano High

Kim se fait renvoyer une nouvelle fois de son lycée pour avoir utilisé ses pouvoirs paranormaux contre un professeur. Il intègre Volcano High School, le lycée de la dernière chance où l'ambiance est chaotique et où les gangs d'élèves experts en arts martiaux et super-pouvoirs s'affrontent....

New York Volcano

New York Volcano

New York est victime de phénomènes inexpliqués tels que des explosions et des tremblements de terre. Le géologue Matt MacLachlan découvre alors une activité volcanique dans les profondeurs de la ville ! Bien que cela soit naturellement impossible, un scientifique a réussi à provoquer une arrivée de lave. Dans le plus grand danger, Matt, son ex-femme et ses collègues vont tout faire pour stopper le désastre imminent..

Joe Contre le Volcan

Joe Contre le Volcan

Un jeune homme qui n'a plus que six mois à vivre se voit proposer par un milliardaire excentrique de finir ses jours en se précipitant dans la gueule d'un volcan, dont il calmerait ainsi la colère....

Au-dessous du volcan

Au-dessous du volcan

A la veille de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, au Mexique, l'ex-consul britannique Geoffrey Firmin s'enfonce irrémédiablement dans l'alcoolisme pour oublier celle qui l'a quitté..

My Dad and the Volcano

My Dad and the Volcano

A story of a father and son and... a volcano. Gavin built a 6-foot volcano and he asked his Dad if he could store it in his shed for a short while until he figured out what to do with it, but that turned into five years and his Dad has threatened to destroy it over the years. Gavin aspires to bring him and his Dad together through the volcano, to help his father see it as he does. However, there's a challenge - his dad holds no interest in modern art and has declined any involvement in the documentary..