

Voices voirfilms



After visiting her father's grave, Lilly and her mother are involved in a terrible car accident leaving Lilly orphaned and unable to see. In her youth, she struggles with her blindness and begins to hear voices. Unbeknownst to her they don't belong to the living. After years of learning to cope, Lilly is now happily married with a baby on the way. Lilly soon discovers her unborn baby has become a vessel a second chance for souls stuck in limbo to be re-born. She only has until the baby's first heartbeat to decide which soul will be re-born through her. Now the voices she heard in her youth have returned, clamoring for the chance to come back. Among the voices, she befriends the spirit of a little girl tied to a years-old cold case. Lilly finds herself in a desperate struggle with the girl's murderers and the souls vying to be born again..



Après la noyade accidentelle de son jeune fils, une femme fait une dépression et est finalement placée dans un hôpital psychiatrique. Après sa libération, son mari l’emmène passer un week-end dans un manoir isolé, espérant l’aider à se remettre. Cependant, les choses au manoir ne sont pas tout à fait ce qu’elles semblent être, le couple commence à sentir une présence difficile et oppressive, et la mère commence à voir des choses qui peuvent, ou peut-être pas, être des hallucinations..



A telepathic intelligence operative is interrogated by her handler for connecting with the minds of unsanctioned targets..

Raising Voices

Raising Voices

Lorsqu'une jeune fille de 17 ans dénonce une agression sexuelle dans son lycée, l'enquête qui s'ensuit bouleverse sa vie et met ses relations à l'épreuve..



A documentary short film about transgender people of Berlin making use of their personal voices: Malvina trains her voice in a group for trans women lead by Vasilisa, a choir director. Green political activist Claudia speaks out through..



Poets from all walks of life speak their truth through their poetry. A film about poetry by award-winning Gina Nemo, Poet, Writer, Filmmaker, Award-Winning Singer & Actress..



When moving into their new home, Tara and Drew are alarmed when they overhear their neighbours arguing. As the voices get louder and more violent, they must decide if it’s their responsibility to act..



The global problem of sexual harassment has been met with the global resistance to listen. Eight people share their stories, using their voices to make a stand..



Voices is an award-winning documentary that features the stark and intimate portraits of three very different individuals and their struggle with severe mental illness in America. The stories of Sharon, Thomas and Aaron illuminate the challenges, realities, and often complex emotions and choices that surround people with psychotic mental illness and those who love them..



A humorous explanation of the fears we share: fear of the darkness, of monsters, of aging, of being overweight, and of global destruction..

Moslem Wedding

Moslem Wedding

Moslem is the only eulogist of his village. On his wedding day, one of the villager passes away. He must participate in the funeral and deliver eulogies which his bride do not like at all....



Mu Jin Hyeok est un policier. Trois ans après le meurtre de sa femme par un tueur en série, survenu alors qu'il était en mission, il est toujours rongé par la culpabilité et la colère de savoir le tueur en liberté. Kang Gwon Ju est agent de police au centre d'appel du numéro d'urgence 112. Son père, officier de police, a été tué en mission, à la suite d'un appel reçu par sa fille, par le même tueur en série. De retour des États-Unis où elle vient d'achever des études de profileur criminel spécialisé dans les voix, elle crée l'équipe "Golden Time", chargée d'intervenir dans les 10 minutes après la réception d'un appel. Jin Hyeok devient le leader de la "Golden Time team" et ensemble, ils vont s'employer à empêcher des meurtres, tout en recherchant le tueur en série responsable de la mort de leurs proches..