

Virtual Love voir films streaming gratuit sans compte

A Lovestory in Virtual Reality

A Lovestory in Virtual Reality

Naoki (Nomaguchi Toru), middle-aged bachelor, has had no successful experiences in his life. His only purpose in life is to spend time alone in the VR world of a game "Twilight" as a girl (Kurasawa Anna) in school uniform. In the lonely world of the unpopular game, one day he meets a beautiful avatar "Honami", a naive and beautiful girl. Naoki, a socially awkward, is bewildered but gradually becomes attracted to Honami..

Virtual Love

Virtual Love

Nana (Jun Natsukawa) and her colleague Mei (Moe Yoshizawa) spend time in a virtual world with a man and sell their love memories. The next Nana customer is Mitsuru (ERIKU). Nana begins to fall in love with Mitsuru even though she knows she is virtual. But her litigation is a virtual world. Mitsuru in the real world was just a man..

Virtual Love

Virtual Love

A love story for the 90s: Valery falls in love with an identical twin, a virtual reality scientist, and finds she can have a more intimate relationship with him through the computer screen than in person. Or is it really him?.

Wonderland: Virtual Adultery and Cyberspace Love

Wonderland: Virtual Adultery and Cyberspace Love

Carolyn is a 37 year-old mother of four in the midst of a passionate affair. She's spending up to 18 hours a day with her lover online on Second Life, the website. She has never met him, but, to her husband of nine year's dismay, she is abandoning her family and flying 5,000 miles to London to start a new life with her lover, Elliot. What makes this website, which has three million members, so compelling?.

Love Virtually

Love Virtually

In the near future, more than half of the world population uses ‘Love Virtually’, a virtual app. People find the partners they want with whose face they want, using a ‘Love Virtually’ ID, which becomes a general trend. A couple creates their IDs with their faces before plastic surgery and develop their love for each other. On the anniversary of the 100th day of their first meeting through the app, the couple are about to make love, but the app is down. Love Virtually is a rom-com about a couple searching for true love in a world where virtual reality is the norm by mixing the real world and virtual reality. Both in the real world and virtual reality, they meet each other before and after cosmetic surgery; the world’s standards for appearance might be meaningless for people trying to find their other half. The important thing is ‘the apple of my eye’, regardless of the real or virtual world..



Martin est phobique mais se soigne. Petit à petit il parvient à sortir de son isolement, de son studio et de sa réalité virtuelle. Il est web-designer. Mariana sort d'une relation longue. Elle est perdue et confuse, à l'image du désordre qui règne dans son appartement. Martin et Mariana vivent dans la même rue, dans des immeubles l'un en face de l'autre mais ne se sont jamais rencontrés. Ils fréquentent les mêmes endroits mais ne se remarquent pas. Comment peuvent-ils se rencontrer dans une ville de trois millions d'habitants? Ce qui les sépare les rassemble....

Electric Love

Electric Love

Electric Love follows a group of 20-somethings as they navigate the dating landscape of modern day L.A. These interconnected stories feature young single people in various states of courtship whether it’s a blind-date, hook-up or a long-term relationship. The film explores straight, bisexual and gay relationships as well as polyamory and monogamy. In an increasingly technological world, our smartphones have become an integral part of not only how we approach dating but how we connect with others..