

Vicious sokroflix gratuit



Freddie and Stuart are an old couple who have been together for decades and bicker constantly. Their lives are turned upside down by their new upstairs neighbor Ash, who is sure to cause trouble in their mundane lives..



A young woman must spend the night fighting for her existence as she slips down a disturbing rabbit hold contained inside a mysterious gift from a late-night visitor..



A thriller about a stripper coming to terms with her past and unleashing her personal strength to overcome her stalker and other male oppressors..



Lydia, hantée par la mort de sa sœur, devient paranoïaque et pense qu'elle n'est pas seule lorsqu'elle rentre chez elle et trouve sa porte d'entrée déverrouillée..



Sid and Nancy: impossible love between unviable beings. Anguish explodes into blood delusions. Torn by contradictions, the desperate search is the only way. But every crime brings its punishment. The synthesis between agony and ecstasy is often fatal..



A normal camping trip becomes a fight for survival for four friends when they encounter a mysterious stranger named Kane (horror legend, Tom Savini). Kane, a government operative is charged with the task of containing a rogue military experiment loose in the wild. Kane’s primary objective is to capture unsuspecting campers and feed them to the ravenous beast. In the end the survivors are faced with a fight to the death with a vicious monster and the man who controls it..



Durant la journée, Jules est la parfaite étudiante américaine. Elle fait même partie d'une des confréries de son université. Mais cette dernière garde un lourd secret : elle a été victime d'un viol commis sur le campus. Bien décidée à faire payer le responsable et à empêcher que cela ne se reproduise, Jules décide de faire justice, elle-même, la nuit. Aidée par Ophelia, une étudiante en droit, hacker et dealer, elle part en quête de vengeance....

Vicious Fun

Vicious Fun

Années 80, Joel est un geek comme on n’en fait plus. Naïf, fan de films d'horreur et secrètement amoureux de sa colocataire. Après une soirée arrosée, il se retrouver malgré lui au beau milieu d’une séance d’assassins anonymes. Deux solutions s’offrent à lui : mouiller son pantalon et terminer en sashimi humain ou faire appel à son encyclopédique connaissance du genre pour passer incognito….

Haus of Vicious

Haus of Vicious

From creator Jill Ramsey, the eight-episode first season follows Roman's character Chantel Vivian, a fashion designer whose success is overshadowed by her narcissistic husband, addiction, unresolved childhood traumas and dysfunctional personal life. With the assistance of her secret weapon, Jaelyn Ryan (Erica Peeples), publicist to her Vicious Empire, Chantel works to rise through the ranks, but her husband Kane's (Redaric Williams) behavior threatens to tear down the house Chantel built..

For the Sake of Vicious

For the Sake of Vicious

Romina est une infirmière surmenée, qui rentre chez elle après une longue journée de travail, pour y trouver deux intrus : un maniaque menaçant un otage, ligoté à une chaise, meurtri et battu. Lorsqu'une vague inattendue d'individus violents s'abat sur sa maison, cela devient un combat pour la survie. Commence alors une longue nuit, cauchemardesque et sanglante....

The Last Drive-In: Joe Bob’s Vicious Vegas Valentine

The Last Drive-In: Joe Bob’s Vicious Vegas Valentine

It’s a new year, which means a new slate of holiday specials from horror host Joe Bob Briggs and “The Last Drive-in” on Shudder. Up first is the brand new Valentine’s Day Special, “Joe Bob’s Vicious Vegas Valentine.” What pairs better with matrimony than monsters? Joe Bob Briggs, Darcy the Mail Girl, and “The Last Drive-in” crew aim to deliver the biggest special yet by leaving behind the trailer part and taking the wedding capital of the world by storm. In addition to a horror double feature centered around “nasty love stories,” the legendary horror host will also officiate the wedding of two fans on-air!.

The Vicious Kind

The Vicious Kind

A man tries to warn his brother away from the new girlfriend he brings home during Thanksgiving, but ends up becoming infatuated with her in the process..