

Valparaiso voirfilms



21h07 GMT, quelque part dans la Manche: un supertanker, le "Magnificent", 400 000 tonnes de pétrole, 350 mètres, heurte un haut fond du récif des Casquets. La brèche a déchiré la double coque, le navire va sombrer, provoquant une nouvelle marée noire. A Bruxelles, Emma Caglione, jeune députée écologiste, s’investit dans la commission d’enquête mise en place par le Parlement européen: Emma découvre bientôt que la cargaison de brut venait d’être secrètement rachetée par la "Oil&Co", un groupe multinational dont le numéro 3, Balthazar Parédès, est son père….



Rocio is 20 years old and has been detained in an identification and expulsion center in Rome, pending deportation to her country of origin. During her detention Rocio has become pregnant, but she is unwilling to reveal how or with whom this has happened, preferring to remain silent. By law, pregnant women cannot be detained. So Rocio is released, four months into her pregnancy and with a temporary permit of stay on maternity grounds. Now she is free, but must also go ahead with an unwanted pregnancy..

…A Valparaíso

…A Valparaíso

«Valparaiso est une ville extraordinaire, une ville qui a tout connu: les Espagnols, l'incendie, le tremblement de terre, les pirates, la tempête, tout. Une ville torturée...».

Valparaiso My Love

Valparaiso My Love

A story inspired by real events that took place in the port of Valparaiso. Four poor children have been abandoned because their father, who is out of work, steals cattle to feed them and the police have arrested him. The story takes up the children's point of view and is structured in four episodes that describe their inevitable descent into the world of marginality and crime. Faced with life in a brutal way, from their problematic social situation, they head towards a marginality that is difficult to avoid..

Venture of Faith

Venture of Faith

Shortly after WWII, students at Valparaiso University in Indiana come together to raise funds and construct a new building on campus, so the school can offer a four-year engineering degree..