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Dans une entreprise de recherche biotechnologique de pointe, un jeune homme rebelle va travailler pour son père, un homme excentrique, afin de le sauver de la faillite..

Une femme fragile

Une femme fragile

Après une relation dangereuse et abusive, une jeune femme traitée pour des problèmes mentaux trouve enfin réconfort dans son récent mariage. Mais est-ce elle qui se sabote elle et son nouveau mari ou est-ce lui qui la rend de nouveau instable?.

Passion trouble

Passion trouble

Jason est prêt à tout pour que sa femme Kristen renonce au divorce. Cette dernière souhaite conserver la maison qui a vu naître leur fils. Mais des problèmes financiers l'obligent à en louer une partie à Nick, un entraineur de football. Elle ignore que cet homme a été engagé par Jason pour la surveiller..



Friends become enemies after one of them is accused of committing a hate crime against a gay teenager during a weekend camping trip..



As Adam's life starts to go downhill, he has to choose between his ever-increasing addiction and his loving girlfriend..



It’s a caper with heart. Bravo is a proud police horse who is tricked by his rider into assisting in the crime of the century: switch the Queen’s crown for a fake. Betrayed, Bravo goes on the run with the evidence and finds refuge in the garden of a little girl, Luna, who always wanted a real pony. It’s love at first sight, for her. But not for him! Luna and her crazy pets (who think they’re ponies too!) nurse Bravo and train him to win the local horse show. Bravo even gets a new name (Princess Lady Boots) and a sparkly makeover! But in his single-minded quest for revenge, Bravo selfishly puts Luna in danger..

Boucle d'or et les trois ours

Boucle d'or et les trois ours

Quand Boucle d'Or, une star de la télé réalité impertinente décide de filmer son prochain spectacle à l'humble maison des ours, elle leur donne un avant-goût de la célébrité vie douce qu'ils ont jamais eu auparavant.

3 petits cochons... et un bébé

3 petits cochons... et un bébé

Les trois petits cochons vivent ensemble dans la maison de brique impénétrable, dans laquelle, les loups tentent désespérément d'entrer. Les prédateurs décident alors de tendre un piège aux cochons en mettant devant leur porte un louveteau. Les 3 amis décident alors de l'adopter et de l'élever....

Lièvres contre Tortues

Lièvres contre Tortues

Lorsque Murray le lièvre, le plus rapide et espiègle de tous, perd la course contre Walter la tortue, c’est la panique. 15 ans plus tard, accompagnés de leurs enfants, l’heure de la revanche a sonné. Sur le départ avec Crystal, petite tortue passionnée de hip-hop, et Butch, génie de sciences pour le moins sportif, les deux adversaires se préparent à franchir la montagne indomptable. Sur la ligne d’arrivée ne se cache peut-être pas la victoire, mais le début d’une amitié plutôt improbable….

Dangerous Acts Starring the Unstable Elements of Belarus

Dangerous Acts Starring the Unstable Elements of Belarus

In the Republic of Belarus, Europe’s last remaining unreconstructed Communist dictatorship, the Belarus Free Theatre risks censorship, imprisonment and worse to stage their provocative and subversive plays in secret performances at home and to critical acclaim abroad. Director Madeleine Sackler goes behind the scenes with this group of gutsy performers as they brave a renewed government crackdown on dissenters in 2010..

The Unstable Object II

The Unstable Object II

Picture three places. 1. A workshop in Germany where we follow the making of a prosthetic hand. 2. A traditional glove-making workshop in Millau, in the south of France. 3. A jeans factory in Istanbul, illustrating large-scale industrial production. A succession of three workplaces, but with a common viewpoint and subject: the relationship between the hand and the machine, the work and the material, all of them patiently and rigorously observed..

The Unstable Object

The Unstable Object

What do a luxury automobile, a cymbal, and a wall clock all have in common? What are the diverse attachments and experiences produced by those who make these things and those who consume them? What exchanges take place through the object itself—sensually, esthetically, abstractly? We often forget that most of the things we use are made by the labor of others, often in distant places, living dramatically different, diverse lives. What do these objects mean to them? How does their labor, their aspirations, their sense of alienation or satisfaction connect to ours?.

Unstable Figures Amidst Vegetation

Unstable Figures Amidst Vegetation

This film is an accumulation of semi-stroboscopic figures with features invisible to the eye, that remain in the human cerebral cortex located at the top of the brain. Nature and people are compressed and disturbed by geometric forms that struggle among themselves stroboscopically, appearing flat but transparent, penetrating the other images, causing them to contract in movements joined at the center of the screen, but more fluid at the edges. This pulsing together awakens the figures to a twofold life: mirrored and not mirrored, a result of their being filmed one frame at a time, directly, non-stop..

Unstable Materials

Unstable Materials

This film is made by some beautiful and unique alchemical transformations of the film material itself. It is a visual expedition into the world of matter, which shows the bizarre richness of the smallest particles floating in the film emulsion. The crystals' constantly changing structures, enriched by the textures, bring about an almost tactile experience, a visual expression of its own base matter.(Jürgen Reble).

Stable Unstable

Stable Unstable

In an apartment building in Beirut, on the last day of the year, seven characters start their day by visiting their psychologist as part of the weekly ritual. On that couch in their psychologist's office, they face themselves and their loved ones in trying to define what is most important to them. Each of them, from the patients to the residents of the building, has a different story to share, inner secrets and hidden wishes. All keep to themselves, except for the porter Abou Karim, who extends his presence and allows himself to interfere in the lives of others and in their destinies..