

Unidentified sokroflix gratuit



Two reporters working for the same magazine are sent to Texas to investigate a string of UFO sightings. As they investigate two distinct theories begin to develop. Both reporters are driven to prove their own theory, but in the end only one can be right..



When a passenger displays eccentric behavior on a plane, what's first assumed to be a hallucination reveals itself to be something beyond comprehension..



In order to observe the mysterious celestial bodies that were not "captured" a few years ago, astronomical observers called lunatics (Chen Chutong) stopped at the foot of the deserted Gobi Mountain and set up a temporary observation station to wait for the celestial bodies to rotate to a special angle. "Capture"..



During a wild weekend in Las Vegas, four young friends get into trouble with a loan shark and must skip town in a hurry. But gambling problems may be the least of their worries after they get stranded in the Nevada desert. One of the guys discovers a mysterious metal fragment, then promptly goes missing during the night. When the remaining three catch up with their lost friend, there's something different about him. As his condition worsens, the others realize that something unearthly might be stalking them in the desert..

Engaged to the Unidentified

Engaged to the Unidentified

Le jour de son 16è anniversaire, Kobeni Yonomori apprend qu'elle est fiancée à Hakuya Mitsumine, qui a le même âge qu'elle mais qu'elle ne connaît pas. Ce dernier emménage peu après chez elle avec sa petite soeur, Mashiro, encore élève en primaire. La grande soeur de Kobeni, Benio, complète cette "famille" qui va devoir apprendre à cohabiter..



Florin Iespas est un inspecteur de police irascible au physique imposant qui s’arrange avec la loi pour arriver à ses fins. Déterminé à résoudre une affaire impliquant la mort de deux femmes brulées vives, il est persuadé qu’un jeune roumain a commis l’irréparable. Devant le refus de son supérieur de continuer l’enquête et la méfiance de ses collègues, le policier échafaude un plan alambiqué afin de corroborer son intuition, tout en luttant contre ses propres démons..



In 1993, UFOs appear over every major city in the world. They remain floating in the sky; silent, motionless, unidentified. 29 years later, there is a rumor that some among us are aliens..

Un Cosmonaute chez le Roi Arthur

Un Cosmonaute chez le Roi Arthur

L'astronaute Tom Trimble et son robot sosie se retrouvent propulsés accidentellement dans le passé, dans l'Angleterre du sixième siècle. Retenus prisonniers à Camelot par le Roi Arthur, ils ne tardent pas à mettre à jour un complot fomenté par Sir Mordred et Merlin pour s'emparer du trône..

Ovni : les dossiers déclassifiés américains

Ovni : les dossiers déclassifiés américains

Après de nombreuses années dans les renseignements, Luis Elizondo prend en 2009 la direction de l'AATIP, en français Programme d'identification avancées des menaces aérospatiales. En 2017, il met fin à sa carrière afin de pouvoir rendre publics les témoignages qu'il recueille. Luis et son équipe se sont fixé pour mission de lever le voile sur ce que sait vraiment le gouvernement américain au sujet des ovnis.

Unidentified Objects

Unidentified Objects

A curmudgeonly gay dwarf and his unstable, alien-obsessed neighbor are thrown together on an impossible road trip that will alter their strange friendship (and their sense of reality) forever..

UAP: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena

UAP: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena

UAP is the new military term for UFO. The Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force is a program within US Naval Intelligence implemented to "standardize collection and reporting" of sightings of unidentified aerial phenomena. Many say the use of "UAP" is an attempt to better hide the program from civilians but with the acknowledgment of recent UFO videos leaked to the public as real, the time has come for the governments of the world to face the hard question of who are these visitors and why are they here?.

Unidentified: UFOs in the Headlines

Unidentified: UFOs in the Headlines

For decades, UFOs have been the domain of science fiction and conspiracy theories. But not anymore. Over the past few years, the United States government has begun taking sightings of unknown objects by members of our military seriously, and subjecting them to further study. Featuring first-person accounts by military eyewitnesses, government insiders and UFO experts, this special offers an update to HISTORY’s groundbreaking Unidentified series, and traces how we got here, and what a government investigation into 144 recent sightings can tell us about what these mysterious objects are and where they come from..

The Unidentified

The Unidentified

At once gritty and whimsical, The Unidentified follow Estlin, a passionate young journalist scraping by in New York City. As his frustration with his entry-level job at a local newspaper peaks, his disgruntled best friend, Brooke, leaves Brooklyn for Ohio. Set adrift, Estlin falls for Sophie, an elusive artist with an optimistic view on life. But as their romance blossoms, his high ideals and dogged pursuit of truth come into conflict with her tightly guarded secrets. The film is an exploration of idealism and apathy in today's youth culture and the vestiges of the social consciousness of the 1960s. In a climactic scene shot at a real anti-war protest in Washington D.C., Estlin must come to terms with what has been lost, what still remains and where he must go from here..