

Unfinished sokroflix gratuit



Upon receiving a series of photographs taken from an ATM security camera, Calle becomes involved in a perplexing fifteen-year investigation. She manages to steal three surveillance tapes, and interacts with strangers, bank employees, and a pawn shop merchant in an attempt to clarify the meaning of money, security, and the anonymous photographs. The images, originally exhibited in an installation entitled Cash Machine, are now presented as the central narrative in this unresolved investigation..



Writer Zora Matthews is the daughter of famous author Thomas Morgan Matthews who died a year ago. Both Zora and Thomas suffer from schizophrenia. After a fight with husband Drew, Zora escapes to her father's hideaway house in beautiful Topanga Canyon. There Zora is introduced to bartender Eddie, his wife Lorena, and handyman Amadi. They all talk cryptically about how Zora's father changed their world. The stress triggers Zora's schizophrenia, and her dreams become horrific as she slowly discovers that her father's past included grisly murder and suicide, and the ghosts of his actions are back to haunt her and drive her insane..



A rumination on the Toronto-based artist and video maker Lloyd Wong whose unfinished tapes from the early '90s Chan collages together..



Unfinished is a 40-minute personal documentary that encapsulates the struggle of a daughter's mental illness as seen through the lens of her mother. Over a series of hospitalizations through involvement of the ‘invisible’ medics treating her daughter, the mother’s frustrating enquiry to understand and untangle the conundrum of her daughter’s mental health condition unfold. The filmmaker-mother critically examines home videos filmed by her during her daughter’s first episode that unravels the family’s genetic archive. She fears that her past films may be a foreshadow of their lived experience..



Siufung attempts to formulate transgender subjectivity by retelling his own gender struggle through poetry and experimental video..



À Berlin, en 1986, tout le monde se méfiait de tout le monde. Un homme devient la cible de tous à cause d'une erreur. L'économiste Yeong-min est convaincu par un espion du Nord de se déplacer dans le Nord sous prétexte de sécurité pour sa famille et pour lui-même. Cependant, il se rend compte que c'est une erreur et s'enfuit en Allemagne de l'Ouest où il est séparé de sa famille. Pour aggraver les choses, il est surveillé par divers pays qui souhaitent l’utiliser à des fins différentes..

Jet lag

Jet lag

Alors que le directeur d'une petite entreprise est sur le point de signer avec ses deux associés un accord en Europe qui changera la face de sa société, le voyage tournera au désastre....

Unfinished Love Circle

Unfinished Love Circle

A young and Idealist journalist Ozan loses his life in an unfortunate traffic accident. But not everything is finished for him just yet. He gets a second chance in life. He’ll come back to life and find answers to the question marks he left behind his mysterious death. But he will not be in his own body. When Ozan uses his chance to come back to life, he’ll find himself in Kadir’s body. Meanwhile Ozan’s girlfriend Elif who is also a journalist will already be after the people who took Ozan’s life. The two lovers who have crossed paths again will have a stranger’s body between them. Kadir. In Kadir’s body, Ozan, tries to unveil the mystery of his death together with Elif. Not only does he suffer facing the woman he loves in a different body, but also encounters with Kadir’s past. Not just adapting to a new body, adapting to a whole new life will not come easy for Ozan..

Korea: The Unfinished War

Korea: The Unfinished War

It was the first war the UN would fight in, the opening salvos of the Cold War. A war that would redefine global politics & shape a Region. This is the Story of the Korean War. Through gripping reenactments & the words of those who fought & lived through it, this four part series will take you through the horrors of the war..

Une Vie Inachevée

Une Vie Inachevée

Le Wyoming, de nos jours. Fermier à la retraite, Einar Gilkyson est un homme endurci qui a tiré un trait sur son passé. Encore affecté par la mort de son fils unique, survenue dix ans plus tôt, il a laissé son ranch, tout comme son mariage, partir à vau-l'eau. Il n'a désormais d'estime que pour son vieil ami et employé Mitch, grièvement blessé par un grizzli. Alors qu'Einar compte bien finir ses jours reclus dans la solitude et la tristesse, sa belle-fille Jean, qu'il tient pour responsable de la mort de son fils, arrive en ville sans un sou. Fuyant son petit ami, la jeune femme est accompagnée par Griff, âgée de 11 ans, qu'elle affirme être la propre petite-fille d'Einar - et dont il ignorait l'existence. Du jour au lendemain, Einar voit sa vie paisible bouleversée et les vieilles rancœurs refaire surface....

Universal Soldier 3 : Ultime Revanche

Universal Soldier 3 : Ultime Revanche

Traqué par ses anciens compagnons d’armes, des « Universal Soldiers » passés à la solde de l’ennemi, Luc décide de révéler aux médias la vérité sur le programme « Universal Soldier », avec l’aide de Véronica, une brillante journaliste. Mais l’infâme Mentor ne compte pas lui laisser cette chance, alors même qu’il fomente le « casse du siècle ». Il lance un nouveau « chasseur » à ses trousses : un « Universal Soldier » nouvelle génération, plus redoutable encore que les précédents… Son unique mission : « effacer » Luc et Véronica..

An Unfinished Film

An Unfinished Film

January 2020. A film crew reunites near Wuhan to resume the shooting of a film halted ten years earlier, only to share the unexpected challenges as cities are placed under lockdown..