

Unfair film en francais



Acting : Unfair
popularity : 0.002
Tous les films de "acteur / realisteur" Unfair en streaming gratuit.



Acting : Unfair
popularity : 0.001
Tous les films de "acteur / realisteur" Unfair en streaming gratuit.



#Unfair is an articulation of skin, colour, race and caste; constructed through a process of ‘co-labour-ableing’. Processes of selecting visual sequences and each on-camera interviewee; entailed correspondence, meetings and discussions over numerous instances; processes of cinematic rendering, content and locations for an interview – have all been a shared decision by both the interviewees and production crew. All the interviewees share personal accounts, narratives, research and data that they choose to bring to and co-labour with this film..



This incredibly strange short film was commissioned by the union ACTT (Association of Cinematograph, Television and allied Technicians, of which the filmmaker and novelist B.S. Johnson was a member) as part of its action against the Industrial Relations Bill passed by parliament in 1971..



Une série de meurtres ont été commis et à chaque fois le message énigmatique "Qui est injuste ?" est laissé sur les lieux du crime. Les meurtres se produisent selon l'intrigue d'un "roman" qui a été envoyé aux médias. Yukihira Natsumi, une policière intelligente, qui a la mauvaise réputation de ne pas travailler avec les autres et de repousser les limites de la loi va se charger de l'enquête..

Unfair: The End

Unfair: The End

Natsumi Yukihira reçoit des documents secrets sur une organisation qui contrôle le pays dans l'ombre. À cause de cela, son ex-mari paie un terrible tribut. Natsumi retourne alors dans l'équipe d'Investigation #1 de la police métropolitaine de Tokyo pour s'attaquer à l'organisation. Elle se rapproche de l'ennemi final..

Unfair: The Answer

Unfair: The Answer

Après avoir mis fin à sa dernière enquête, l'inspecteur Natsumi Yukihira est transféré au poste de police de Nishimonbetsu à Hokkaido. Pendant ce temps, une série de meurtres, où des clous sont placés dans le corps des victimes, se produit dans le centre-ville de Tokyo. L'empreinte digitale de l'ex-mari de Natsumi, le journaliste indépendant Kazuo Sato, est retrouvée sur le corps d'une victime et Kazuo est placé sur la liste des personnes les plus recherchées. Peu après, Kazuo rencontre Natsumi et lui remet une clé USB contenant des informations sur une organisation secrète de la police..

Unfair : The Movie

Unfair : The Movie

Ce film est la suite du drama Unfair datant de 2006, ce film raconte l'histoire de Natsumi Yukihira qui a pour mission de libérer sa fille, retenue prisonière dans un hôpital de la ville de Tokyo, par un groupe armé réclamant une rançon..

Le Puissant Dragon Vegan

Le Puissant Dragon Vegan

Il est le « Dieu-dragon ». Les Hommes le craignent et le respectent et pourtant... il est le plus couard des sauriens ! Terré dans sa caverne à brouter de l'herbe, il va être sorti de sa torpeur par Reiko, pourtant élevée pour servir de sacrifice au dragon pour vaincre le Roi démon. Ne manquant ni de courage, ni d'aplomb, elle va lui mener la vie dure pour qu'il l'aide à vaincre les créatures qui menacent son village!.

My Unfair Lady

My Unfair Lady

Successful property manager Molly Ling has a golden touch. The shopping malls under her management have won countless awards, but she is a control freak. As her top assistant, her cousin Cherry Ling is at her beck and call. Just as Molly is looking forward to a promotion to the board of directors, the company brings in her ex-boyfriend Gordon Man to be her equal. Meanwhile, Cherry discovers her boyfriend has cheated on her and has been feeling pessimistic about her personal life. It is during this time when she meets a compassionate gentleman Saving Ching. But when she believes their relationship will blossom into love, Cherry finds out that Saving is afraid of marriage. Can the two cousins – both competent women – ultimately reverse their misfortune and find happiness?.

Robert Klein: Unfair & Unbalanced

Robert Klein: Unfair & Unbalanced

Comedian/actor Robert Klein stars in his ninth HBO stand-up special, an hour of all new insights into society’s foibles and follies, plus several memorable musical interludes. Klein performs his routine in front of a live audience at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts’ Amaturo Theatre in Fort Lauderdale, Florida..

The Unfair

The Unfair

Residents, who are evicted from their homes in a designated urban renewal, demonstrate against their removal. The police arrive and attempt to end the demonstration. Death happen that lead to the bigger problem..

Concurrence déloyale

Concurrence déloyale

Two linen fabric dealers with their shops close to one another, battle against each other for more and more costumers. Umberto constantly loses clients because of the tough competition brought by Leone, who offers the best prices in the neighborhood. But they leave differences aside when the rise of Fascism places Anti-Semitic politics which rigidly control business like the one conducted by the Jewish Leone, and those new regulations are viewed by Umberto as completely unfair. The long rivalry soon becomes a great friendship..

Unfair Exchanges

Unfair Exchanges

Julie Walters stars as a single mother seemingly haunted by a sinister telephone system that seems to have become an evil intelligence in its own right..

Jakarta Unfair

Jakarta Unfair

According to Jakarta Legal Aid Institute report, Jakarta Provincial Government had conducted 113 evictions in 2015 and 325 more places are threatened by eviction in 2016. At least 70% of evictions were carried out unilaterally and without any proportionate solutions. Now, some evicted area had been flattened. The rationale is still the same: public order and environmental protection (green open space, normalization of reservoir or river) for the sake of a better life. Jakarta Unfair tries to challenge the government thesis of "a better life after eviction.".

UnFair: Exposing the IRS

UnFair: Exposing the IRS

A documentary shedding light on the certain damage the Income Tax and the IRS have wrought on liberties, businesses, families, and religious, charitable and civic organizations, while empowering a political agenda contrary to America's heritage..