

Undertow voir films streaming gratuit sans compte

L'Autre Rive

L'Autre Rive

Deux jeunes frères, Chris et Tim, vivent avec leur père dans le sud des Etats Unis lorsque leur oncle Deel leur rend visite après avoir purgé une peine de prison. Il va assassiner leur père afin de s'emparer de l'or familial. Mais les deux enfants, témoins du meurtre, s'enfuient avec l'argent. Deel se lance à leur poursuite, à travers le Mississippi....



Undertow stars Scott Brady as a gambler just out of wartime military service. No longer interested in wagers and speculations, Brady wants only to open up a mountain vacation lodge. Before this can take place, Brady is framed for murder, and forced to hide out in the home of Peggy Dow. With the help of Dow and a policeman friend, Brady searches for the real murderer. Watch carefully in Undertow and you'll spot new Universal contractee "Roc" Hudson as a plainclothes detective..



A photojournalist, grieving the loss of her stillborn child, is drawn into an obsessive relationship with a pregnant teenager..



After his car breaks down, Jack seeks shelter, lost in a thunderstorm in a remote shack in the woods. He finds himself held at gunpoint by a deranged mountain man who lives there with his young wife. As the storm rages on, tension mounts in the small cabin. Matters reach a climax when Jack falls for the beautiful woman and tries persuading her to escape with him. Soon, the situation escalates into deadly violence....



Anxious to make a good impression, an autistic university student attempts to 'fit in' for the sake of potential friendship, what could possibly go wrong?.



Undertow looks at the Irish system of asylum seeker accommodation ('direct provision') through the stories of three former refugees. The film attempts to contextualise their years of confinement in the system, within Ireland's own complex history of migration and mass incarceration..



Johnny Mack Brown stars as Paul, who wants nothing more out of life than to take charge of a lighthouse. Falling in love with Sally (Mary Nolan), Paul talks her into sharing his life as a lighthouse keeper. Evidently staring into the beacon once too often, Paul goes blind, and it's quite a chore for footloose Sally to remain faithful. Making matters worse is the arrival of a double-dyed villain (Robert Ellis) who intends to "have his way" with the long-suffering heroine..



"undertow" is an experimental short film which explores how the loss of family and culture can affect one's body consciousness and sexuality. It juxtaposes one adopted woman's reconstructed search for her birth mother (through a bleak urban landscape towards a phone booth) with the attempt to connect mind and body. Through multi-layered incorporation of text, dramatic and documentary footage, voice-over body movement, the internal challenges of crawling back into a murky past are revealed. "undertow" represents the pain and struggle of fighting against the forces--or currents (the undertow)--which seek to trap us and prevent us from knowing ourselves..



“The eyes may be attracted to look left and right – and please let them – but the center is also intriguing and not separable from the rest. Among other things, a side view is transformed into a frontal view, but of course, that is not all.” - Ernie Gehr.



In exchange for his release, an imprisoned con man coerces his son, a former cop kicked off the force for corruption, into entrapping a corrupt gay congressman on behalf of the FBI..



Miguel est un jeune pêcheur, très apprécié et bien intégré à Capo Blanco, un petit village avec de fortes traditions catholiques sur la côte Nord du Pérou. Marié à Mariela qui attend leur premier enfant, Miguel vit secrètement une histoire d'amour passionnée avec Santiago, un beau et mystérieux peintre qui vit à l'écart du village....

The Undertow

The Undertow

Suffocating in a loveless marriage to Adam, Nicola’s life takes a dramatic turn when Adam’s long-estranged identical twin brother Lee comes crashing back into her life, and their tangled romantic past threatens to destroy the present. A split-second decision and a terrible accident drives Nicola to protect her children, and over the course of one week, Lee and Nicola are forced together, struggling to maintain a web of secrets and lies. Though they can’t ignore their feelings for each other, they both know they’re living on borrowed time..



Seth’s world is falling apart around him, as his hatred towards his brother will cause him to make a bad choice that could lead to his death..

A Vicious Undertow

A Vicious Undertow

A Vicious Undertow offers a dreamlike narrative—a vision from a stylish, black and white world where music is a language and fabric patterns enhance the mood and define character. Despite the film’s mysteries, and how much it leaves to our interpretations and imaginations, Just bases his work in real emotions, finding every kind of expression in his actor’s faces, hands, and bodies. Resisting this enigmatic story becomes more difficult with each longing glance, haunting melody, and swooning turn of the camera..

The Undertow

The Undertow

Six friends enter the strange town of Old Mines for a weekend float trip. They quickly realize that the town is not friendly to strangers, and they are pressured to leave by the police. When the friends decide to continue their float trip anyway, terrifying secrets of the town surface. A seven-foot-tall deformed maniac, known by the townsfolk as The Boy is kept under lock and key by the town's mayor. The Boy's purpose is simple: kill outsiders. The Mayor of Old Mines releases The Boy and the maniac's hunt begins. One by one, the campers on their float trip are ripped to gory shreds by the enraged, deformed, hulking Boy. But there is great mystery to the Boy. Who is his father? Who is his mother? How did he become so dangerous? In the end, the answers to these questions will put the entire town of Old Mines in danger. The Boy is an unstoppable killing machine, and anyone in his path won't be in one piece for long!.