

Twisted Fate sokroflix gratuit

Twisted Fate of Love

Twisted Fate of Love

Pang Yu and Feng Xi were old friends who cared deeply for each other - one is refined and gentlemanly while the other is exceptionally talented but doesn't let it show. Because of Dong Yue's appearance, Pang Yu and Feng Xi eventually have a falling out and turn into enemies. Dong Yue encourages the two men to make peace as they face greater enemies in their efforts to assist Pang Yu to the throne..

Twisted Fate

Twisted Fate

A FBI agent going back to his home town. He have to decide if he should be true to his job or take care of his brother who is on the wrong side of the law..

Twist of Fate

Twist of Fate

Ada est une jeune fille qui croit que si elle est abandonnée par son premier amour, elle sera malheureuse à jamais comme les femmes de son côté maternel. Alors qu'elle tente d'échapper au sort de sa famille, Ada tombe amoureuse de Rüzgar, un étudiant albanais de la même université menacé d'expulsion. Croyant que Rüzgar est son premier amour, Ada le propose et ils ont un faux mariage pour empêcher son expulsion. Elle pense que Rüzgar lui proposera littéralement le 3e anniversaire de leur faux mariage, puis leur véritable aventure de mariage commencera enfin. Mais malheureusement, tous les rêves et espoirs d'Ada seront ruinés lorsqu'elle sera abandonnée par Rüzgar lors de leur 3e anniversaire de mariage. Ada passe immédiatement à l'action pour retrouver son premier amour. Mais le destin a son propre chemin et mettra Bora sur le chemin d'Ada à un moment inattendu... Un mâle alpha bourreau de travail, insensible et pharisaïque avec des portes bien fermées pour l'amour....

A Twisted Fate

A Twisted Fate

A short film that finds a man and a woman stuck in an elevator together, only to discover that they both had a heavy family tragedy that they need to get to..

A Twist of Fate

A Twist of Fate

Eri and Shuji meet as next door neighbors and over the course of a year become lovers. However, just as Shuji is planning on asking Eri to marry him, they are each offered job opportunities at opposite ends of the globe. Pulled apart by their careers, they happen to meet years later and are surprised to find they still have feelings for one another. However, the fact that they are both in serious relationships with other people promises to complicate matters..

Twisted Fate

Twisted Fate

At the height of the military dictatorship, an abandoned mansion in the center of São Paulo is occupied by militants, hippies, maniacs, homosexuals, punks, artists and poets, as well as immigrants from different parts of the world..

Twists of Fate

Twists of Fate

A morality tale that starts from answering a mysterious passenger's mobile phone left on a train, and intertwines the lives of student Bartek, who leads an immoral life, and several strangers..

À tous les vents du ciel

À tous les vents du ciel

Claire a 17 ans. Avec sa famille, elle passe ses vacances en Afrique du Sud lorsque sa famille disparaît dans un accident. Par un coup du sort, elle échappe au drame. En plein désarroi, persuadée d’être responsable de la mort des siens et assommée par la culpabilité, elle s’enfuit et décide que le hasard par lequel elle a survécu guidera désormais sa vie. Au fil de ses aventures et de ses rencontres heureuses ou tragiques, elle brûle les étapes de la vie et réalise qu’elle porte en elle la force de créer son destin..

A Twist of Fate

A Twist of Fate

Haji Salleh who was seperated by his family in Singapore fell sick when he was in Mecca. He had a wife, Ainon, a daughter Petum and a son Bahar who is an Inspector Police. Before he passed away he made a will who was entrusted to Sidek to be given to his family. As he arrived back in Singapore the beg which had the letter and money in it was stolen by Kamal, who stole the money and through it away. Kamal not later after that was arrested by the police. By coincidence, Kamal's daughter was Inspector Bahar's boyfriend. Sidek came to the Police Station as he heard about the arrest that has been made to the thief who stole the money. But he was taken back when he saw the face of the criminal who resembled so much of his friend who passed away, Haji Salleh..

Twist of Fate

Twist of Fate

Carlos is a famous journalist at the age of 55. His wife, Ada, is the opposite of her husband, a woman with a very active social life, and she is happy and seductive. One day, Carlos accidentally opens a text message on Ada’s cellular telephone. A new world reveals itself before his eyes when he discovers that his wife is seeing another man. With the help of his friend with whom he goes to live, Carlos discovers a universe of virtual lovers and electronic adultery..



Un jumeau va usurper l'identité de son frère policier décédé afin d'élucider son assassinat et se venger de ses bourreaux..