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Twin Peaks

Twin Peaks

Un meurtre a été commis à Twin Peaks, une petite bourgade de l'État de Washington en apparence tranquille. La jeune Laura Palmer est retrouvée morte nue au bord d'un lac, enveloppée dans du plastique. L'agent spécial du FBI, Dale Cooper, envoyé sur place pour démasquer le coupable, mène l'enquête avec le soutien du shérif local, Harry Truman. Ces investigations les amènent à révéler au grand jour les sombres secrets des uns et des autres. Pendant ce temps, d'inquiétants phénomènes se produisent....

Twin Peaks : Qui a tué Laura Palmer ?

Twin Peaks : Qui a tué Laura Palmer ?

Dans la ville de Twin Peaks, située dans le nord-est de l'État de Washington, le cadavre de Laura Palmer, une jolie lycéenne connue et aimée de tous, est retrouvé emballé dans du plastique sur la berge d'une rivière. L'agent spécial du FBI Dale Cooper est désigné pour mener l'enquête dans la petite ville. Il découvre alors que Laura Palmer n'était pas celle que l'on croyait et que de nombreux habitants de la ville ont quelque chose à cacher... Montage alternatif du pilote de la série télévisée Twin Peaks..

Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me

Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me

La mort mysterieuse de Teresa Banks dans la tranquille petite ville de Deer Meadow va donner bien du fil a retordre aux agents Dale Cooper et Chester Desmond qui vont mener une enquête en forme de charade et découvrir que bien des citoyens de la ville sont impliqués dans cette affaire. Un an plus tard, ce sont les sept derniers jours de Laura Palmer, qui se termineront par la mort brutale de cette dernière, annonçant ainsi le début de Twin Peaks, le soap opera..

Twin Peaks: The Missing Pieces

Twin Peaks: The Missing Pieces

Twin Peaks: Les Pièces Manquantes est une compilation de longs métrages de 2014 de scènes supprimées et étendues du film de 1992 Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me. Il est sorti plus de vingt-deux ans après la fin du film et de la série originale et trois ans avant la saison 3 de Twin Peaks..

Twin Peaks

Twin Peaks

While working as a delivery driver, artist Al Wong became captivated by the meditative qualities of the looping roads around San Francisco’s Twin Peaks. But rather than a simple documentation of these journeys, this long-form structural film utilises Wong’s conceptual explorations to create a stunning, sensual work of pure cinema that continually upends our perceptual expectations. On the soundtrack, we hear the continual lapping of ocean waves. A student of the legendary Sōtō Zen monk Shunryu Suzuki Roshi, Al Wong here creates a film which perfectly symbolises the endless cycles discussed in Zen Buddhist philosophy. A monumental, largely-unseen masterwork 1970s avant-garde film, restored in 16mm by the Pacific Film Archive..

Twin Peaks: The Phenomenon

Twin Peaks: The Phenomenon

"Twin Peaks: The Phenomenon" is a three-part short documentary briefly chronicling the history of Twin Peaks. Produced and released on YouTube as part of the build-up to the premiere of the 2017 series, it was released on home video as part of Twin Peaks: A Limited Event Series and Twin Peaks: From Z to A..

Whistler's Twin Peaks

Whistler's Twin Peaks

The Peak to Peak gondola spans Whistler and Blackcomb Mountains, and is quite an impressive feat of engineering. It broke 3 world records – 1. Longest unsupported span of 3.024 kilometres, 2. Highest lift of its kind at 436 metres above the valley floor, and 3. Completes the longest continuous lift system on the globe. Discovery Channel spent two years documenting the massive construction project and has created a riveting story that details many of the challenges that are encountered when building this engineering masterpiece at 6,000 feet..

Twin Peaks Festival Greeting 2008

Twin Peaks Festival Greeting 2008

A surreal short film that Lynch made for the 2008 Twin Peaks Festival. It only screened once and is in black and white. In this film, Lynch is speaking backwards in what looks to be a cross between the floors of Eraserhead and the Twin Peaks Red Room. Sitting next to him is a plastic doll with the face of Laura Palmer..

Inside Twin Peaks

Inside Twin Peaks

A fan of "Twin Peaks"? Get the inside scoop from co-creator Mark Frost. Hear what keeps people coming back to the show and what this means for the future of television..

Twin Peaks Visual Soundtrack

Twin Peaks Visual Soundtrack

A curious homage to Twin Peaks from Japan, featuring the music of Angelo Badalamenti accompanying visuals taken from a road trip to visit key locations that were featuredin the series in Snoqualmie, Washington and surrounding communities. See the Great Northern hotel (exterior: Snoqualmie Falls Lodge; interior: Kiana Lodge in Poulsbo, WA), the Double R Diner (T-mar Cafe), Big Ed's Gas (Windstreamers), The Roadhouse (Colonial Inn), the site of Laura Palmer's murder (a train graveyard), the site where her body was found (outside the Kiana Lodge), and, of course, the Twin Peaks Sheriff's Department (the former office of the Snoqualmie Falls Lumber Mill, aka the Packard Sawmill)..

Three Days in Twin Peaks

Three Days in Twin Peaks

Take a journey to the Snoqualmie Valley, breathe some fresh northern air and check out some Twin Peak shooting locations. Take The Ring visits the Double R Diner, the Packard Sawmill, Snoqualmie Falls and more! Learn some area history, show trivia and scope out some on-screen comparisons of how these spots have changed in 30 years..

Queen of Hearts: A Twin Peaks Fan Film

Queen of Hearts: A Twin Peaks Fan Film

"Queen of Hearts: A Twin Peaks Fan Film, is both a prequel, starting with FBI Agent Dale Cooper (Nico Abiera) meeting his mentor Windom Earle (Paul Griffith Springer) and Earle's wife (and Cooper's eventual lover) Caroline (Charlotte Roi) and the fallout surrounding those relationships, as well as a sequel, following Annie Blackburn (Madison Bates) after her escape from the Black Lodge on a new mysterious and dangerous adventure.".