

Troublemaker sokroflix gratuit



Chuck est en prison depuis un certain temps. Il y rencontre par hasard Jacques, qui aime se faire passer pour Johnny Chicago. Après leur rupture, ils deviennent amis et rêvent de l'Amérique ensemble. Ni Jenny, la petite amie de Johnny (qui tombe amoureuse de Chuck), ni son avocat Konrad ne peuvent arrêter les deux fauteurs de troubles..



Rekha is broke, jobless, and often drunk. When she overhears surprising news about her absentee father, she embarks on a road trip with her best friend to find him..



A young man and his friend are told not to go into a ballpark but not given a concrete reason. When the young man tries to sneak his way in, he is in for a surprise..



Machover and Fruchter's intimate documentary follows the trials and tribulations of a group of Students for a Democratic Society militants in their attempt to politicize and organize the people of Newark, New Jersey. For Amos Vogel, Troublemakers was one of the best films of the New Left because it eschewed "both clichés and propaganda" in favor of "honesty" and "careful exploration." A must watch both for activists and political documentarians. (Doc Films).

Magic !

Magic !

Non seulement Violetta a échoué à l’examen de la fée des dents mais elle s’est perdue dans le monde des humains où elle doit sauver une oasis verte et trouver un portail secret pour retourner dans son univers. La petite Maxie va l’aider dans sa quête..

Dane Cook: Troublemaker

Dane Cook: Troublemaker

Comedian Dane Cook knows how to stir it up with his patented brand of observational humor, skewering aspects of modern life, from our hidden Internet selves to gender taboos and everything in between, in this exclusive comedy event..

Troublemakers: The Story of Land Art

Troublemakers: The Story of Land Art

The titular troublemakers are the New York–based Land (aka Earth) artists of the 1960s and 70s, who walked away from the reproducible and the commodifiable, migrated to the American Southwest, worked with earth and light and seemingly limitless space, and rethought the question of scale and the relationships between artist, landscape, and viewer. Director James Crump has meticulously constructed Troublemakers from interviews (with Germano Celant, Virginia Dwan, and others), photos and footage of Walter De Maria, Michael Heizer, Robert Smithson, Nancy Holt, and Charles Ross among others at work on their astonishing creations..

The Troublemakers

The Troublemakers

The Troublemakers follows the lives of four down-on-their-luck characters. Surrounded by the vestiges of conspicuous consumption, they struggle to survive outside of society, fashioning their own aesthetics of poverty and devising strategies to navigate a surveillance society, evading or performing for cameras everywhere..



TROUBLEMAKERS is set in fictional village in northern Norway, in an amazing mountain landscape where the sea meets the sky, and features a group of friends who must deal with all the conflicts and dilemmas that come with being a kid on the verge of adolescence… Theirs are timeless stories – about friendships and rivalries, testing limits and confronting boundaries, growing up, learning to own the consequences of your choices, and going way too far because you don’t understand what could go wrong. Alive with humour and action, vibrant with colour and music, rich in empathy for its diverse but archetypal and profoundly relatable characters, TROUBLEMAKERS is a series with very big and very human heart..

A Peace of the Anarchy: Ammon Hennacy and Other Angelic Troublemakers in the USA

A Peace of the Anarchy: Ammon Hennacy and Other Angelic Troublemakers in the USA

A Peace of the Anarchy is a quick summary of 20th century radical activism in the USA with a notable focus on the pacifist christian anarchist Ammon Hennacy. Folks from the War Resisters League, the IWW, Earth First! and the Catholic Worker, along with Mr. Hennacy exemplify the marginalized prophetic witness for peace and justice in the USA as they attempt to appeal to the dominant culture. These people speak on the benefits of anarchy and peace, following the radical (rooted/basically grounded) ideology and optimism that goodness will overcome evil, love is superior to hate and truth trumps falsehood..

Gringo Troublemaker

Gringo Troublemaker

In a bid to impress his girlfriend, a young man engages a traditional healer to help him get rich quick. Unfortunately, he accidentally meets Gringo, whose mischief disturbs all that he had planned..

What Troubles the Troublemaker

What Troubles the Troublemaker

WHAT TROUBLES THE TROUBLEMAKER Filmstrip No 409 Popular Science Pub Co Audio Visual Division 45 fr color 35 mm An FOM release With Teaching guide 1 v Popular Science Pub Co Inc Audio Visual Div 2Sep68 A105495 Denoyer-Geppert Audio-Visual filmstrip, No. 66830.



Azza escapes from her family’s home after being incessantly harassed by her stepfather. On her journey, she meets Medhat and agrees to live in his house, where she meets Magda and they become friends. Things get complicated when Magda dies and Azza pretends to be her..

The Troublemaker

The Troublemaker

In times of crisis we get to find out who we really are. ‘The Troublemaker’ delves deep into the ideas and emotions behind the international wave of civil protest that has emerged in response to the unfolding climate crisis. The pandemic has shown how fast and how far we can move when faced with a global threat. The film asks the simple question: if the science is right on climate change, what should you do? Facing up to crisis, transforming yourself by overcoming a seemingly insurmountable threat, is THE archetypal story of human civilisation. But this time the threat is global and may prove fatal. Now that we understand more about what a ‘global crisis’ feels like, it can no longer be ignored. This is our opportunity to live life without lies, a life that offers both resilience and joy through the power of collective action.