

Trick or Treat voirfilms

Scooby-Doo! et la mission d'Halloween

Scooby-Doo! et la mission d'Halloween

Mystères associés a résolu l'affaire du siècle ! Ils ont retrouvé la piste de Coco Diablo, le chef du gang de criminels costumés dont font partie The Black Knight, Space Kook et Ghost Diver. Avec Coco et son chat sous les verrous, Mystères associés pensent pouvoir profiter d'un peu de repos. Que nenni ! Des fantômes à l'apparence du gang de Scooby-Doo et d'autres affreux jojos qu'ils connaissent bien envahissent Coolsville pour menacer Halloween. C'est à présent aux sales petits fouineurs (et leur nouvel allié improbable Coco) de démasquer ce nouveau malfaiteur et sauver Halloween ! C'est bien plus qu'un bonbon ou un sort qui attendent Sammy et Scooby-Doo !.

Mickey et ses amis : des bonbons ou un sort

Mickey et ses amis : des bonbons ou un sort

Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, Donald et Daisy partent à la chasse aux bonbons lorsque Donald aperçoit le manoir le plus effrayant qu'il ait jamais vu et suppose qu'il contient les meilleures friandises. Après avoir convaincu ses amis de risquer une visite, la propriétaire, Witch Hazel, leur jette un sort qui les transforme en leurs costumes..

Donald et la Sorcière

Donald et la Sorcière

En pleine nuit de Halloween, une vraie sorcière voyant Riri, Fifi et Loulou, alors déguisés en personnages de la fête, se faire humilier et arroser par Donald lors de leur quête de bonbons, décide de leur venir en aide afin de rendre à Donald la monnaie de sa pièce....

Trick or Treat

Trick or Treat

Eddie Weinbauer est un jeune adolescent fan de musique rock. Il est tout particulièrement passionné par le chanteur Sammi Curr, qui est décédé dernièrement dans un incendie. Eddie devient l'acquéreur du prototype du dernier album inachevé de Curr, un disque qui, lu à l'envers, délivre des incantations démoniaques... Et Halloween approche..

Trick or Treat

Trick or Treat

Greg Kielty's life is turned upside down when his estranged brother Dan turns up, claiming to have drunkenly run someone over. But has Dan just murdered a gangster's son? Or maybe there's an even more sinister explanation..

Trick or Treat

Trick or Treat

The trick or treaters have come and gone and Kate and Sam are settling in for a quiet Halloween night when a woman appears at the door with a strange request..

Trick or Treat

Trick or Treat

Trick or Treat is a surfing video that will launch you into the millennium. We specify the word launch due to its amazing footage of extreme surfers doing some extreme aerial surfing.Trick or Treat takes you, the audience, through all corners of the globe. You will witness an array of Trick surfing and we will Treat you to some perfect waves from locations like California, West Oz, Islands in the Pacific and Tahiti.Watch Taj Burrow, James Catto, Jake Patterson, Kelly Slater, The Irons..

Trick or Treat

Trick or Treat

Two bickering siblings set out to get the best candy while trick-or-treating, but in the face of an embarrassing costume incident and a group of bullies, they must put aside their quarrel to stick up for one another and save the candy..

Trick or Treats

Trick or Treats

A baby sitter is stuck watching over a young brat on Halloween night who keeps playing vicious pranks on her. To add to her trouble the boy's deranged father has escaped from an asylum and is planning on making a visit..

Trick or Treaty?

Trick or Treaty?

Legendary Canadian documentarian Alanis Obomsawin digs into the tangled history of Treaty 9 — the infamous 1905 agreement wherein First Nations communities relinquished sovereignty over their traditional territories — to reveal the deceptions and distortions which the document has been subjected to by successive governments seeking to deprive Canada’s First Peoples of their lands..

Treat or Trick

Treat or Trick

Feng, a corrupted police officer, ordered to retrieve the diamonds within 48hrs, arrives at a remote village, following the mobile signal of his partner Chiang who stole the diamonds from the gang. While Feng and his men try to find Chiang in the village, they encounter the locals who seem naive but suspicious, and a ghost full of stories. Remake of a renowned Korean film To Catch A Virgin Ghost (2004)..

Trick or Treat 2!

Trick or Treat 2!

The Magician returns to trick or treat. This time, he sets his sights on a group of old college friends celebrating Halloween. Will they give treats or will they get tricks?.

The Trick or Treaters

The Trick or Treaters

On the night of October 30, 2012, several people were attacked and murdered within their homes. The shocking events of that night were documented on two video cameras. During a mellow pre-Halloween night of drinks, pranks and old horror films, Amy and Jake film a last minute schedule video for their school's annual Halloween fundraiser, but they are quickly interrupted by a strange group of trick or treaters, also equipped with a video camera. What Amy and Jake think is a prank by their friends, they ignore the strange interruption and continue with their night. As strange things continue to occur and escalate to an extreme level, the students quickly discover that they are dealing with dark individuals, and they don't want candy. Experience the terrifying night in the perspectives of Amy, Jake and The Trick or Treaters..