

Triad sokroflix gratuit



Une épouse désespérée est persuadée par sa sœur de prendre des mesures drastiques pour tenter de sauver une situation qui cause une immense tristesse dans son mariage. Cependant, le destin a une façon de se mêler à l’amour de la manière la plus angoissante..

Triad Princess

Triad Princess

Après avoir décroché un job de garde du corps de célébrité, la fille turbulente d'un puissant chef de triade chamboule la vie d'une star de la télé et trouve l'amour..

Shanghai Triad

Shanghai Triad

Dans les années 30, Liu Shu, parrain d'une triade, fait venir a Shanghai son jeune neveu, Shuisheng, dans le but de le former et d'en faire son dauphin..

The Triad Zone

The Triad Zone

Chef de triade vieillissant, Jim Yam a passé toute son existence à affirmer son emprise sur le quartier de Jiang Hu. Mais sa vie bascule lorsqu'il apprend qu'un contrat a été placé sur sa tête. Devenu la cible d'un tueur mystérieux, Jim Yam n'a que quelques heures pour déjouer le complot et découvrir qui veut sa mort. Dès lors, il va se méfier de tout et de tous..

The H.K. Triad

The H.K. Triad

Entre les années 50 et 70, le quartier de Walled City à Kowloon est une vraie jungle urbaine où la triade toute puissante et la police corrompue se partagent le territoire. Ho se souvient de sa jeunesse en compagnie de son meilleur ami Lok dans ce quartier mal famé où l'un deviendra le parrain local et l'autre le chef des forces de l'ordre..



Trois femmes qui se ressemblent trait pour trait tentent de percer le mystère de leur séparation. Inspiré d'une histoire vraie..

Triads: The Inside Story

Triads: The Inside Story

Kwan, le chef d'une société des triades est assassiné par les membres d'une bande rivale. Son fils, Li Man-Ho, qui vivait alors à l'étranger avec sa femme et son fils loin des affaires illégales de son père, retourne pour assister à l'enterrement. Il se voit alors proposer par les hommes de Kwan la succession du clan "Hung Hing"....



Childless for many years, Tolya suddenly has three pregnant women on his hands: his wife Rita, his mistress Natasha, and a one-night stand, Milana. He decides to have all three live together with him under one roof..

La triade du papillon

La triade du papillon

En 1927 en Mandchourie, Itami, un jeune Japonnais, s'éprend de Cynthia, une belle jeune fille chinoise. Leurs instants de bonheur sont interrompus lorsqu'Itami est rappelé chez lui pour faire son service militaire. Les deux amants se quittent sur un quai de gare. En revenant chez elle, Cynthia assiste au massacre de son frère. Les assassins sont de jeunes Japonnais d'extrême droite. Trois ans plus tard, Shangaï est occupée par les Japonnais. Cynthia, sous le nom de Ding Hui, travaille pour Purple Butterfly, un groupe de résistants qui projettent de tuer Yamamoto, un agent secret japonnais. Itami est aussi à Shangaï. Il travaille pour Yamamoto..



A young man enters into a passionate three-way relationship with an established gay Palm Springs couple… only to learn that “adding a third” could bring a whole new set of skepticism, jealousy and secrets..

Yakuza contre triades

Yakuza contre triades

Arrivé clandestinement aux Etas Unis au terme d'une Odyssée cauchemardesque, Lone se lance aussitôt sur les traces de sa femme disparue. Entraîné dans la spirale d'une sanglante guerre des mafias entre Yakuzas japonais et triades chinoises, Lone s'aperçoit trop tard qu'il n'a pas été qu'un jouet entre les mains de LOK. Du jour au lendemain, celui qu'il croyait son meilleur ami devient son pire ennemi..

Code of the Triads

Code of the Triads

Thayu (Sunthisook Promsiri) works for and is a close friend of Bpatawee (Thun Hirasa). Bpatawee ordered to kill him, but he survived. He waited for a chance at revenge when Bpatawee was about to have his first child. He went and kidnapped the baby girl. The hospital was afraid of revealing the truth so they took a farmer’s baby and used her in place of President Bpatawee’s actual daughter, which he thought she really was. Thayu raised the baby and named her Matsaya (Araya A. Harget). He taught her how to be a thief and trained her how to fight in various styles. He longed for the time she would return to kill her own father. He set up an organization and became leader of Sa Ming Sa. He took in and raised many orphans, teaching them how to rob and plunder for the organization. 24 years later, Matsaya grew up with 3 friends. There’s Aira (Sarah Legg), Khemika (Panchanida Seesaaram), and Natmon (Maneerat Kamuan). There’s also Chanon (Aphinan Prasoetwatthanakun) who’s a leader of their group. While they were young, Matsaya was sent to be the god daughter of an English family and Aira was sent to be the god daughter with the foreign ministry of Russia. While Matsaya was raised to be a theif, Naethiya (the girl she was switched with) was raised like a princess and has a sister name Nirada. The two sisters doesn’t really get along since both fell for the same guy. Chief Investigator Singha (Theeradeth Wongpuapan), who’s the head of security for their father. There’s also Captain Tawee and his helper, who’s a rival with Singha. Matsaya received orders to assassinate President Bpathawee during Naethiya’s fashion show. But she failed when Singha covered Bpatawee and took the bullets. The two fought furiously until Matsaya was almost unmasked when Aira came in and helped her in time. She was angry at him for ruining her assassination attempt and tried to kill Singha many times but failed. All the while Singha was starting to show interest in her without knowing she’s the culprit they have been searching for. Bpatawee received a mysterious letter saying his daughter’s was switched. He assigned Singha and Narathip, who’s his son, to go and investigate the truth. Naethiya overheard and seek out the truth herself, finding out she is not his real daughter. She never told anyone this however. Singha then traveled to meet the person who’s Naethiya’s real father, with Naethiya following him. He caught her, but she begged him not to tell that man she’s his daughter because she can’t accept an ordinary person as her father. Narathip bumped into Aira and immediately liked her and begin to pursue her. There was to be a welcoming party for the Minister of Russia. Matsaya, Khemika and Natmon disguised as Russian girls to perform a show at the party. Aira was the one set to bring in and prepare the weapons. When there was an opening, Matsaya tried to shoot Bpatawee but failed again. The police have set up tight security for the event. Matsaya ended up being shot by Singha. Singha was suspicious of Aira that she might be have something to do with the terrorism. Narathip then volunteered to find out the truth from Aira herself. After being shot, Matsaya got help from Rungrawi, who owns a gallery. Matsaya would often send her painting over to sell. Rungrawi knows Matsaya is a part of the Organization because she also use to be one of them. She even use to be the lover of their leader but she left wanting a normal life for herself. Thayu berated Matsaya for not succeeding in killing Bpatawee. All her friends felt bad for her so they asked to help her in killing Bpatawee but Thayu refused to let them help. This caused the others to get suspicious and question why he wanted only Matsaya to do it. Narathip started seeing Aira causing Singha to meet with Matsaya. When they’re close Singha realized Matsaya dislike him, which he doesn’t understand why. He started to follow her but Matsaya found out and revealed to Singha that she wanted to kill him. Everything started to come together for Singha and he knows she’s a part of Sa Ming Sa as well as Aira. Matsaya started to also get suspicious of Tayu’s order to kill Bpathwee. She started to investigate and found out she’s actually Bpathwee’s daughter. She was shocked and couldn’t believe Tayu had kidnapped her from her own family and tried to get her to kill her own father when she loved and respected Thayu like her own father. Narathip ask Aira to turn into a good person and provide information on Sa Ming Sa to the police. Aira went to seek advice from Matsaya but she couldn’t promise anything because she planned on getting revenge on Thayu. Aira told Singha this causing him to be concern. He confessed he was in love with Matsaya but she didn’t accept and was determine to kill Thayu. Singha then told Bpatawee Matsaya was his real daughter. What Naethiya found out, she planned on getting rid of her. She informed the commanding officer and his people so they can plan for an arrest. However, Singha saved her in time causing her to become impressed and grateful for the love he has for her. Matsaya went by herself to try to kill Thayu but was captured by him as a hostage instead. He asked for Bpatawee to use himself to trade place with his daughter, Matsaya. Singha and the police planned an attack on Sa Ming Sa along with Aira, Natmon, and Khemika who turned over a new leaf to help their friend. Singha and Matsaya were then able to defeat Thayu and Chanon. Matsaya almost died from her injuries but was able to pull through. The four friends were happy to be together again as good citizens since they helped out the police. Singha and Matsaya’s love was going well along with Narathip and Aira. But all the problem hasn’t gone away. Apparently Thayu and Chanon are still alive and have fully recovered. Now they plan to return and kill the 4 girls. Who’s going to stay and who’s going to go. How will the couple fare against this danger, just watch Rahut Torrachon… .

La Voie du Jiang Hu

La Voie du Jiang Hu

Chef de la mafia locale, Hung Yan règne en maître dans la zone des triades. Cependant, lorsque son fils vient au monde, l'homme envisage de quitter une bonne fois pour toute le milieu du crime pour le bien de sa famille. Bien qu'il ne soit pas certain de sa décision, son dilemme ne manque pas de faire écho vers tous les autres gangs, qui ne tarderont pas lui mettre des bâtons dans les roues. La guerre des gangs peut alors commencer..

Fatal Move

Fatal Move

Un kidnapping qui se termine en meurtre, une livraison de drogue qui tourne mal, une mission secrète qui vire au massacre : il n’en faut pas plus pour détruire l’une des triades les plus impitoyables d’Hong-Kong et son parrain légendaire Sammo. Qui est le traître ? Une guerre des clans est inévitable et Sammo va exterminer quiconque se dressera sur sa route pour survivre….