

Transit sokroflix gratuit



De nos jours, à Marseille, des réfugiés de l'Europe entière rêvent d'embarquer pour l'Amérique, fuyant les forces d'occupation fascistes. Parmi eux, l'Allemand Georg prend l'identité d'un écrivain mort pour profiter de son visa. Il tombe amoureux de Marie, en quête désespérée de l'homme qu'elle aime et sans lequel elle ne partira pas....



Un gang de braqueurs de banque en fuite se voit obligé de cacher in extremis le butin de son dernier hold up dans le camping car d’une famille partant en vacances. Celle-ci ignore tout des événement et ne se doute pas que les vacances vont virer au cauchemar lorsque le redoutable gang va vouloir récupérer son magot….



One afternoon ahead of dusk in the month of Ramadan, Maryam, Aini, and Nico are required to take a decision on the problems facing them. In the same place, a station. Maryam must take off while facing her past. Aini who is faced with polemics with her father is required to learn to defeat the ego and start forgiving. While Nico, in the midst of his happiness ahead of his return meeting with his family in his hometown, must make a decision for something that is not only good for him but also for many people. Like a journey through the transit period, Maryam, Aini, and Nico took advantage of their time to pause at the station to make big decisions in their lives..



A young girl abandoned by her father at boarding school, travels to an off-beat youth hostel and is forced to confront her personal demons..



Le Corps d'une jeune femme assassinée est retrouvé avec, sous ses ongles, des peaux mortes datant de trois siècles. L’enquête commence par un tour chez le légiste et l’interrogatoire du principal accusé. Et puis les "créatures" débarquent, armées jusqu'au dents....



Moises, a single Filipino dad, comes home to celebrate his son's fourth birthday and learns that the Israeli government is going to deport the children of foreign workers..

Car Jacking

Car Jacking

Transit raconte l'histoire d'un jeune agent double (de la Cortina), d'un vétéran de la police de Montréal et d'une agente de la GRC qui tentent tous de mettre fin aux activités de Ricardo, leader d'un gang spécialisé dans le vol de voitures et le transport de cargaisons de drogue. Or, loin de s'aider, les trois policiers se nuiront plus souvent qu'autrement....



Marseille 1940-1941. "Transit" raconte l'histoire d'un manuscrit inachevé dont la circulation entrainera la rencontre de deux hommes qui aiment la même femme qui, elle-même, en aime un autre dont elle ignore qu'il est déjà mort. "Histoire inscrite dans le Marseille de ces années tragiques, ou Anna Seghers, avec ses deux enfants et son mari, interne au camp voisin des Milles, venait de vivre trois mois d'épreuves.".



Tatjana dreams of escaping St Petersburg, and thinks she's found a man that can take her away. Meanwhile in Mexico City, Champinon struggles to find himself a girlfriend. In Los Angeles, Asha discovers her fiancé has been cheating on her, and in Kenya, Matthew struggles to break into Nairobi's burgeoning hip hop culture. The cast of characters react to the building pressure to create TRANSIT: Tatjana leaves Russia for Mexico City in search of her lover, and Asha for Nairobi to shoot a film for her graduation project. In their new locations our characters meet and our four stories become two when Tatjana finds Champinon and Asha finds Matthew. Love follows but their relationships are not as simple as they first appear, as we discover that all their stories are interlinked. —Niall MacCormick.



A small-time, down-on-his-luck actor is visited by an extraterrestrial being, who helps him rediscover inspiration in his life.



The two war-photographers Chris and Samuel are stuck in the transit area of an international airport. Long time they have worked as a team, not only as professional photographers who risk their life for journalism. They are also close friends, depending on each other. All that is about to break apart, when Samuel confesses that he won't go back to war anymore. Chris not only loses his partner, he is about to loose his friend..



After eating Bavavia's pink pickles, a guy has a hard time digesting his food. He recomposes them. Become a scientific case, his life escapes him..



Live Slow Ride Fast Media proudly presents you the movie TRANSIT. A road movie celebrating the end of a career and the beginning of a new one..



Four illegal Brazilian musicians come to try their luck in dynamic Amsterdam... It will be a survival of the fittest..



The story is about an endless journey. A chapter from the life of a traveler who has to leave the past life behind once again and make a new step in the future with no regrets. One part of the journey ends and another one begins at the central train station in Antwerp. It is the border line crossing which is a harder choice to make than it seems to be..



In this documentary Angela Zumpe searches for traces of her brother, who moved from west to east Germany in 1968 to live in the DDR but killed himself eight months after..