

Transgression sokroflix gratuit



Jean-François Davy est un réalisateur français légendaire du cinéma érotique, dont le travail figurait parmi les productions européennes de films pour adultes les plus remarquables des années 1970 et 80, en particulier ses documentaires sur la sexualité parisienne dont Prostitution (1975), Les Pornocrates (1976), et le trilogie d'Exposition (1975), Exposition 2 (1978) et Exposition 79 (1979). Après une absence de plusieurs années, Davy revient maintenant au genre documentaire érotique qui l'a rendu célèbre, ce n'est que maintenant qu'il tourne sa caméra de détection sur lui-même. Davy et son caméraman se rendent dans les grandes villes d'Europe de l'Est - de Prague à Budapest, avec des arrêts entre les deux - alors que le cinéaste cherche une belle muse pour devenir la principale dame de son prochain opus charnel..



When British mining engineer Robert Maury is sent to India on an extended business trip, his wife Elsie finds romance with a Spanish playboy..



While investigating a string of prostitute murders, Mary Selby, a TV news reporter, ends up getting abducted by the killer and taught a thing or two about how to be a deranged lunatic..



Hal Page, the weakling brother of Stephen Page, the town mayor, falls in love with Carline Shrefton, who throws over Burt Staley to entangle Hal in her self-serving schemes. Furious over her abrupt departure, Staley shows up at Carline's, and a jealous fight with Hal ensues in which Staley is shot and killed with Carline's gun. After Hal confesses to the deed, Stephen quietly sends him off to Spain. One year later, Stephen announces his engagement to Marion Hayward, the daughter of the district attorney, who is pressing charges against James Reed, a corrupt politician and Carline's new husband. To save Reed, Carline threatens Stephen with exposure, but he refuses to bend to her demands. Just days before Carline is to reveal her story about Staley, Hal appears and confesses to Hayward that Carline is the true killer..



Chim-Ae, an orphan, is saved by an old monk of Seo San Temple, Mu Bul Dang while he is wandering in war fires. Then he enters the priesthood and trains himself a mountaineering asceticism. When he becomes an eminent young priest, the last trial to receive the mantle of the preceding abbot applies on him. The old monk sends the fairest of the fair, Myo-Hyang of cottage Ni Am to Chim-Ae to form a connection with her. But Chim-Ae quickly removes his earthly desires towards woman and goes through this hardship by fasting meditation. However the old monk recognizes that love sprouted between two youngsters and shows Chim-Ae the face of transgression which he mentally violated without hesitation to make Chim-Ae and Myo-Hyang go back to mundane existence..

Blessed Transgression!

Blessed Transgression!

The story of a man who runs into his ex-wife [Sonia Topazio] in public. She is looking hot, and he admits that when they were married, he fantasized about watching her being double penetrated by two guys. That sounds like her idea of fun, so she picks up two more guys, and takes all three home..

Berlin Transgression

Berlin Transgression

A film that tells the stories of transvestite, transgender and transsexual artists who struggle between two genders, two identities, two lives. This project sheds light on the day and night life of the artists who perform mostly at local gay bars and fetish clubs. These artists allow us not only backstage but also into their homes where they open their hearts to us about their deepest dreams and desires. We follow their fight to tear down a new, invisible, wall which is the basis of our isolation..

Luis Buñuel, la transgression des rêves

Luis Buñuel, la transgression des rêves

Le réalisateur Pierre-Henri Gibert remonte le fil du temps pour revenir aux sources de Luis Buñuel. Ce voyage palpitant permet de comprendre l’éducation, les rencontres, les fantasmes, les frustrations et les désillusions qui ont façonné la vision du monde si singulière de cet artiste iconoclaste. Portrait touchant agrémenté d’une plénitude d’archives visuelles, ce film nous plonge au cœur de l’effervescence artistique parisienne des années 1930, de la guerre d’Espagne et de l’absurdité du système hollywoodien, où l’on croise les plus grandes personnalités de l’époque, de Picasso à Salvador Dalí en passant par Greta Garbo. Quand les projets de partouzes côtoient le terrorisme politique, la réalité et les rêves….

Le Couvent de la bête sacrée

Le Couvent de la bête sacrée

Quand la jeune et timide Hayumi apprend la mort de sa mère, son univers s'écroule. La jeune femme ne peut accepter la mort de cet être qui représentait tout pour elle. Bien résolue à résoudre le mystère de sa disparition, elle se rend dans un mystérieux couvent où, elle l'espère, elle parviendra à trouver de précieux indices. C'est en tant que nonne qu'elle fait son entrée dans cette maison religieuse. Mais la jeune femme comprend bien vite que les rites rigoureux de la vie monastique cachent en fait de tortueuses célébrations sado-masochistes auxquelles tous les membres du couvent, des nonnes aux évêques, prennent part....



A TV journalist making a documentary in a factory finds out that the workers have been on strike and tries to analyze the strike in his film, but is thwarted by the TV company. His failure at his job is interwoven with his failed marriage..



A college student studying for an upcoming test attempts to calm his frazzled nerves by taking drugs, and experiences a series of vivid, erotic hallucinations. When a beautiful woman appears to teach him the secrets of sexual ecstasy, he begins to fear that he will lose her forever once the effects of the drug wear off..



TV talk show hosts bait young Yana into confessing her unusual relationship with an aging rocker. This leads to a chase by a vigilante group of hunters and other complications..



Dawid, a drug dealer, spends an intimate evening with one of his clients. As the night hours pass, Dawid's growing affection for Nadia is met with a sudden realization: Nadia is a transgender woman. This revelation hits him, causing an inner conflict between his feelings and beliefs and sets him off on a journey towards self-discovery and acceptance..

Saved from the Path of Transgression

Saved from the Path of Transgression

FRAGMENT | Margrethe is in love with Worm, who only sees her as a fleeting youthful infatuation. When he suddenly leaves, he abandons both Margrethe and their unborn son. Fate leads them down vastly different paths, and their son Hans grows up and is forced to become a criminal. One day, Worm decides to seek out the woman and child he’d abandoned, and the first meeting between father and son turns out to be quite different from what he’d imagined.