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A la tête de l'organisation Torchwood de Cardiff, le capitaine Jack Harkness et son équipe utilisent les technologies extra-terrestres pour venir à bout de problèmes qui dépassent le gouvernement et la police. Unis, ils se battent pour le futur de l'humanité. Car c'est au 21ème siècle que tout va se jouer....

Torchwood Declassified

Torchwood Declassified

Torchwood Declassified is a documentary series created by the British Broadcasting Corporation to complement the British science fiction television series Torchwood. Each episode is broadcast on the same evening as the broadcast of the weekly television episode. A second series of Declassified aired alongside the second series of Torchwood. Continuing the tradition of its parent, Doctor Who Confidential, Torchwood Declassified covers themes presented in the just-broadcast episode, as well as providing behind-the-scenes access and footage. Each episode is ten minutes long, compared to Confidential's 30-45 minute length. Following transmission, the episodes were all available for viewing on the BBC's Torchwood website, but were later removed from the site after the end of the first series. Both series of the Declassified installments have been included on the series box sets..

Torchwood: Web of Lies

Torchwood: Web of Lies

L’action développée dans Web of Lies se déroule dans un passé que le capitaine Jack Harkness et Gwen Cooper ont oublié. Les conséquences de ce jour conduiront à la conspiration actuelle, avec Holly Mokri (Eliza Dushku) tentant d’élucider les mystères du jour du miracle..