

Tony Hawk's Secret Skatepark Tour voir films streaming gratuit sans compte

Tony Hawk's Secret Skatepark Tour

Tony Hawk's Secret Skatepark Tour

Imagine Michael Jordan and a bunch of his teammates dropping by your local basketball court and asking if they can play a little three-on-three. For skateboarders, that's pretty much what happened during Tony Hawk's Secret Skatepark Tour: Tony and several of his best friends showed up unannounced at skateparks throughout the west and sessioned alongside whoever happened to be there..

Tony Hawk's Secret Skatepark Tour 2

Tony Hawk's Secret Skatepark Tour 2

Tony Hawk's Secret Skatepark Tour is back with an amazing group of friends showing up at skateparks unannounced, surprising the locals, ripping parks in Oregon, Montana, Indiana and the Cayman Islands, and culminating in a big demo in Athens, Georgia. With excited fans calling their friends, it doesn't take long before the parks are overflowing with hundreds of skaters, fans, TV news crews and even police. Once enough tricks get thrown down, it's time to move on to the next park. On their way, the guys stop off to surprise fans at their homes and even drop by an unsuspecting middle school. Tony Hawk's Secret Skatepark Tour gives you an inside look at the athletes' life on the road as they ride some of the best skateparks, travel, and pick up some friends in a cross-country quest to enjoy what they do best!.

Tony Hawk's Secret Skatepark Tour 3

Tony Hawk's Secret Skatepark Tour 3

"There aren't any other sports that have pros who show up at local spots. It certainly doesn't happen in ball-sports!" - Tony Hawk. Tony and crew set out again to amaze and astound locals who thought they could grab a quiet session at their local park only to find it filled with hoards of skateboard fans. The power of the cellphone brings in everyone from skaters and their parents to random locals who've heard the name Tony Hawk..