

To Get Her

To Get Her

To Get Her

A famous idol gets trapped inside a video game and his girlfriend finds ways to bring him back. He becomes the 3rd prince who only cares about music and she becomes the 3rd princess with a mission to help him take the throne..

To Get Her

To Get Her

Five teenage girls with a shared secret get together for a weekend of "No Consequences." The sex, drugs and rock n'roll they intend pale in comparison to the more dangerous path they find themselves on..

We‘re Here. We‘re Queer. Get Used to It!

We‘re Here. We‘re Queer. Get Used to It!

A short film that examines the internet for posts on LGBTQIA contributions in different countries. In numerous autocratic and/or religion-fetishized states, restrictions are introduced that block contributions on LGBTIQA+ topics due to homophobic tendencies and partially or completely block internet access..

How to Get from Here to There

How to Get from Here to There

Upon the death of his mother, a gay man in blue-collar America returns to his childhood home. There he discovers a cardboard time machine that he made when he was a boy. As he uses it to get glimpses of his future, he ponders the weight of his life's choices..

Le Puissant Dragon Vegan

Le Puissant Dragon Vegan

Il est le « Dieu-dragon ». Les Hommes le craignent et le respectent et pourtant... il est le plus couard des sauriens ! Terré dans sa caverne à brouter de l'herbe, il va être sorti de sa torpeur par Reiko, pourtant élevée pour servir de sacrifice au dragon pour vaincre le Roi démon. Ne manquant ni de courage, ni d'aplomb, elle va lui mener la vie dure pour qu'il l'aide à vaincre les créatures qui menacent son village!.

Get Her... If You Can

Get Her... If You Can

Roberto and Daniela are two siblings who live in a world of wealth and glamor thanks to the shipping company they inherited from their father. Both share the direction of the company, although they have a completely opposite attitude to life: Daniela is thorough and perfectionist; Roberto, on the other hand, is a visionary genius who hates the meticulousness of his sister. However, both find the way out of their disagreements when they fall in love with the same woman: Isabel (Dolera), a monologist who Roberto has hired to seduce Daniela and so be as fun as she was before taking the address of the company..

What Are You Going to Do When You Get Out of Here?

What Are You Going to Do When You Get Out of Here?

A complex landscape of improvised situations immersed in a perpetual network of mines under the Slovenian town of Trbovlje (Iztok Kovács' hometown and his main source of inspiration). The realistic imagery of this post-socialist city, which seems to still exist outside of time, has triggered the impulse of this introspective introspection by a team of renowned dancers and filmmakers. The physical tension and human flashes of seven bodies crashing into a deliberately chosen enclosed environment, surrounded by the unlit warmth and humidity of the underworld, inhabit and create the poetic mood of the film, echoing Tarkovsky and Beckett..

Get Outta Here

Get Outta Here

In a construction site under the full moon, construction workers dig too deep and inadvertently wake up Joe (Alex Lam), a vampire that has been lying underground for a century. Dazzled by the vibrancy of a modern city at night, Joe wanders around and runs into Apple (J. Arie), a jilted girl planning to kill herself. Eager for a taste of blood, Joe follows her home and helps her and her grandmother get rid of thugs sent by a real estate developer who wish to buy them off. What started as a battle for property turns out to be a battle among vampires..

Prends ta bible et tire-toi !

Prends ta bible et tire-toi !

Peu après le passage d’un émissaire extraterrestre venu prévenir sans succès l’humanité de la venue d’un terrible danger. Une pluie de météorites contenant un terrible parasite infectieux transforme la population d’une petite ville de la Somme en Picardie en enragés cannibales. Des lors des survivants hauts en couleurs ainsi qu’un singe alien humanoïde jouant les chasseurs de primes tentent de survivre par tout les moyens, même les plus inattendus..

Get Out of Here

Get Out of Here

A rural community in the Ecuadorian Andes suddenly faces a land dispute with the legal representatives of a large company. The discovery of very rich ore deposits in the territory is the reason of the offensive greedy on those places, where the community lived since immemorial times..

Allison forever

Allison forever

Berke Lawrence vient d'accomplir l'impensable : Allison, la plus belle fille de l'école, a accepté de sortir avec lui. Il n'en revient pas lui-même. Mais ce rêve s'avère éphémère. Allison vient de le laisser tomber pour le garçon le plus populaire du bahut. Berke n'a toutefois pas l'intention de baisser les bras et se montre prêt à tout pour reconquérir son coeur. Il échafaude alors un plan qui est le suivant : il abandonne l'équipe de basket-ball pour se joindre à la distribution de la pièce de théâtre "Le Songe d'une nuit d'été" dont Allison fait partie. Tous ses espoirs se portent sur Kelly, qui n'était autrefois que la petite soeur fatigante de son meilleur ami. Berke compte sur elle pour devenir le meilleur comédien de la troupe et ainsi remporter le rôle principal..

Zero to Hero

Zero to Hero

Inspiré de l'histoire vraie du champion paralympique So Wa-wai, qui a dû livrer des combats sur les plans personnel et physique avec l'aide de sa mère..