

Threads of Destiny voirfilms

Threads of Destiny

Threads of Destiny

Atsushi Nishino et Mei Takemiya sont deux adolescents qui font face à la drogue, la mort et la violence. Mei Takemiya vit avec sa sœur Haruna. Elles ont un ami d'enfance avec lequel elles ont grandi comme frère et sœur : Yuya. Quand Haruna va au lycée, Mei et Yuya restent seuls pour aller au collège et l'amour commence à naître en Mei. Cependant, il semblerait que Yuya lui préfère sa sœur….

Threads of Destiny

Threads of Destiny

Ivan Mussak, the head of the Russian secret police, is responsible for the murders of thousands of Jews and the forced exile of thousands more. Isaac Gruenstein and his infant daughter Miriam are the only members of his family to survive one of Mussak's massacres, and Isaac is exiled to Siberia. Miriam, however, becomes Mussak's ward and is raised by nuns in a convent. Eighteen years later Isaac dies in Siberia, but before he does he writes a note to his daughter and gives it to fellow prisoner Rachel Shapiro, who manages to escape and, by chance, finds Miriam. However, circumstances have changed in the past 18 years--and Miriam is now Mussak's mistress..

Star Wars: Threads of Destiny

Star Wars: Threads of Destiny

94 years after the defeat of emperor Palpatine, the galaxy is once again in deep conflict. The new republic and the Skenvi empire both compete over the small planet Coreign that provides a special ore..

Akai Ito

Akai Ito

L'histoire d'Akai Ito tourne autour du « fil rouge » du destin reliant les jeunes Mei et Atsushi (tous deux nés un 29 février) et des épreuves auxquelles ils font face : situation familiale compliquée, histoires d'amour, d'amitié, problèmes de drogue….