

This Story of Love sokroflix gratuit

Mon Histoire

Mon Histoire

Takeo Gôda est un grand gaillard au cœur tendre ! Pourtant, aucune fille ne veut de lui. Elles lui préfèrent en général son meilleur ami, le séduisant Makoto Sunakawa. C'est ainsi depuis toujours, et Takeo s'est finalement résigné à ne plus chercher l'amour. Un jour, il vient en aide à une jeune fille, Rinko Yamato, harcelée dans le train par un pervers. Sa vie prend alors un nouveau tournant : Rinko semble s'intéresser à lui. Mais avec Makoto dans les parages, Takeo aura-t-il seulement une chance ?.



Sawako a été abandonnée par son mari et depuis, elle a élevé seule ses trois fils. Un jour, elle rencontre un jeune homme qui est en train de mourir. Le jeune homme souffre également de pertes de mémoire. Sawako l'appelle Hoshio. Profitant de sa perte de mémoire, elle décide de le faire vivre avec elle et en tant que père de ses trois fils..

Mon histoire d'amour avec Yamada à Lv999

Mon histoire d'amour avec Yamada à Lv999

Après que son petit ami l’ait trompée avec une autre fille qu’il a rencontrée dans un jeu en ligne, Akane Kinoshita apprend à ses dépens que les petits amis gamer peuvent être tout aussi mauvais que les autres. Alors qu’elle évacue sa colère en réduisant en bouillie des monstres, elle rencontre par hasard Akito Yamada, un compagnon de guilde portant une coupe afro et un masque de Nô. Yamada est peu sociable et brusque, pas vraiment le genre de personne à faire pâlir Akane. Cependant, alors qu’il est redoutable en ligne, Yamada est inexpérimenté dans les affaires de cœur, et contre toute attente, Akane se retrouve émue par lui. Se faisant de nouveaux amis en cours de route, Akane pourra-t-elle faire vaciller le cœur de Yamada ?.

Tokyo Love Story

Tokyo Love Story

Tokyo Love Story is a manga by Fumi Saimon. Tokyo Love Story was adapted as a Japanese television drama in 1991. It aired on Fuji Television in 11 episodes between January and March 1991. Actors include Yuji Oda, Honami Suzuki, and Narimi Arimori. The drama's theme song, Love Story wa Totsuzen ni by Kazumasa Oda is Japan's 8th best-selling single in history..

Nanking Love Story

Nanking Love Story

In 1930, Lin Yu Hui, a thirteen-year-old, lost her mother. She followed her adoptive mother to Nanjing and accompanied her adoptive father to find a living along the Qinhuai River. Five years later, Chen Mo Ren, the old friend of his father, was brought into a new family. He met with Chen Pei Wen’s brother and sister and the servant Gao Bo’s grandson, Gao Jin Bang. Because of the father Lin Chu Xi and Chen Mo Ren had a contract for marriage, so she had to end her love with Gao Jin Bang. When the Japanese went to Nanjing things changed and she started to unveiling the truth: the fiancé who she had been unwilling to accept went to the revolution and the people she once loved it gradually became the enemy of the nation. Now, Lin Yu Hui, an ordinary girl on the Qinhuai River, sang the Nanjing love story of the war years..

When We Write Love Story

When We Write Love Story

In a reality show like no other, six stars come together in a parallel time and space to delight audiences of all ages. Pairing off into teams, Li Yi Tong, Ian Wang, Qin Lan, Jasper Liu, Yang Chaoyue, and Hou Ming Hao are challenged to not only write an idol drama love story, but also bring that story to life..

Tokyo Love Story

Tokyo Love Story

Nagao Kanji works for an advertising agency in his hometown of Ehime Prefecture. He is assigned to the Tokyo sales department where his colleague Akana Rika takes care of his work. One day, Kanji is invited to drinks by Mikami Kenichi, a former classmate from his hometown who is now in Tokyo, and he is also reunited with Sekiguchi Satomi who has feelings for him. However, Rika ends up joining them when she delivers Kanji’s wallet which he had left in office. On the way back, Rika tells him, “Kanchi, shall we kiss?” and he is rattled. There have been rumours in office that Rika is in a relationship with their boss Waga Natsuki - JDrama Weblog.

Love Story in Harvard

Love Story in Harvard

Love Story in Harvard portrays the dream and love pursued by foreign students studying in Harvard. It demonstrates bright, hard-working, and romantic characters and storylines. A young love story set at the famed Ivy League school in the United States. Kim Hyun Woo, a 1st year law student at Harvard Law, enters into a rivalry with classmate Hong Jung Min for the affections of beautiful medical student Lee Soo In. The two men are both from prestigious families, while Soo In is from a poor family. Can the trio resolve their romantic differences and chase their dreams at the same time?.

Love Story of Court Enemies

Love Story of Court Enemies

The story is set in the Yuan year of the Yongzheng era. In the time of chaos, Yu Xing and her sister Cai Feng were separated. When Yu Xing knew that Cai Feng had entered the palace as a consort candidate, she decides to follow suit as a chef trainee. Her culinary skills deeply impressed the Emperor, and she was quickly promoted through the ranks. However during the Empress Dowager's funeral, she accidentally breached a taboo and offended the Emperor. She was then sent to the countryside to do manual labour. There, she got to befriend a healer and picked up medical skills. Using her new-found skills, she managed to help the people who were suffering from a widespread pandemic. When she returned to the capital, she enrolled into the imperial medical college and started from the bottom as a trainee practitioner. She also finds love with general Yue Zong Lin..