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Soif de sang

Soif de sang

Kate Davis est, sans le savoir, la descendante directe d'une vampire célèbre ayant créé une confrérie vampirique qui perdure de nos jours aux quatre coins du globe. Dans le but de réunir la lignée, cette dernière est kidnappée par les membres d'une étrange secte. Soumise à un véritable conditionnement physique et psychologique, Kate va tenter de toutes ses forces de lutter contre une destinée la superposant à ses terribles ancêtres..



A group of wayward teens at a wilderness boot camp must fight for their lives against the attacks of a ruthless blood-sucking alien. The attacks begin after they discover a strange "orb" in the middle of the desert. With no communication, and nowhere to hide, they realize their only chance for survival is to fight..



After wrecking their car in the middle of the desert, two couples find themselves stranded with few supplies. When the heat intensifies and their precious water supply dwindles, the frantic friends begin betraying each other in the hopes of survival. Their civility rapidly deteriorates as they begin to experience overwhelming fear and desperation..



Un jeune prêtre suit une expérience médicale et se porte volontaire pour tester un vaccin susceptible d'éradiquer une maladie qui sévit en Afrique. L'expérience est un fiasco, et le prêtre décède. Une transfusion sanguine d'origine inconnue le ramène à la vie, mais cette expérience le transforme progressivement en vampire. Rentré en Corée, sa résurrection attire les pèlerins. Parmi eux, il recroise la femme d'un ami d'enfance, aux charmes de laquelle il ne pourra résister..



Two best friends are pitted against each other when a new girl comes to town, matters are further complicated when they enlist together in the U S Army to fight in the Persian Gulf War, the men and their unit captured by Iraqi forces and must work together with other prisoners of war to escape....



A woman has moved to a small town boarding house to seek peace and quiet. All too soon she finds herself in a Keystone movie, where there's everything but..



Insomnia spreads in a small town, causing fear and panic. As the situation becomes dire, two couples find salvation on an abandoned ranch, but as nefarious characters descend upon the land, claiming it as their own, and chaos ensues..



A chemical engineer, who recently moved to town, struggles to find a way to kill a deadly new variant of Cryptosporidium that has infiltrated the town's water supply, causing people who drink it to die of thirst..



A young girl struggles with questions of humanity on the brink of life and death while trying to survive with a disgraced uncle who yearns for forgiveness. Compelling characters drive a powerful tale of loss and redemption among the survivors who, tested to their limits, must decide what it means to be human..



In dystopian future South Los Angeles, a father and daughter avoid sweating, crying, and drinking water while trying to escape moisture-sensitive monsters..



A young housekeeper, who's fallen in love with her employer, discovers a dark secret about the woman she loves..



In dystopian future South Los Angeles, a father & daughter avoid sweating, crying, and drinking water while trying to escape moisture-sensitive monsters..



The control over public water supply is significant policy issue around the world. Documentarians Alan Snitow and Deborah Kaufman take a close look at the global business trend of privatizing water supplies..



A man suddenly wakes up with an incontrollable thirst. He starts seeking for water, but he does not find it....



They said it was a new blend With a dark strong zombie brew head And the label on the table end said “Never Sleep Again”.

Thirst, ceci est mon sang

Thirst, ceci est mon sang

Sang-hyun est un jeune prêtre aimé, respecté. Il se porte volontaire pour tester de nouveaux vaccins afin de combattre une nouvelle maladie infectieuse redoutable, baptisée FIV. Malheureusement, le test échoue, il est contaminé. Mais contre toute attente, il s'en sort miraculeusement, rentre chez lui. La nouvelle de sa guérison mystérieuse se propage, de plus en plus de gens viennent le trouver pour recevoir sa bénédiction espérant sans doute que le miracle se reproduise. Parmi eux, Sang-hyun retrouve un ami d'enfance, sa femme. Il est immédiatement attiré par elle. Alors qu'il est en plein tourment, sa santé se dégrade brusquement, il tombe vraiment malade, se met à tousser, à cracher du sang, meurt épuisé. Mais le lendemain, il revient à la vie ! Il n'est plus tout à fait le même qu'avant….

Thirst with Shay Mitchell

Thirst with Shay Mitchell

Shay Mitchell explores the world one drink at a time as she visits exotic locations, samples unique ingredients, and meets expert hosts. On her journey, she encounters the latest drink trends, the best bars, and 8,000 years of sipping history..