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The Words

The Words

Cooper, un jeune écrivain, découvre dans un attaché-case acheté par sa femme (Saldana) un manuscrit à la façon d'Hemingway perdu par son auteur (Irons), qu'il va publier sous son propre nom, devenant ainsi célèbre. Au sommet de sa gloire, l'écrivain découvre le prix à payer pour avoir volé le travail d’un autre..

The Garden of Words

The Garden of Words

Takao, un jeune lycéen qui souhaite devenir cordonnier, sèche les cours et se rend dans un jardin japonais où il s’entraîne à dessiner des chaussures. Il y fait la rencontre de Yukino, une étrange jeune femme qui ne vient dans le jardin que les jours de pluie. Alors qu’ils deviennent de plus en plus proches, la saison des pluies touche à sa fin….

The L Word : Generation Q

The L Word : Generation Q

Elles ont la quarantaine ou pas encore trente ans. Elles sont lesbiennes et fières de l’être, même si ce n’est pas toujours facile. Amours, déconvenues, épreuves et réussites, leur vie dans la Cité des Anges n’a décidément rien d’un long fleuve tranquille....

The Secret life of words

The Secret life of words

Un lieu isolé au milieu de la mer. Une plateforme pétrolière où ne vivent que des hommes, ceux qui y travaillent, et où vient d'avoir lieu un accident. Une femme mystérieuse et solitaire, essayant d'oublier son passé, débarque sur la plateforme pour soigner un homme qui a temporairement perdu la vue. Entre eux se crée une étrange intimité, un lien fait de secrets, tissé de vérités, de mensonges, d'humour et de souffrance, qui ne les laissera pas indemnes et changera leur vie..

The Last Words

The Last Words

When a Deaf hitman goes to kill his Deaf target, the two get caught up in an argument over what should constitute appropriate last words, as the evening becomes increasingly absurd..

The Addictions of Sin: WH Auden in His Own Words

The Addictions of Sin: WH Auden in His Own Words

To commemorate the centenary of the birth of one of Britain’s most influential and best-loved poets, this film combines dramatisations of telling events in the life of WH Auden with interviews from the TV and radio archives and extracts from Auden’s poetry, notebooks, letters and journals. (BBC).

JK Rowling - la magie des mots

JK Rowling - la magie des mots

Avez-vous déjà entendu parler de ce jeune sorcier ayant survécu au seigneur des ténèbres ? Probablement oui, mais connaissez-vous l’histoire de l’écrivain britannique qui se cache derrière ce garçon ? De son enfance au succès de son oeuvre, entre moments de joie et de doutes, découvrez grâce à ce film extraordinaire l’univers magique de J.K. Rowling, rencontrez à ses côtés de nombreux personnages et lieux fantastiques qui ont fait des livres du célèbre héros un phénomène planétaire..

The 44th President: In His Own Words

The 44th President: In His Own Words

Comprised of two interviews with President Barack Obama conducted both before and after the 2016 Presidential election, The 44th President: In His Own Words is the President’s first-hand account of his time in office–his successes, his failures, his unfinished business–and what he hopes will be his legacy. Including additional interviews with members of his staff, Congress, and the press, The 44th President: In His Own Words is a unique examination of the Obama presidency from the inside out, and a profound and candid historical record that will stand for generations..

The Obama Years: The Power of Words

The Obama Years: The Power of Words

Barack Obama launched into our national consciousness at the 2004 Democratic National Convention and ever since, he's delivered messages of patriotism, unity, and hope through the power of words. But of all the speeches he's given, six in particular may define his legacy as, in historian Doris Kearns Goodwin's words, "one of the best writers and orators in the presidency." Interviews with eminent historians and key figures in his writing process give rare insights into these iconic speeches, as well as the Obama presidency and the man himself..

Words of the Titanic

Words of the Titanic

Readings from the diaries, accounts and letters of its passengers and crew tell the story of the Titanic, which sank 100 years ago today on its maiden voyage. The cast includes Richard E Grant, Roger Allam, Anna Madeley, James Wilby and Claudie Blakley, alongside relatives of those who were on board. Charles Dance narrates..

Words of Advice: William S. Burroughs On the Road

Words of Advice: William S. Burroughs On the Road

A portrait of the American Beat Generation writer William S. Burroughs (1914-1997) based on never-before-seen footage from his visit to Denmark in October 1983, and from his later years in Lawrence, Kansas. After having spent more than a quarter of a century outside of the United States, in Mexico, Tangier, Paris and London, Burroughs returned to New York in 1974. Shortly after, he began touring and reading his work to new generations of readers and thus establishing himself as a cult figure. The film focuses on Burroughs' unique talent as a performer, and on his later work, especially what is known as The Last Trilogy. In addition to the historic footage there are new interviews with friends and colleagues..

The Wordsmith

The Wordsmith

Penned by Mordecai Richler and set in wartime Montreal, this touching telefilm stars Saul Rubinek as Mervyn Kaplansky, a young writer from Toronto who boards with a family on St. Urbain Street only to find his aspirations undermined by the colourful yet desperate characters that surround him. Rubinek delivers a very touching performance as the boyish idealistic writer, and he is backed by a strong supporting cast that includes Harvey Atkin, Janet Ward and Peter Boretski..

The Author of These Words: Harold Horwood

The Author of These Words: Harold Horwood

Newfoundland writer Harold Horwood has been called many things, but his own opinion of himself is undiminished. A former union organizer, politician in the Smallwood government, muckraking journalist, and founder of a counterculture "free school" in the 1960s, he is also an award-winning author whose regional base has not lessened his national stature..