

The Woman in Black voirfilms

La Dame en noir

La Dame en noir

Arthur Kipps, jeune notaire à Londres, est obligé de se rendre dans le petit village perdu de Crythin Gifford pour régler la succession d’une cliente récemment décédée. Dans l’impressionnant manoir de la défunte, il ne va pas tarder à découvrir d’étranges signes qui semblent renvoyer à de très sombres secrets. Face au passé enfoui des villageois, face à la mystérieuse femme en noir qui hante les lieux et s’approche chaque jour davantage, Arthur va basculer dans le plus épouvantable des cauchemars….

The Woman in Black

The Woman in Black

When a friendless old widow dies in the seaside town of Crythin, a young solicitor is sent by his firm to settle the estate. The lawyer finds the townspeople reluctant to talk about or go near the woman's dreary home and no one will explain or even acknowledge the menacing woman in black he keeps seeing..

La Dame en noir 2 : L'Ange de la mort

La Dame en noir 2 : L'Ange de la mort

Évacués de Londres pendant les bombardements de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, un groupe de huit élèves, emmené par la directrice Jean Hogg et Eve Parkins, une jeune institutrice, arrive dans le petit village déserté de Crythin Gifford..

The Woman in Black

The Woman in Black

Young gypsy girl Mary, is seduced by the immoral Robert Crane and abandoned. She is exiled from the gypsies and, along with her mother Zenda, known as "The Woman in Black," she vows revenge. Meanwhile, Crane blackmails Stella Everett's father into forcing her to marry him, even though she loves Frank Mansfield, Crane's rival for a congressional seat. Frank wins, but Stella still faces the prospect of marriage to Crane until Zenda comes to her with a plan. On their wedding day, after the vows are recited, when Crane lifts the veil from his wife's face, he is shocked to discover, that his new bride is Mary. Now Stella and Frank are free to marry, and Zenda has gained her revenge..

Le Parfum de la dame en noir

Le Parfum de la dame en noir

Le jour du mariage de Mathilde Stangerson et de Robert Darzac, Joseph Rouletabille annonce à Sainclair, chef des informations du journal L'Epoque, que Larsan, le premier mari de Mathilde, n'est pas mort. Le célèbre reporter entraîne Sainclair au château des Roches-Rouges où séjournent les nouveaux époux et où Larsan lui échappe après une tentative manquée d'enlèvement de la jeune épouse ......

La vengeance de la femme en noir

La vengeance de la femme en noir

Augustin Marleau est un comédien qui a un talent fou... pour se faire détester. Déjà, dans son aventure précédente, l'Assassin jouait du trombone, il a failli servir de bouc émissaire à un dangereux criminel et à un inspecteur de police aussi ambitieux qu'étroit d'esprit. Aujourd'hui qu'il pense enfin revenir à une vie normale, les éternels ennemis de Marleau reviennent à la charge. D'abord, l'inspecteur de police, un dénommé Giuseppe Grasselli, s'obstine à faire de lui le coupable d'une énigmatique affaire d'enlèvements....

The Woman in Black and the Black Dragon

The Woman in Black and the Black Dragon

Celebrity Sadora is seriously wounded in an air crash. Police commissioner Suen and subordinate Ko Cheung find out Sadora was under duress from the Black Dragon Gang to collude with the criminals who had held his daughter hostage. When Ko, assuming Sadora's identity to safeguard his life, is abducted by the gang, Suen turns to 'Black Musketeer' Muk Lan-fa. By blatantly refusing to cooperate with the authorities, Muk escapes the surveillance of both the police and the gang. Acting alone, she scouts the location of the lair but ends up being imprisoned in the same cell with Ko. The captives use every trick in the book to escape. An undaunted Muk returns to infiltrate the den, while her sister Sau-chen, Suen and Ko are lying in wait. The hostages are released and the gang wiped out in a battle fiercely fought. (Synopsis based on visual audiomaterials).

Beah: A Black Woman Speaks

Beah: A Black Woman Speaks

Beah: A Black Woman Speaks is a 2003 documentary about the life of Academy Award nominated actress Beah Richards. Directed by Lisa Gay Hamilton, it won the Documentary Award at the AFI Los Angeles International Film Festival in 2003..

Je suis noires

Je suis noires

Juin 2020. Des foules descendent dans les rues de Genève, Zurich et Lausanne pour dénoncer le racisme systémique : du jamais vu en Suisse, pays qui refuse toute association avec l’esclavage et les puissances coloniales. Cet élan touche la journaliste suisse métisse Rachel M’Bon. Dans ce film bouleversant, elle part accompagnée de la cinéaste Juliana Fanjul à la rencontre de femmes qui racontent leur quête d’identité, dans un pays en apparence si tolérant..

Black Magic Woman

Black Magic Woman

Helen is an executive for a large insurance company in Bangkok. Rivalry causing her problems amongst her and other employees causes her to turn to black magic in her hope to turn things around......

Woman with Black Tie

Woman with Black Tie

Two families of petty crooks, one in Bucharest and the other one in Chisinau, give each a burglary. The first one from Bucharest steal a famous painting in a museum, others break the home of a rich man in Chisinau and they obtain also a valuable painting. Proudly shows off its prey: Woman with Black Tie by Modigliani. Yes, the same painting twice! Stupor and prestige wrinkling. But whose is the original and who stole the fake?—Adrian Popovici.

Precarious Woman Executive Miss Black General

Precarious Woman Executive Miss Black General

Miss Black General is the villainous leader of RX, a secret organization bent on world-domination. Unfortunately, Miss Black General also has a huge crush on Brave Man, a costumed superhero dedicated to foiling RX's evil schemes, and she often mistakes his violent heroics for an overly enthusiastic form of flirtation. So how exactly is she going to to conquer the world when she can't even conquer her own feelings? And how will Brave Man respond to this odd twist?.