

The Wedding voirfilms

The Wedding

The Wedding

The Wedding is a romantic-comedy television series aired over at ABS-CBN starring Anne Curtis, Zanjoe Marudo and Derek Ramsay. The show ran for 11 weeks on Primetime Bida..

Mariage arrangé

Mariage arrangé

Le soir de son mariage, Tari se voit soudain obligée de passer un accord avec son mari, Bian, stipulant que leur mariage prendra fin après seulement un an. Bian, dont le cœur est fidèle à sa petite-amie de longue date, Sarah, n'a accepté de se marier que pour satisfaire les attentes de ses parents. Tari va alors tenter de gagner l'amour de Bian..

After the Wedding

After the Wedding

Jacob Petersen a voué sa vie à la construction d'un orphelinat en Inde. Mais l'établissement est menacé de fermeture. Un donateur, Jorgen, lui demande alors de rentrer au Danemark pour effectuer la transaction financière. Arrivé sur place, Jorgen l'invite au mariage de sa fille qui a lieu le lendemain. Lors de la cérémonie, Jacob comprend que sa présence n'est pas sans raison....

The Wedding

The Wedding

A young Muslim man, Rami, who is engaged to a young woman named Sara. We soon discover that Sam is also involved on the side with a young male artist named Lee..

The Wedding Plan

The Wedding Plan

À 32 ans, Michal est enfin heureuse : tout est prêt pour qu’elle s’unisse à l’homme de sa vie. Un mois avant le jour J, quand il lui avoue qu’il ne l’aime pas, Michal est au bord de la crise de nerfs. Bien décidée à abandonner son statut de célibataire qui lui colle à la peau, Michal continue ses préparatifs comme si de rien n’était. Elle le sait, car Dieu l’a prévu : elle se mariera le huitième soir de Hanouka. Elle a la robe, le traiteur, le lieu de la fête… après tout, il lui reste 30 jours pour trouver un mari !.

The Wedding

The Wedding

Shelby Coles (Halle Berry) is engaged to marry talented white jazz musician Meade Howell, but the pair face opposition from both Meade's family, who object to an inter-racial marriage, and Shelby's parents, who want her to marry a professional. As Shelby is afflicted by pre-marital doubts, handsome Lute McNeil arrives on the scene, determined to make Shelby his at any cost..

The Wedding

The Wedding

The Wedding is a 1998 television miniseries directed by Charles Burnett. Based on a novel by Dorothy West, it stars Halle Berry, Eric Thal, and Lynn Whitfield, and was produced by Harpo Productions. The story touches on the subjects of marriage, race, prejudice, and family in 1950s Martha's Vineyard. The miniseries aired on ABC on February 22 and February 23, 1998..

The Wedding Bells

The Wedding Bells

The Wedding Bells is an American television comedy-drama that ran on Fox from March 7 to April 6, 2007. The series was greenlighted after the network became interested in a series centered on wedding planners. The network approached David E. Kelley to create the show, and he essentially remade a rejected pilot he created for ABC in 2004 entitled DeMarco Affairs which starred Selma Blair, Lindsay Sloane and Sabrina Lloyd as three sisters who inherit a wedding planner service. Though the show had a moderately strong premiere, it faded in the ratings and was cancelled after seven episodes had been produced and five episodes were aired..

The Wedding Party

The Wedding Party

Une grandiose cérémonie de mariage prend une tournure chaotique. À 24 ans, propriétaire d'une gallerie d'art et fille unique de ses parents, Engineer Bamidele et Mme Tinuade Coker, Dunni s'apprête à se marier avec l'amour de sa vie, le chef d'une société d'informatique Dozie le séduisant fils de Felix et Obianuju Onwuka. Le couple avait fait un voeu de chasteté et projette une nuit de noces étincelante. Il leur faut d'abord survivre à la cérémonie de mariage explosive..

Le Prince et moi 2 : Mariage royal

Le Prince et moi 2 : Mariage royal

Paige et le prince Edvard du Danemark, qui se sont rencontrés sur le banc d'une université américaine, sont dans les préparatifs de leur mariage lorsque l'ambitieux, mais néanmoins noble, Albert s'oppose à leur union. Rêvant depuis longtemps de voir Kirsten, sa fille, épouser Edvard et monter sur le trône, il exhume une vieille loi stipulant que l'héritier du trône doit y renoncer s'il contracte un mariage roturier. Il espère ainsi voir Edvard s'éloigner de Paige. Mais alors qu'Edvard se décide à renoncer à son trône par amour pour Paige, celle-ci découvre un article dans la Constitution autorisant leur mariage....

The Wedding

The Wedding

By the time Tony found out that his illegal card room was $10,000 short, Kent would be long gone. He had pulled this kind of caper a hundred times. Kent didn't need a partner, but he couldn't resist sharing the experience with Kim, the diner waitress who could make his operation a whole lot easier. So why did Kent find himself holed up in a retirement home with a wounded woman, a man gunning for him and a group of senior citizens asking him to fix their AC? Would Kent let his greed do him in? Or would he find redemption?.

The Wedding

The Wedding

Independent romantic comedy about a Wedding gone awry. 'The Wedding' follows Sam and Aggy; best man and maid of honour to their best friend's wedding, as they struggle to make it to the ceremony on time. Meanwhile the rest of the wedding party are having problems of their own..

The Wedding

The Wedding

On their wedding day, the poor young couple lose their wedding ring. The film gradually shows how lonely and helpless the couple are while they coping with the mess..

The Wedding

The Wedding

Class distinctions, inferiority complexes, and social climbing abound as the bride, groom, and their families gather for a wedding banquet. There's a rumor that a general will be in attendance, secured by a real estate agent at one family's expense. After an argument about electricity, which exposes both the ignorance and the combativeness of the bride, the general does arrive, ear trumpet in hand. He commands the attention of all. But will tranquility last until the group photo?.

The Wedding

The Wedding

The event and its (on) taken on the live. The marriage of Sandra and Thierry, surrounded by their friends. Direct cinema, without retouching..

The Wedding

The Wedding

A melancholy boy attends his estranged Father’s wedding to a large Latina woman aboard a small and cramped boat on a shark infested sea..



Kat Ellis, new-yorkaise de trente ans et responsable auprès d'une compagnie aérienne, doit se rendre à Londres pour le mariage d'Amy, sa jeune sœur. Mais elle n'a nullement envie d'y arriver comme célibataire et d'y voir son ancien fiancé qui sera témoin au mariage. Elle décide d'engager un escort-boy pour l'accompagner en tant que fiancé..