

The Vaccine streaming vf complet gratuit

The Vaccine Against Corruption

The Vaccine Against Corruption

The anti-corruption Organization and the best virologists of the country find the "virus of corruption" in the blood of ruthless corrupt officials. And they create a vaccine against the virus. Two candidates are found for verification: Ardaev, the prosecutor general of the city, a big bribe taker, and Ruslan, the director of a nursing home, the most honest person in the country.Ardaev is secretly injected with a vaccine, and Ruslan is infected with the "corruption virus". The lives of the test subjects are changing dramatically, and the virus is getting out of control..



Akio, a musician from Japan, and his darling Dr. Nami take a trip to Thailand with a guide named Palin. During the trip, the couple has a misunderstanding and Nami returns to Japan alone. Akio stays behind, plays music in a pub, catches COVID-19, and has to stay in a Thai hospital. Palin sticks around to care for him while trying to help Akio and Nami reconcile. In the midst of the influx of COVID cases, Palin witnesses the dedication of the doctors and nurses, of Dr. Trin, Dr. Nee, Dr. Vee, and Dr. Nami who are exhausted trying to keep their patients alive. Palin decides to open a blog called "You...Vaccine" to show people the value of taking care of each other in this difficult time and motivate them to send their care and well wishes to people from all directions..

Her Breast Milk Vaccine

Her Breast Milk Vaccine

2030 A.D., a deadly infectious disease with a fatality rate of 99% called Morumoru, is a virus that can only infect men. The only preventative measure is maternal breast milk. Sang Gyu and Jeon Seo try to get pregnant but both couples find it hard to conceive. They change their partners to find that the chances of pregnancy become high..

Vaccine Diplomacy

Vaccine Diplomacy

Alors qu’au printemps 2020 la pandémie de Covid-19 frappait le monde de plein fouet, la vaccination est rapidement apparue comme l’unique moyen d’y faire face. Les laboratoires pharmaceutiques, lancés dans une "course au vaccin", ont peu à peu dévoilé leurs produits à l’automne 2020. Mais tandis que la crise appelait la coopération internationale, l’égoïsme vaccinal s’est implacablement imposé. En décembre, Donald Trump annonçait ainsi réserver à ses concitoyens les vaccins produits sur le sol américain – décision sur laquelle est revenu Joe Biden au printemps 2021, sous la pression de l’Europe. Se positionnant en actrice de la solidarité internationale, l’Union européenne a exporté des millions de doses vers des pays privilégiés (Japon, Royaume-Uni, Canada...), laissant les nations les plus fragiles entre les mains de Covax ....

We Don’t Vaccinate

We Don’t Vaccinate

Vaccinations are considered to be the greatest success in medicine. But are they really a comprehensive and safe protection against dangerous diseases? More and more evidence shows: The risk from the diseases that vaccinations are supposed to protect against are out of proportion to the side effects of the preparations! The film rolls up the biggest scandals with vaccines and at the same time explains where vaccinations are used everywhere..

Des vaccins et des hommes

Des vaccins et des hommes

Dans les années 1870, la découverte des microbes par Louis Pasteur a constitué une révolution pour la médecine scientifique. En expliquant la cause des maladies infectieuses, le chercheur comprenait en même temps quel devait être leur antidote : la vaccination. Son succès fut tel que cette technique visant à stimuler le système immunitaire est devenue depuis le porte-drapeau de la médecine scientifique, jusqu’à dessiner une ligne de partage entre lumière et obscurantisme, science et superstition. Comment prendre du recul sur la question quand les invectives de ces dernières années ont rendu tout débat inaudible ?.